General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick The Grandest Mag(n)us

Rubick The Grandest Mag(n)us in General Discussion

    The ability to steal spells is the best ability dota has to offer. With aghanim's you can be the deciding factor in fights. I personally love playing rubick, even though I'm not very good with rubick because I believe rubick to be one of the strongest heroes in dota and learning to play him will benefit you a lot.




        1.dont steel the title of hexor or dc (Im not shure who just started that series)
        2.rubick first pos is strong in some matches and then its the most fun hero to play bec you do everything that the enemys do as well

        robert johnson

          Can rubbick steals skill with aganim effect?


            Yes, once he gets his aghs, every spell he steals that has aghs upgrade has the upgrade.


              Watch the Rubick higlights on Miracle-'s gameplays, but I also suggest to watch everything.

              lm ao

                Hey, i dont wanna be mean but, whats actually the fucking point of this thread?

                Original post doesnt sound like good intro to a general rubick thread


                  Why does rubick have two slots.... for extension of some spells only.(for eg. Spec's ulti??)

                  lm ao


                    Magbalugtong Jr.

                      yes, but i think rubick is more of a situational hero, picking rubick againts a hero with no big skills is kinda useless. Nevertheless I love Rubick too.


                        when i play with rubick i usually lose
                        when i play against rubick i usually win