General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some spare money

Need some spare money in General Discussion
Da Cosmonaut

    Hey guys, if someone is willing to help me get some spare money for a trip to Bansk, Bulgaria.
    U can post some things i might help you with, and tou also help me

    play for fan

      i got 2 low pri games if u play 2 games with me and if we finish 2 low pri game with 2 win quick i give you 5$ on steam wallet
      since you said you are 6k it should only takes 1 hour to finish 2 games

      This comment was edited

        ^ajajajj 5$ on steam wallet

        even if that worked he couldnt use it for his trip 4Head


          Just a tip ur a 5.7k right get ur friends swag a money from school doto boys in ur place...then u got a money problem solve......

          U can do it eZ monet


            do you know your way around a competitive gaming scene and are willing to take a risk?

            head on over to and URN REEL MONI

            Da Cosmonaut

              Bro i am sry for low prio game cause i won't play today. Need to think sharp boyz. Give me some ideas. I need to get around 300+$.
              So guys, do it!

              play for fan

                @papa wilson
                you have no idea what does it feel like when u hear cats fighting on your house roof and then you see your internet is dead and you're low pri when u check the roof u see those fucking gay cats hit that internet modem on your roof and killed your internet ( i dont know what is the name of that thing on the roof that makes your internet works ) its name is modem wireless adaptor i guess

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                Da Cosmonaut

                  Lel, are u kidding me? Thats why u went low prio?

                  Da Cosmonaut

                    Bro i was once 1 game in low and they let me safelane ursa, vs slark, np,potm. Also the other lanes were lost. How the fuck is that winnable?????

                    Dire Wolf

                      If you can figure out how to fix this code example we can talk. I need to bring up the wired lan connections properties but can't find any working examples yet.

                      void ShowPropertiesDialog(INetConnection * pConn)
                      HRESULT hr = S_OK;
                      CLSID clsid;

                      CComPtr<INetCfg> pNetCfg;

                      if (SUCCEEDED(pConn->GetUiObjectClassId(&clsid)))
                      CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnk;
                      CComPtr<INetConnectionPropertyUi> pNetConnectionPropertyUi;
                      hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_INetConnectionPropertyUi, (void**)&pNetConnectionPropertyUi);
                      hr = pNetConnectionPropertyUi->SetConnection(pConn);

                      hr = pNetCfg.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CNetCfg);
                      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                      CComPtr<INetCfgLock> pNetCfgLock;
                      hr = pNetCfg->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgLock, (void**)&pNetCfgLock);
                      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                      hr = pNetCfgLock->AcquireWriteLock(15000, TEXT("MY CLIENT"), NULL);
                      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                      hr = pNetCfg->Initialize(NULL);
                      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                      CComPtr<INetCfgComponent> pTcpIp;
                      if (SUCCEEDED(pNetCfg->FindComponent(NETCFG_TRANS_CID_MS_TCPIP, &pTcpIp)))
                      hr = pTcpIp->RaisePropertyUi(GetConsoleWindow(), NCRP_SHOW_PROPERTY_UI, pNetConnectionPropertyUi);




                      Da Cosmonaut

                        @Dire Wolf
                        Bro, Get the fuck out of my post.
                        Even if i needed the money for cancer i would still not do it so, Gtfo!!!

                        Dire Wolf

                          hey dude you wanna get paid you gotta do some real work


                            Get a job, you don't get spoonfed money.


                              ^what language is that even

                              Dire Wolf

                                c++ there's no formatting cus I don't know how to format on this forum but follow the link. It's windows sdk stuff which always has horrid documentation.


                                  what do you need that for? just to learn or to actually use it

                                  Da Cosmonaut

                                    Bro i already have a job, bu the problem is that i get paid on20th and i go on holiday at 13th of this month.
                                    Can someone suggest me a lage you work or a service u may need or sth like that.


                                      C++ is a programming language used in applications everywhere. The source engine, used to create source 2, and thus all valve games from Counter-Strike: Source to Dota 2 Reborn today have their foundations in C++ Programming. Thanks GabeN!

                                      не говори по РУ

                                        What will he learn? He has to use it, dumb spunki

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          To actually use it at my job. They want our app to bring up the settings to the user can enter their ap address if they are on a static ip address. And since the user's are assumed to be idiots they want the shortcut as close as possible. It's quite easy to bring up the connections with shell executes and the right clsid.

                                          People seem to think programmers just know stuff, which is like bs, almost everything I have to do that's really specific I end up googling lol. Even the most basic shit like write a java applet, dude you do it once and then you copy and paste it everywhere, I can't actually write the framework from scratch from memory. It's like memorizing phone numbers now, they'll all in your cell phone and you don't actually look at them so you don't know any of them by heart.

                                          This comment was edited

                                            ^how to do it himself, how the structure of these things is etc


                                              1) Sell your items then sell your account
                                              2) Prostitute yourself
                                              3) Rob a bank
                                              4) Play Poker
                                              5) Make a bet on some rich guys site


                                                OP, can you explain not giving a screenshot on this?
                                                OP seems a little... Off.
                                                Edit: Still Seems to have overstated his mmr compared to his real one. 5.7k > 4.9k.

                                                This comment was edited
                                                Da Cosmonaut

                                                  I am laughing the shit out of your post bro.
                                                  1-no items, tried to sell account and havent done it yet
                                                  -Even though i am handsome i am not sure i am the man for the job
                                                  -Rob a bank, don't have huge balls, Yet
                                                  -I tried Poker and lost 50$ i had
                                                  -i don't understand option 5. Enlighten me pls.
                                                  Still nice post bro


                                                    It's supposed to be a joke dude. Need a Kappa or /s.

                                                    Da Cosmonaut

                                                      i don't know why am i bothering with you.
                                                      I had my main 5.7k and this one is 5017 mmr solo and 4370 party.
                                                      I took this qcc from my friend a month ago and i wrose 1000 mmr from it. Idc why you post this shit bte

                                                      Da Cosmonaut

                                                        Guys btw, why are u lacking ideas?
                                                        THROW SOME MO IDEAS

                                                        Da Cosmonaut

                                                          Xd, Knifepony


                                                            Okay.. Needing spare money.
                                                            If you are a grill, post nudes on /b/.
                                                            If you are a boy... Suck some dicks? idk

                                                            Da Cosmonaut

                                                              I am sorry to inform you that it doesn't work that way. FeelsBadMan


                                                                Why not try doing odd jobs like mowing a neighbour's lawn?

                                                                Da Cosmonaut

                                                                  I have a Vila is called in Albania, a private house with 3 floors and no neighbours nearby. Also i have a reputation to keep like Wtf


                                                                    Oh god, Albania. One of the poorest countries in the EU Europe right? Good luck, is all I can really say at this point. I haven't been there.

                                                                    This comment was edited
                                                                    Da Cosmonaut

                                                                      Yes indeed.
                                                                      I have a pretty good lifestayle as i take like 500$ a month wich is good for the living standart in Albania, but i spent for the New year a lot of money and also i bought some new clothes where i spent like 800 pounds and now i am kinda broke.
                                                                      Hope i will figure sth out.


                                                                        how can I find porn where there are three male characters pretending that they are Queen, princess, and r63 (=female) hero, fighting a dragon which is actually a giant machine with dildos?

                                                                        thanks in advance.


                                                                          You commission it with r34 artists that specialize in fantasy, or if you're looking for dota2, there's Tortuga.

                                                                          Da Cosmonaut

                                                                            Welcome to the post Triple steal. That is a pretty smart question but i cant help you with my general knowledge. If i find it out will you pay me 10 $ bitch?

                                                                            не говори по РУ

                                                                              Dragon like Tabaluga?


                                                                                it should alrdy exist, i suppose

                                                                                yeah for sure m8

                                                                                Da Cosmonaut

                                                                                  Bro, that sickness isn't prodduced. Just checked it xD

                                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                                    Im pretty sure it doesn't work by begging money on a video game forum aswell OP.

                                                                                    What the fuck is this topic? Is this a new meme or are we out there?


                                                                                      i can coach you for 250$ till u go to bansko

                                                                                      Da Cosmonaut

                                                                                        It,s just a brother seeking for help from the community.
                                                                                        Sure bro pm me

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          $500 a month? I spend more on beer and monsters and diet dew monthly. Is albania like 3rd world? What's good standard of living that $500 gets you?

                                                                                          Da Cosmonaut

                                                                                            Its kind of. For example my family that gets like 3000$ in total a month is considered a upper class in albania. Like > middle class. Yeah Albania shitty country

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              yeah but what do you get with that cash? How big is your house? What kind of food can you buy, like what's a good steak cost? Do you have nice cars? what can you do recreationally?

                                                                                              Cus like a local example, going to a good steakhouse around here in michigan might cost me $30 for a good meal. Going to one in NYC or something might be $80-200 depending.

                                                                                              This comment was edited
                                                                                              Da Cosmonaut

                                                                                                Bro the cost of living is lower than in America as u said.
                                                                                                Here as a 23 years old student that i am it fits fine and i will tell you why.
                                                                                                I spend each day like 12-15 $ cause my day goes like this. I work from 9am-4pm. I go home and eat and sleep a bit. I go out with my friends 7pm-12 pm or in the morning. During this time we go out i spend this average amount of money and i cover it cause a coffe costs less than a dollar. A coke 1 $.
                                                                                                I work at my uncle who is a Vip buissnessman and i am priviledged to gain that money in such less working time. My uncle gets like 4 million $ a year cause he is the boss of a construction company.
                                                                                                My family gets like 36000$ a year.
                                                                                                Steak here costs like 15$ per 350 gr in good restaurants.
                                                                                                Albania has really nice cars bro, no doubt. Like 5% that are rich in Albania have like 500000$ cars for each of their familys.
                                                                                                I have a Mercedes Benz of 2003 E class wich my uncle gave me and he bought it like 4000$.
                                                                                                You are right, Albania is like a 3rd wotld country cause here the corruption exists a lot, and only the rich people get richer and the poor people get (poorer), also the middle class that my family is, has few chances of getting richer.
                                                                                                Bad mentality and lots of crimes.

                                                                                                Da Cosmonaut
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                                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                                    have u thought about askin for an advance at work?

                                                                                                    Da Cosmonaut

                                                                                                      I can't cause it doesnt feel right asking money in advance to my uncle, when they pay me full hours shen i go at work 15 days a month. It just doesnt feel right.
                                                                                                      Also i dont want to ask my parents, but if the deadline comes closer i am sure they can give me but i dont want to aak them

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