General Discussion

General DiscussionEVERYTHING CAN WORK:Arcana set for the winner NO KAPPA

EVERYTHING CAN WORK:Arcana set for the winner NO KAPPA in General Discussion
Teamwork is the key

    So I was thinking " what about some fun/troll stuff for everybody?" .
    The point of this game is to win some games with some heroes but with some skillbuild and objects needed. The first who get all the heroes will get an arcana set(I can give zeus,lc or cm set)
    The heroes are:
    Lone druid no bear avaible: play LD and don't skill spirit bear until last levels,win with any build you want
    Rapiera riki: rush rapier,dagon at least level 1 then everything you want to play him,no smoke in the skillbuild
    Dazzle carry: dazzle carry mate but from the start don't buy courier and a single ward in that game
    Sniperino eblade: needed eblade,dagon and blink dugger for win
    Arc warden triple rapier:have fun with that
    Shadow demon: play shadow demon and win(lol too ez) but dagon 5 is needed

    So post the results every time you get a win or a loss or just a funny game

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      Teamwork is the key

        I even thought that you should play in ranked for the quest but than nobody would join( ez -300mmr ).
        Do it,in my country now is 7 am so can't start to play because university but I would like to join it too

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            Meka is actually an addicted abuser
            You talk about high value items for free, he's the man

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              Teamwork is the key

                You will get the cm arcana and won't use it because don't want to support lel

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                  Teamwork is the key

                    Well so start to play and put the result here mate :D


                      i want to try this

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                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        All your effort will go to waste if he's just joking bout giving away arcanas

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                                                ok ill get to it

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Wow, you really want that arcana. I hope it's a lie.

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                                                    rofl checked his inven he dont have an arcana mate u just got frauded


                                                      Then let's keep doing these challenges for fun. Here's mine:

                                                      Magic Nuke Chen:
                                                      1) No points in Chen's Creep Control Skill
                                                      2) Must build a Dagon 5

                                                      Easier Version

                                                      Magic Nuke Bloodseeker:
                                                      1) Must build a Force Staff
                                                      2) Must build a Dagon 5
                                                      3) Must build an Aether Lens