General Discussion

General DiscussionWild idea: Let's cast each other's games! , Cast the match ID before ...

Wild idea: Let's cast each other's games! , Cast the match ID before yours and reply with a VOD in General Discussion
Gawr Gura

    Just a wild thought and this seems pretty far fetched. But if everyone pitches in this could be magical. I'm sure like me there are hundreds of you aspiring casters out there. And some of you would love to see their best games getting cast. So I'm thinking a win-win scenario for everyone. People post the match ID of games they want casted and aspiring casters can try their hand in it. Or we can do something like cast the post before yours. That way those aspiring casters will at least have one person (hopefully more) watch their games. Sorry if this has been suggested before but what do you guys think? I'm yolo-ing it here goes.

    Match Id: 2230795197


      hope u cast this match plz. this is god of qop
