General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for really Aggressive Players

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Question for really Aggressive Players in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How do you usually take advantage? Does it ultimately comes down to domination and objectives? How do you handle teamfights, where team effort is the key? Thoughts?


      Just run at people.


        If it works be aggresive. Some people seem aggresive to you but play easy and laid back, maybe it is matter of practice and speed, routine. Some players may be nervous while playing, shows maybe as aggression. I am not playing on same level as you so can't clearly answer, but you can think about this while watching some replays, might help.

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          1) If u have better late game and they have early game hereos:

          - Defend hard, let your teammates know that u win late game ez, force them to defend towers. Farm whenever possible.

          2) Hide in the trees when your enemies push your t2 tower and try an ambush wishing for a comeback.

          In other scenarios its usually gg already on the picking phase and there is shiet u can do about this.

          PS. Main thing that piss me off is when i see people giving up on the game, cos enemies put too much pressure on them. Usually its because of bad supports that cant outzone enemies on lane.

          King of Low Prio

            Passive play just does not work in dota. You can play passively while you have control over the map but the key to that playstyle is to have that offensive control.


              tactical feed

              Pale Mannie

                Tactical 5 man feed


                  You have to know what a wining situation looks like. When you see it jump on it with no hesitation.

                  Seeing the map is critical to being aggresive. When you see someone is on the opposite side or just far away enough - it creates an opening. If you know tp support can't get there in time - just attack and kill them right away.

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                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    1. Activate MoM

                    2. Attack move

                    3. ???

                    4. Profit


                      know ur limit, know ur heros limit, always be agrresive and wait for a mistake


                        Wait for a mistake is the best thing I know. But you also want to put pressure on the opposing team.
                        I am also not on your level, but I have discovered that one of the best ways to pressure an opponent into making a mistake, is by global push. Lately I've been using DP and Dark Seer, much to my advantage.
                        A few early game ganks, and BoT, you can turn the whole game for your team with a few TP's and a few nukes. Works like magic.
                        I really feel as though the Win will go to whichever team is most mobile. Blinks, Force Staff's, and BoT make for quick and efficient farming and ganking.