General Discussion

General DiscussionIncrease in Skill?

Increase in Skill? in General Discussion

    I'd like the forum's regulars to answer this, if possible. If forum mods have access to stats that can shed light on the answer, I'd like to hear an answer as well.

    With the increase in knowledge / analysis abuot the game, the increase in guides and videos, and creation of websites like this one, do you all think the average level of DotA2 skill is increasing? Apparently, for the pro scene, many people believe TI1/2 winners played DotA at a level more closely resembling current Tier 2 teams. If this is true for the pros, is it also true for lower levels of play?
    If you believe this is true, has this caused an increase in average MMR? Or is the average MMR the same, but the average DotA1 player (right before DotA2 came out), assuming he learned nothing new about DotA in 5 years, would today calibrate at below 3k?
    If you don't believe this is true, what factors counterweigh the things I just mentioned?

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      The average Dota 1 player would definitely calibrate below 3k since the average Dota 2 player who knows how to play Dota 2 is already below 3k.


        i guess that might be true, it wouldnt be only if everyone had the same learning progress

        lm ao

          I am regualr big D = skill
          Keep up with the roids ull be 9k in no time

          Triplo is bz with winning jdl for intangible points ahaha im gun b proxi 4 him todei no h0mmmo he not send d pics promiseeee

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            well mine went from normal to high cause of a very op hero :))

            lol ok

              I was playing Heroes of Newerth before started playing Dota2.
              I calibrated at very high skill bracket 3.7k and a smurf calibrated at 4k. HoNtrash power


                I think this is true, and holds true for most games with a large, competitive, player base. The longer a game is out the more players learn about it and the higher the standards become. You can look at counter strike over the years and see how the standard for good accuracy and mechanics have gone up drastically.

                yung griphook

                  I was not a dota 1 player, but you can see the skill increasing constantly. Remember when 7kmmr was god tier? Now, the high level pub stompers are finding their place in the pro scene.

                  Waku Waku

                    d1 player here who stopped d1 due to army for 2 years, calibrated at 4.2 solo 3.3 pt after ending my army duties l0l


                      The mmr hasn't changed but the skill level for each mmr did, 1ks now play like the 2ks of 3 years ago, 3ks now play like the 4ks 2 years ago, and so on

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                          people have gotten a lot better, im also 100% sure mmr inflation is a real thing. 5k is the new 4k, 8k is the new 7k etc..

                          This game is not very friendly for beginners i think.