General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed Help with Silencer

Need Help with Silencer in General Discussion

    So, I just started playing silencer quite recently and am doing horrible at the moment but I like the hero a lot. And I'm wondering if any experienced silencer spammers out there got any tips for how silencer should be built and should he be played as carry or support?
    I'm guessing that Treads>Lothar>Mask>Atos/Moonshard is the general idea when running him mid.

    Yung Suucc

      What bracket are we talking? Not asking to try and negatively judge, just the various MMR groupings, lets say in chunks of 1k, have their own meta.

      Pale Mannie

        Silence people -> win game

        salt enjoyer

          Support only if + 1 support with lockdown.


            solo queue high skill bracket ranked uncalibrated, party queue 4.4k ranked vhs unranked. thanks for the advice thus far, i probably won't be able to reply more until tomorrow though

            Venus, MBA

              If I'm playing support silencer I get arcanes on him. Not for me, but for my team. Especially if you have someone on your team like Ursa who has low mana and tends to spam spells a lot. Get orchid for the extra silence, and to increase his auto attack at the same time. The extra silence is good to have against people who have purges and dispels such Abaddon and Oracle, and to counter the smart people who buy eul's, Lotus, Manta Style, etc for the dispel.
              Rod of Atos gives you enough health to survive in team fights and Mek also helps if nobody on your team has one. If you have a lot of money, go refresher for the double global. Force staff gives you a bit of Intel plus an escape method which Silencer lacks.