General Discussion

General Discussion3.2k MMR wanting advise please! AU server

3.2k MMR wanting advise please! AU server in General Discussion

    Hi people,

    Here's my dota profile:

    I generally play support until recently I tried out different heroes to see if it makes any difference in increasing my mmr (winning).
    I am not sure what can I do to improve my games. Appreciate any feedback and comments! Thanks!

    Miku Plays

      Add and stack


        Don't play late at night and especially don't play unranked late at night. Australian servers seem to fill up with idiots the later into the night you get.

        Check enemy people's profiles before the game loads and if you see they are having success spamming a particular hero pick it before they can spam it again in your game. Won my last ranked game by picking phoenix before a phoenix spammer could pick it.


          @Hatsune Miku
          You meant stacking the neutral?
          The main issue that I encounter is when I played position 5, trying to support the carry and still losing the lane.
          It seems impossible to harass enemy out of lane when I struggled to get money for at least brown boots. Yet the carry is crying for not getting farm and the offlane is also crying cos enemy offlane is free farming.

          Thank you. I then may have to improve my hero versatility.
          Currently I played mainly Crystal Maiden, Silencer, Elder Titan, Omniknight, Lina , Lich or Shadow Shaman.

          Any other tips people of dotabuff?


            Yo OP, add me for stack (stack as in party).. but yea why not, u can stack the neutral too. im 3.1k AU server.

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              We can play with this Miku guy, but I warn you, he's a known sex offender.

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              Miku Plays

                add on steam and stack in dota2 >.<

                Bad Intentions

                  lol yo ceesa n miku, u guise take care or em fellow AU countryman ayt :D

                  milk that tastes like rea...

                    Agreed with lots of idiots in AU late at night
                    Add me if you want, I play AU (4.7k)


                      Try Disruptor as pos 5. He doesnt need much more than mana boots. Maybe force staff/glimmer cape for some escaping/saving + scepter as a luxury.

                      He has very long attack range and can outzone enemy offlaner pretty easy. Also his first spell is very nice for harassment.

                      Generally Disruptor has good impact on the game with no items needed.