General Discussion

General DiscussionReached VHS, Teammates got worse?

Reached VHS, Teammates got worse? in General Discussion

    So, a friend and I had been plowing through high skill games for a few days and found ourselves in VHS.

    A strange thing happened.

    When we got there, we started getting paired with low skill players (2k mmr, under 400 games played, etc.), and facing off against teams with mostly 4k-5k players with a couple extremely low mmr balancing points (1k-1.5k players) to even the match out.

    Is this common?

    I understand that technically the teams are 'balanced' mmr wise, but it's like playing with potatoes.

    I enjoy playing support, but by the time I've picked, I begin to realize that my carry will probably not know how to farm (after checking a few profiles), and thus my efforts will be wasted. Sometimes they pick heroes that make no sense for the draft, regardless of the other teams picks and the game just seems lost from minute one.

    Should I just start picking carries like a typical "dunning krueger gtfo my lane regardless of team picks" guy, or continue to support and cross my fingers? Either way the game seems like it will become less enjoyable if I'm forced into a role I don't prefer.

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      Well you can have very few games played and be in VHS or HS so


        You're playing party ranked, so the matching can be really different than normal. The best games are usually played in solo ranked I find, but you get what you can out of party and make the best of it.

        Livin' Real Good


          Did you even check his games? OP isn't even playing ranked.

          Honestly OP, you shouldn't even think of VHS pubs/unranked matches as VHS at all, it means nothing in unranked, any MMR range can get into a VHS unranked game, so it's nothing to feel special about.

          I'm 4K MMR in ranked, so I get VHS matches, but if you look at my unranked, I have nothing but normal skill matches with people who are all 2.3K MMR and that think they're better than me, and just about everyone. XD

          Even my Pudge/Riki spamming typical noob 1.9K MMR friend gets very high skill unranked games.

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            There is a difference between occasionally getting into a VHS game once every hundred or so games as a balancing factor, and consistently being placed into VHS. There was a clear trend of wins leading up to the point where I reached vhs, which leads me to believe that it is the latter situation in my case (with over a 75% win rate this month in high skill, it is likely I've gained a reasonable amount of hidden mmr).

            I don't play ranked, as I find the frequency in which you encounter unpleasant players increases exponentially in ranked match making. I enjoy winning and improving, but I also enjoy playing with human beings; as opposed to the subhuman rage monsters I find to be prevalent in ranked games.

            Implying that unless you play ranked, your games have no consequence is silly; as from what I understand the majority of players spend most of their time playing unranked matches. While it may be true that people tend to vary their builds and heroes more in unranked, that would also imply that people are more apt to learn and improve in unranked matches; being free to expand their hero pools and learn new strategies that they would otherwise be too afraid to try in ranked.

            From what I've observed, people playing ranked tend to narrow their hero pool down to a couple of their best, and focus playing those so as not to lose mmr (which clearly directly equates to peen length) as opposed to attempting to become better at dota on the whole.

            In general, the number of my mmr does not matter to me, save that by increasing it I hope to play more interesting games with more skilled players. If increasing it past where I am now means playing with less skilled players more frequently, then I can only think that the match making system could use a few tweaks.


              You have a net +15 wins in High Skill unranked games. So you have gained about 375 MMR above Normal. However, you have a net -18 games in Very High, a loss of about 450 MMR... and that is certaintly party unranked MMR.

              In ranked you have no Very High games and are 1 win 4 losses for High Skill.

              All this suggests that your unranked solo and party MMRs are a bit more than halfway up the High Skill range. You might be around 3.5k MMR.

              In the last 5 days you had 12 Very High unranked games and lost 9 of them 25% winrate. I conclude these are the ones you are refering too. During the same 5 days you had 13 High unranked games and won 11 of them 85% winrate.

              It looks like Valve is finding two sorts of games for you. They find some matches where MMRs are close, they become High Skill and you appear to be underated so you are winning those easily. However they are also putting you in games with large ranges of MMR against better players boosting some friend - then you get crushed.

              To avoid this I recommend adding a third person to your stack, or canceling and re-queing after a minute. If you take long search results the match is not as good since it expands the MMR range as time goes on.


                ur hidden mmr is 2.9k

                Dire Wolf

                  How do you know the guys you are playing are 5k with some 1ks in there if it's unranked? It doesn't show their mmr at the end and all you can do is guess based on vhs,hs,normal brackets. Unless they literally all have their mmr public on profile and you checked it.

                  But even then there's four mmrs, solo ranked, party ranked, a hidden solo normal and a hidden party normal, so just cus someone posts a solo of 5k their party normal might be 4k. Maybe they goof around with friends or pick dumb heroes in unranked, who knows? The matchmaking is always right by the numbers.


                    @relentless - Some good insight right there dude. Thanks!


                      @Relentless: Good advice. I've been looking for a third for our stack for quite some time; I hadn't considered that that would shrink the matchmaking range. As much as I enjoy playing with more skilled opponents, I think 5k is a bit much at the moment. I might be able to hold my own with my best heroes, but that doesn't give me very much wiggle room to play anything but my top three or so; which I don't find enjoyable on repeat.

                      @Dire Wolf: Some people display their MMR's in their profile. I've taken to scrolling over portraits to determine who I need to watch out for in what roles. I've been noticing an unusually high amount of high 4k-5k players matched against us. Granted, part of the problem here might be that these people queue ranked most of the time, and have since left their unranked MMR in the dust and thus be around my hidden MMR.

                      I suppose I'll have to go on the prowl for another friend of relatively close skill to myself.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Yes that is very likely the case, especially their party normal mmrs.

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!