General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom but serious question. For MODS or who has worked.

Random but serious question. For MODS or who has worked. in General Discussion

    Do you guys read the news?

    I mean negative news are out there everyday.
    I read the news today of crimes and it bring me to pessimistic and I dunno, feeling blue.

    on the other hand, we can learn the criminal's motive and how they did it.

    I you guys cut these news from your life?

    This is not related to dota, yes.
    But I really want to know your opinion.




        Cmon...I feel like this after reading somebody poisoned her friend death from college...or a gardener who robbed his ex boss for 5 years. I wanna know if it's just me.


          ONLY YOU ..........

          can make the darkness bright


            I've been a quizzer since grade 5 (sciece, GK and IT mostly), there's not a piece of news I leave unturned, you'll keep finding sad news everywhere. After a while, you'll realize that you need to move on as there was nothing you could have done.


              It is important to realize that people are basically selfish and will do evil things. However, when considering crimes realize that the hype distorts, exagerates the problem.

              Chicago, IL has the highest murder rate in the US and last year it really jumped higher that usual.
              However, its still only 1 in 5809 people who were killed and most people killed were involved with the gang wars.

              Have you spoken to 5000 people in your whole life? Could you name 300 people you have met?

              Let's consider crime more broadly. According the the FBI in 2013 there were 1.1 million violent crimes in the US. Less than 1 for every 300 people. And 62% were fights. 29% were robberies 7% rapes and 1% murders.

              Criminals are rare. Almost everyone is not a violent criminal.

              This is not true everywhere. If you live in an area controlled by ISIS there is plenty to be concerned about. But if you live in a modern city with hundreds of thousands of people who get up everyday and live their lives not trying to hurt you realize that they all have the same common interest with you in keeping it that way.

              In the US there are 400 million guns, but only about 10,000 murders per year. That means 99.9975% were not used to kill people. Almost all of them are held by people who would help defend you from attack rather than attack you.

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              Dire Wolf

                Dude you're a lot more likely to die driving than to die from an assault.


                Also check out radon. Depending on where you live the odds are like 10x higher you could get lung cancer than by being shot. But doesn't stop people from breathing air in untreated homes or driving their cars to work every day. It's like people afraid of flying, you do way more risky stuff on a daily basis.


                King of Low Prio

                  I took criminology and even I find this thread dumb


                    Chicago, IL has the highest murder rate in the US


                    chicago has the highest number of total homicides but that shouldn't be surprising since it's the third most populous city in the country. per capita, chicago isn't even in the top ten.

                    Do you guys read the news?

                    depends what you mean. not all news is created equal. much of it is downright misleading, and most news covers only a very narrow spectrum of philosophies. take, for example, Noam Chomsky, or ... his near total absence from the media despite being one of the most prolific intellectual political writers of our time. it's not clear what news organizations you're referring to. you can't really compare, say ... Fox News to Democracy Now, they're completely different things.

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                      if u actually feel bad by watching news then you clearly havent been on the internet for a long time

                      Dire Wolf

                        Every now and then there's a story I feel bad about. There was a dad and his four year old who were ice fishing locally this winter. It was unseasonably warm in Michigan this year, like 35 degrees for weeks in February, and they fell through the ice and drowned. Having a three year old myself I just couldn't imagine the horror of watching my child die with my in front of my face. You don't just drown instantly dropping into ice water, hypothermia actually takes forever to set in, most people die of shock and panic which leads to drowning. Even if it was only a minute I couldn't bare to watch that.


                          @King of low prio
                          Sometimes you have that moment where you read history of serial killers and read what have they done and see their faces and think what's going on with the world.

                          This thread is not about crime. It's about having positive mind. A person who can maintain positive mind and healthy mental state can have better outcomes.

                          You ask any athletes and they would say the mind is everything. So do entrepreneurs or any profession. Sometime the intangible are more important rather than skills. And what I'm trying to do here is to maintain my positive mindset.

                          You have an entrepreneur who thinks "oh we have economic crisis, my business is going down" and "this is economic crisis, time to cut things unnecessary, make a better system, work harder etc" which one do you think will get the better outcome? That's my purpose of this thread.

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