General Discussion

General DiscussionWant a build which does almost 200 damage per second while being clos...

Want a build which does almost 200 damage per second while being close to invulnerable? in General Discussion

    Level 3 assassinate deals 650 damage. With Aether lens this increases to 702. Not only that, but the cast range is increased to 3200.

    With Ocatrine core the cooldown turns from 10 to 7.5 seconds. Octarine core and aether lens also affect the cooldown and damage of shrapnel. Shrapnel normally deals a max of 528 damage over the full duration. With aether lens it increases to 570. The cast radius is also increased to 2000.

    Since you can get off two assassinates within the duration of one shrapnel that's a total of 1970 damage, aka 197 damage a second over 10 seconds. All from twice the distance away of his normal maximum attack range.


      if u pick sniper u lose

      Miku Plays

        dont forget veil, ethereal blade and orchid to amplify magic dmg :)


          Orchid and Veil could be okay because they have 1100 and 1200 range with aether lens. Ethereal blade's range though is only 1000 which is a bit too close for comfort.

          Riguma Borusu

            and then the enemy picks spectre


              dont forget dagon


                Sniper support new meta


                  A good laugh, sadly not being near the fight is not the same as being close to invulnurable :)
                  Want a build that deals 1000~dps from a safe distance? Buy aghs on luna, aoe sniperulti!

                  Welt aus Eis

                    waga can you pls stop smurfing in USe ffs, you got me -25 mmr

                    This comment was edited

                      this build is just as shiet as the hero atm


                        Sano I already took your MMR and ran back to europe, more inflation!

                        play for fan

                          time to russia server? :XD


                            where are all the NA dota jokes when we need them most

                            NO 1

                              NA DotA is a joke, just not a funny one


                                Aether Lens does not amplify magic damage anymore. Or, does it?


                                  Of course it still gets amplified lol. Also, luna aghs is better.


                                    Enemy just throw a BKb and sniper's gonna get rekt so hard because he has no physical damage at all from this build.


                                      Sorry, my bad. Damage still amplifies but it's the resistance which does not work anymore. Mixed up.


                                        rofl aether lens nerfed. your strat is dead now.

                                        Milei Presidente

                                          ember spirit rapira


                                            Arc warden???? Rapira


                                              Oh hey Wagamama commented on my shitpo- I mean my theorycrafting post :)


                                                Why else would he comment on these forums? All that's good here is shitposts. No real strategy discussion worth discussing when everyone here is 2k pub scrubs thinking they know how the game works because they have good "stats".


                                                  ^nah, thats reddit.
                                                  dotabuff audience mostly consists of 4.5k players who call themselves 5ks and flame other 4ks for being trash.

                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    I'm actually 10k


                                                      Played a party game with a friend who has almost 4k party rank so we got in a 3.8k average game. Was a bit of flaming between my friend and the AM he was supporting. At the end of the game the 3.8k AM said 'stay 3k forever' to my friend. A 3.8ker trash talking 3ks for being 3k roflmao.


                                                        Maybe he was being nice and actually just expressing his desire for your friend to stay in 3k forever so they can play more games together.


                                                          200 DPS is fucking god awful.


                                                            1) Pick Luna

                                                            2) Build Aghs

                                                            3) Aether Lens

                                                            4) Build Refresher

                                                            5) Profit


                                                              Dont try this at home.

                                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                Huskar 1 hit kill Lifebreak

                                                                x3 Aether Lens
                                                                x1 Discord
                                                                x1 Aghanims Scepter
                                                                x1 Ethereal Blade

                                                                1. Cast Discord
                                                                2. Cast Ethereal
                                                                3. Click Refresh (to full the hp of the enemy hero)
                                                                4. Use lifebreak. 1 hit kill


                                                                  The best thing about Luna aghs is that if part of the team build bkbs then the beams just hit the other heroes more :-D

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    ^yeah, fuck poor supports because why the fuck not. But the idea is that cores get BKBs and supports get forcestaffs/glimmers/pipe.


                                                                      Husker dunkd build xDDD

                                                                      nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                                        I've tried this sniper build before and it was amazing xD i always aimed their swuishy support and they cant do shit but back to base HAHAH

                                                                        Optimus Drip

                                                                          1 pick pudge

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!