General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre build

Spectre build in General Discussion

    unranked games


      Do Badman build ez points.

      Phase PMS Quelling Drums Rad <- farm farm farm farm
      Manta AC/Butterfly Heart Skadi <- kill kill kill kill


        Starting build: 2x Tango 1x Healing Salve 1x Stout Shield
        Build progression: Phase Boots->Urn of Shadows->Drums->Manta->Diffusal->Butterfly

        I personaly get more use from the build when buying Diffusal after Drums or even after Urn sometimes if convinient.

        The build general idea is fairly simple: Get online as quickly as possible and try to deathball before the enemy can adapt.
        You should ult as soon as off cd and try to pick off solo targets or assist team in case of a teamfight, in worse case scenario you will end up scouting the enemy 5 man gank which is still good for warning your team or simply staying alive yourself.

        If the situation beckons don't be afraid to swap out certain early game items like Urn or Drums for late game stuff like MKB, AC, Rad, Heart etc, or simply sell Diffusal and buy a new one as soon as it's stacks are spent.
        Desolator and skadi both seem to have really high impact on the hero, abuse this.


          Early radiance can easily kill the enemy as well.

          I normally go
          1 Set of Tango (4 Tangoes) / 1 QB / 1 Stout Shield.
          Laning phase ends with
          1 PMS / 1 Treads....STR Treads to survive, AGI to farm, INT if you really need the mana to escape with Q.
          Rush Radiance->HoT. If you play correctly and the enemy isn't totally paranoid, L6 Haunt should result in a kill and first Radiance + Haunt should be an enemy teamwipe. Because you can farm both heroes and creeps with Radiance (either 1v1 or 5v5), HoT should be obtained fairly quickly.

          Obviously, don't use this build against WK or Medusa. Build diffusal first.

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            Biuld can change. Not necessary to PMS if you have no autoattacker heroes, instead u simple buy wand. than obsvly popular urn, drums, yasha. Than u have to decide... Rad, manta or difusal, depends on enemy lineup. (i usually go rad when im facing right clickers, combined with vanguard you basically won every early tf, and that mens the game for spec.)

            Btw, OP meta hero right now


              Badman build

              Phase boots - Urn - Drums and maybe a magic wand

              Then your call what to buy but Manta and Diffusal is awesome.

              Radiance rush is still strong but takes too long, just go Badman build, effective all throughout the game.


                I still like radiance, but it takes fucking forever. get it if your mid/team are winning the early-mid game, or at least breaking even.


                  The best counter for SPECTRE is to pick it before anyone does
                  ....radiance is ok and old school but I prefer going the manta into diffusal into butterfly or skadi


                    If ur picking spec in unranked you can probably go dagon eblade and still outcarry them


                      Quell, salve, tango,

                      Early: phase boots, stout shield, urn

                      Core: vanguard/radiance/diffuse blade

                      Situational: manta, MKB, butterfly

                      Max Q and E first


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                        stout shield if you think you'll get harassed in lane. phase+urn+drums and then see where you are 5-10mins after that. tbh if you've got that stage at a reasonable time it doesn't really matter what you buy but its hard to not to decide to save up for a relic if you suddenly find yourself with a couple of k gold from some towers and kills....

                        phase+urn+drums+desolate really does make for a strong early-mid hero and should stablise the game and give you 10mins grace to farm a big item whether that is radiance,manta or diffusal.


                          and don't listen to the guy who say max E first - i'm guessing he meant max Q and W first. Dispersion is crap early game.


                            Get one point in E, then W, then Q. After 1 point in Q, keep upgrading W and E. That's what I do and it works.

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