General Discussion

General DiscussionHeros that Deserve A Spotlight in Next patch.

Heros that Deserve A Spotlight in Next patch. in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    With all the pro games having a Invoker, OD, Sven, Furion, Specter and some others.
    I Want to see more diversity, those games all seem the same, fuck the meta.
    I want BREWMASTER, this fucker is litterally rape simulator, you get the enemy drunk them you rape him.
    I want Kunkka, he is very fun to play as, but what was the last time he was seen in the competitive scene.
    I want Razor, he was a powerhouse 4 patches ago, i still remmenber fucking people with him, but now he is nowhere to be seen.
    I want Night Stalker, he is very powefull early and mid game, and i dont want to see him as a utility role i want to see him a carry, he is like a sven that can fight earlier, he hits hard, he can silence you for 8 secs and kill you in the night.
    I (dont) want Viper, he is annoying as fuck, but is a long time since he was in the competitive scene.
    I want Silencer, he is ODjr., he can fight earlier than OD, he has the most powerfull global spell, but we only see him in special ocasions.
    I want Medusa, What was the last time Medusa was a viable Pick
    I want Weaver, he was a powerhouse 2014-2015, but them he disapeared of the pro games, he can pack quite the punch, and is really hard to kill.
    I want Terror, but they never stop messing with that hero.


      What about heroes like shadow demon. He seems cool


        I want Tinker, because he's fun as fuck. :P


          Silencer? OP Ulti ? 2k Euls? Hello from the other side buddy

          ASSESS Product

            +1 for Kunkka

            Last time i playing him, i just felt something is wrong with him.

            Johnny Rico

              @dawn everyone has will build a item to counter one hero, that is one of the most retarded logic that seems to apply to all dota players, they have silencer and od, everyone will build a euls and a bkb.
              The strengh of the ult is that it kills those teamfighint supports without they doing shit.


                sf storm


                  I want Puck. Have no idea what could make him popular though, his abilities are great, just a high skill cap hero.


                    but puck is pretty popular already..?

                    [F]unky Panda

                      80% confident we will see riki in cm mode n some changes to him i.e. aghs extension.. Riki can be the next bounty hunter kinda hero., with emphasis of roaming/supporting lanes.


                        @arin, Puck is #65 in popularity right now. I haven't seen him as a staple in pro games for a while, but then again, I haven't been watching anything for a few months.

                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                          drow, sf, sniper, tinker and no, pls save braindead heroes like viper or razor for bot games

                          Mao Xina

                            ^^ razor is a braindead hero but sniper is not? lol that joke

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              If Panda becomes relevant again I'm gonna shit on kids so much it won't be fun. jk it would be fun.


                                @arin, Puck is #65 in popularity right now. I haven't seen him as a staple in pro games for a while, but then again, I haven't been watching anything for a few months.

                                well puck will never be a pub pick but i'm fairly sure that >5ks pick him a lot as well as profi players in comp games
                                i think that if he gets more buffs to make him popular he's gonna be a t1 pick


                                  I WANT LYCAN


                                    Then watch Na'Vi


                                      i want storm

                                      Pom Pom 🍕

                                        I just want a patch without this new aoe gold component based on player networths where you gain gold from kills based on the networth differences of each player in range. Farm-heavy 4-protect-1 heroes would be much better without it.

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                                          @arin, I think a Buff to his Agh's would be nice. I've had fun playing him as an offlaner on my smurf account, but he doesn't quite have the same utility other offlaners can provide. I think his Agh's should maybe prevent channeling spells for the duration of the Coil, including TP.
                                          I really like the hero and what he has to offer, I just can't seem to play him in low level tier matches. I've found that no matter how well I snowball in NS matches, I can't outcarry their team, and my team can't farm enough to keep the lead - giving up comeback gold and xp.

                                          Speaking of which, I'd like the next patch to consider heavily their current comeback mechanics. Seems kind of broken. I'd rather be behind in the first 20 minutes as of late. Winning 1 or 2 team fights when you are behind almost gurantees you the game. I know that isn't relevant to heroes we'd like to see, but IMO, that is a more important aspect of the game than individual hero buffs or nerfs.

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                                            I would like to see tiny independent of wisp.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Arin! <3 Get out of here with your storm suggestion, you'll just AFK farm with him like always. Kappa

                                              Someone said Tinker, I don't want him, I learned something from this patch, I don't like global heroes. Whenever global heroes are really good or OP, they can literally be ANYWHERE on the map, it's pretty much always unsafe to go anywhere, and it's pretty annoying. You can't even go on the support dazzle who just happens to be solo, cause the moment you go on him, boom, Spectre will be their in 2 seconds. You literally have to plan your kills, and calculate if you can kill the support really fast, and know you can still escape after. An op Tinker would just be everywhere, and it would be really annoying playing from behind, as much as I love the hero.

                                              I want melee mids to get buffed, i'm tired of not even being able to go mid with them, just cause range heroes just totally out class melee heroes. They take a million damage just trying to get one last hit sometimes. The thing is, I kunkka, X Marks the spot is a totally annoying skills, and sometimes makes me feel useless until I get Linkens, they literally always target me every game. >.>

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                                                I understand your concerns regarding Tinker buffs. However, you have to admit he can be incredibly enjoyable to play and on that basis alone I think his Aghs upgrade should allow all spells and items to pierce BKB and deal pure damage, while also removing the mana cost of Rearm and giving him a 200 mana per second recharge rate after using BoTs. Giving him an arcana would also be acceptable.

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                                                Livin' Real Good
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                                                    That was the point. :P

                                                    You might say its just me Tinker-ing with sarcasm.

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                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      Oh, you sounded pretty serious, okay then.

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                                                        Visage guys. He is out of the meta since TI13 (I wish for the return of more Tri Lanes too.)

                                                        Also since last patch he is the least played Hero after Chen got some nice buffs during the last X patches.
                                                        But imho Chen has the more difficult micro.

                                                        And yes Shadow fiend of course.

                                                        Bottle nerfs
                                                        Jungle magic resistance
                                                        Mana cost of razes to 90

                                                        That was just too much for him. The 90 mana cost increase was overkill. He was not picked once during Shangai major.

                                                        Storm also needs some calibrations.

                                                        They are both trash atm (atm almost half a year)

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                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          Nobody mention huskar????? Anyoneeeee??????


                                                            tb is in a more serious condition, he doesn't have an oracle that boost him from ultra trash to top pick

                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                              For SF, Huskar, Storm, they were very picked in the last patch, Visage is like a Chen he will always be picked.

                                                              Homzi(most wanted interna...

                                                                Kotl giff me mana or i kell u

                                                                I KELL U!!!!!!!

                                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                                  It's crazy how many of you want Storm back, I guess Storm really is the man in the spot light just like the character claims to be. He adds excitement, especially with his immortal red lighting ball effect.

                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                    I Forgot, but Timber was never in any meta i think is the least played hero in the pro scene.


                                                                      I want doom, morph, Nightstalker, and chaos Knight.

                                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                        I think tinker is fine as he is. He just needs an established convention of how he should be played, much like how the pubs struggled to find the right playstyle for alchemist a few patches back. Also, tink has a high skill cap but buffing him any further would result him being the next invoker.

                                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                          Dragon Knight. Make his Elder Dragon form cd shorter


                                                                            Please buff me. I am soo fcking noob. I cant climb to 4k.


                                                                              Bring in The Big Business Titan himself (Elder Titan) only time people picked him when his spirit had an exploit. I want to see him go ham

                                                                              waku waku



                                                                                  "I want Silencer, he is ODjr., he can fight earlier than OD, he has the most powerfull global spell, but we only see him in special ocasions."
                                                                                  Same here, silencer is one of my favourites, wish people would play him more

                                                                                  what about nyx or clinkz? nyx with his high burst damage makes him deadly for ganks in early and mid game
                                                                                  Clinkz+desolator+scythe of vyse = Watch Out!

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    I think i once 1v5 a 30 minute game with puck and 4 other carries

                                                                                    Bought and upgraded courier, wards etc

                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                      I dont want puck to go tier 1 though, the cd teduction buffs are strong enough and also if puck gets overused, im pretty sure puck will be back to dogshit tier @ 6.88

                                                                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                        I don't think Invoker and OD are being represented enough currently.


                                                                                          Two heroes which are in for a fairly big buff imo are Venomancer and Centaur. They've both been receiving buffs recently but are still completely absent from professional matches.

                                                                                          Venomancer was unpicked in the Shanghai Major.
                                                                                          Centaur was picked three times and only won once.

                                                                                          He does okay in pub matches but when has merely doing okay led to nerfs/no buffs. Spectre had a 57% winrate from the leshrac/bloodseeker patch (higher winrates than those heroes themselves actually), and he got buffed in 6.85.

                                                                                          I reckon Venomancer will probably finally get a buff maybe to veno wards. It's the only skill he hasn't gotten buffed recently and quite frankly the only real decent skill he has. A big buff to wards damage and hp would make him much more relevant in the late game, it would also give him a much stronger early game, eg if level 1 wards can't just killed in 2 hits then they become a significant zoning tool in the early game.

                                                                                          For Centaur he is probably just going to get another buff to return, might be a really significant one. It's currently 30/45/60/75% of strength, could maybe increase to 30/50/70/90% or something like that. And improved cast point on his spells would probably boost his winrate by 10% by itself I reckon.

                                                                                          Luna is going to get another buff...probably to her fucking aghs again. He really wants this item to be core on her for some reason.

                                                                                          PA buff might be incoming. Get your Arcanas and be ready to insta pick her in ranked so you aren't forced to play against her. She'll be countered by Sven though who will be able to farm a fast MKB and then just destroy her.

                                                                                          Timbersaw buff pls I hope.

                                                                                          Clinkz and Kunkka will also be buffed again since they are still shit even after 10 patches of continuous buffing. Chaos Knight too, he's still pretty much unpicked in competitive unless paired with a wisp. Lycan might get another buff, he's been out of the meta since the post TI4 nerfs much like Razor and Tinker even though he had a very good winrate at Shanghai. I reckon making octarine core a core item on Lycan would help a lot - 45 second cooldown for the 18 second transformation time.

                                                                                          Those are my predictions based on what he has been buffing over the past few patches but which are almost unpicked in competitive matches.

                                                                                          brendlol, my anaconda don't

                                                                                            Yes but NO STORM OR TERRORBLADE, shit heroes! Visage definitely needs a return I agree. So does JAKIRO, OGRE, TREANT, SD! And potentially Dusa and Night stalker.


                                                                                              Chaos knight scares the shit out of me already

                                                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                I want Lycan, WW, Elder Titan, Earth Spirit, and Bane to be awesome.

                                                                                                Oh, razor is great, especially if you lane with a bane.

                                                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                                                                                                  And: LC, Terror Blade, SF, Techies since their arcanas are very nice and it's not fair having their arcanas while they suck (tb is underrated)

                                                                                                  Lina, CM, Zeus and PA are pretty baller as far as arcana heroes.

                                                                                                  [F]unky Panda

                                                                                                    We need some love for Riki


                                                                                                      Thats right guys Timber in the meta would be awesome. And something realy new.
                                                                                                      Though the buffs shouldnt be too heavy as i wouldn't call him a lackluster in public games.

                                                                                                      Venomancer imho needs some major changes. He was buffed (as mentioned by some others) during the last patches but he just still cant stand the direct comparison to supports who are and were in the meta.

                                                                                                      I think the wards are his problem too.

                                                                                                      Nightstalkers last nerf to his nuke was unnecessary imho...You can feel the missing slow seconds alot and it makes snowballing so much harder.

                                                                                                      Also btw:

                                                                                                      Bring back Brewmaster(but not so strong as he was during TI14) and
                                                                                                      Bring back Elder Titan.

                                                                                                      A staple buff to Shadow Demon would be also nice. Very nice skillset I think within him lies alot of potential.

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                                                                                                        All People need is to see the power of tiny. He is a very good nuker with a very good DMG when at level 16. Plus he can do many roles at the same time like nuking carrying and even supporting and with a sceptre and moon shard he can clear creep camps and waves very fast with a few swipes of his tree. He is good at early game but very spell reliable, in mid game he has a fair amount of DMG and nuke ability and at late game he is a beast clearing anything in it's path with swipes of the massive tree. If well farmed he is a unstoppable force of action who not to be messed with. But sadly he is not that popular as he should be. He is like a hero who has great potential but is not used that much.