General Discussion

General DiscussionDo supports really win games?.

Do supports really win games?. in General Discussion

    I love to support infact about 90% of the time i play a support role or a semi carry. i'm trying to get better at supporting so i wanted to ask some question's.

    1. what support, do you like to have on your team?. I know its pretty situation dependent would you prefer a healing type such as dazzle?, or a more harassment type like jakiro or Wyvern.

    2. who do you consider the better teamfight supports?, Tidehunter or something like omniknight.

    3. What does a support do to be considered a good support?. if a support goes 2-12-4 but buys items like vanguard mech, pipe wards dust smoke. is that considered a good support?.

    4. any other advice towards playing support would greatly be appreciated!, thanks guys


      If u spectate high mmr games ull realize why im telling u this. But a real support hero means to play without items. A pro support is one who can play the complete game with just their spam stun n ss. A good support needs to know when n wer a ward is required. Proper timely use of sod. If theres a riki or techies jst spam buy sentries n save ur teammates. A support is the backbone that guides the team. If the support is good the game is half won. N nvr think about farming lane. The gold u earn is directly proportional to the gold ur carry loses


        Not saying dnt get core items like dager or force staff but delay it so dat ur carry get his items first

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            i could do this too but im too lazy


              If you have cores who know how to play, supports win the game.

              So generally this only really applies in 5k+, but to a degree, 4k as well.

              3k and under, supports don't do anything really. 4 core + 1 "support" lineup works best. And by that I mean like a roaming pudge who occasionally buys wards is the "support"


                1. I like my supports to play with heals or stuns, perhaps some big ults. I play silencer position 4 most often and will help my position 5 whenever I can get some spare gold flowing. Also a support who is good without items AA comes to mind is great because you can lean on them to make a lot of purchases wards/sentry/smokes.

                2. Team fights is most often about AOE, but omni is a filthy good support.

                3. Record is usually irrelevant for support aslong as you don't feed. A good support makes everyone elses job easier and it noticeable if your not a dota player with blinders on. Setup kills when they/re avaliable, bait, don't get caught out.

                4. I think 2 supports is always better than 1, so encourage some1 to take a position 4 role and not a jungle role, helping get some items on you is going to give your lineup more overall depth.

                Elpidio Valdes
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                    support is the role of the guy who didnt pick carry fast enough.

                    You need to pick lc jungle faster m8, u'll be winning all your games in no-time!

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Yes they fucking do. Just pick a braindead carry like Spectre and support them with two of the following: Omni, Abaddon, Dazzle, Oracle. There, you win.

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                          support is just that guy who picks the 5th carry, but just happens to buy the courier at the start of the game..

                          job. done.


                            Don't think about it too much.

                            Just use common sense.

                            Enemy picked PA ? Tide hunter removes 60% of her dmg and slows her so she can get kited forcing her to play rly akwardly all game..

                            Enemy picked Spectre? Get omniknight hes the only hero with a positive win % against him and try to be aggressive so he uses all his diffusial blade charges on purging your stuff then he is fucked.

                            Enemy is noob and picked ursa? hope ur team doesnt feed him pick omni/abadon

                            enemy picked legion? abaddon and omni both rape him

                            In normal skill it's a horrible idea to pick support for laning phase because even if you win lanining phase your carries will most likely die in stupid fights they shouldn't have been in for any reason, making your victory in laning phase very insignificant, in normal skill the supports who pay off more are the ones who can win team fights for you with their spells.

                            Omni/ abaddon / Necrophos / Tide hunter / I'd say those are the best for normal skill.

                            When you go up in skill, that's when being intriciate in which support you pick becomes more important. Because everyone will be more organized. But it's important to know you will always have instapicking carry noobs until your reach like 4.3k

                            Even inf 3.5k you will get horrible ass playeers who have 350GPM in their last 20 matches as carries because they over calibrated MMR on their smurfs.

                            Pick those heroes for now then later being picking other supports when you go up in MMR .

                            Or if you are with some carries who are not brain dead, then you can focus on winning laning stage for them. But in normal skill remember its more about team fights, doesnt matter if you helped your carry get 30 CS cause if he dies 2 times not only does he lose all that gold he feeds it to the enemy carry , making all that shit irrelevent, where ass if you pick a team fight support, when its time to fight, your carries will feed less and hte enemy carries will feed more :D

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                                @Sam - it seems simple.. but u can bet ur ass this aint the case in normal skill

                                me - "pick spec/aba/strong hero"
                                normal skill teammate - "hmm.. / why..? / braindead response"

                                enemy team locks in spec and aba. teammates proceed to pick storm spirit/other dumpster heroes.

                                normal skill teammate - "damn, looks like the enemy team heard you"
                                normal skill teammate - "hmm maybe we should have picked spec after all"


                                  Thanks for the responses guys i appreciate all the words and advice. im just really struggling because as someone pointed out the carries at lower MMR tend to be a bunch of monkeys who don't seem to take advantage of a support player.

                                  So omni and abb and dazzle seem very popular. what are your thoughts on phoenix or elder titan and sandking?. obvously they are more teamfight oriented but phoenix seems like a good all around hero for all stages of the game.


                                    I agree with marlan... supports are the real carries in the game... depending on how well a support player is,chances are u've alreadt y won the game... puppeys chen gameplay is the best...

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                                      Akke is the best Chen

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                                        can we have a moment of silence for 3kmmr and below coz "support" is just a myth there or doesn't even exist and even know?..


                                          @ULTIMATE.Kalheesi says the guys who has literally played less than 100 games and can't spell Khaleesi :D


                                            ^ ur normal skill with sub 50% win rate. nothing u say here will be taken seriously


                                              ^the less than 100 games means nothing, its a smurf account. lul.

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                                                  he doesn't want to copy the right spelling of khaleesi for there is a copyright issue. same as miracle and meracle. and dota is not school tht nid to be right in spelling always, u might nid to read dictionary or encyclopedia for a perfect spellings and not here in forums and blogs. grow up mate. :)

                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                    Supports are slaves, cores are masters. Always obey, never question and you will be a good support.

                                                    {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                                      under 2k mmr bracket, I was winning hard my laine, riki was creating havock so I start getting many sentries and wards. we got lot of free kills. since one of my first item was ghost scepter in a large team fight I was the only one who survived getting loads of gold and experience. The idea sounds eazy, if u play support and u provide vision for u carry to safe farm he will get much more farm then 2 carries who needs to share the farm. then lets say u go with u 5 sloted carry vs 2 carries that are 3 sloted. u have natural at least 1 disable for at last 3 sec+ eul 3.5 sec+ hex 3,5 sec, 10 sec to keep out of the fight the enemy carry who provide them more damage (if they go for bkb from the start).force staff to save u team mates or push into towers enemy heroes and ghost scepter to keep u alive during this engages.


                                                        Supports win games by turning nothing into amazing.
                                                        Watch me go beyond godlike on lich while buying 28 wards. Watch me solo offlane vs Magnus and Necrophos with no regen and kill both of them alone. Lich is OP, infinite mana ftw.

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                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Relentless, dude. I used to like you. I really did. But you are spewing so much bullshit it's unbearable anymore.


                                                            Just facts. Watch the game if you don't believe me.

                                                            I did solo offlane with zero regen and crush them. It's only a High Skill game anyway so it was very easy. I have no doubt you would have done even better, maybe zero deaths. Sam, your games are an abberation. Most people play in games where most of the players are incompetant. What is possible changes.

                                                            In a 2k MMR game a support could win the game without buying items if they played well. Just consumables. Or you could make techies a right-click carry. Outplay decides almost everything.

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                                                              It is my belief that supports win games, yes, but they can't win every game. If your team mates do not take advantage of the amount of space you created in the early-mid, then you will ultimately lose.