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General DiscussionLock Regions in!

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    Really wishing Dota made it so you can only play on the server you are actually from! For Australia anyone playing outside Aus is a automatic lose! They get 500 ping then to only complain about lag. Getting pinoys is just the worse. they always want mid they always feed mid.

    Getting anyone from overseas here is horrible


      gotta get that free AU mmr

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          forgive me jeezus but delete all the PEENOIZES from dota2 plz. they cant even play the game or argue.


            u are just bad
            reminder that if you meet unmannered /mid or feed/ courier feeding players they are probably way higher skilled than you.

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              im pinoy and Im 5k mmr lmao u mad?


                5k pinoy is like 2k aus


                  sure try to climb to 5k in SEA before u talk kids =))


                    If I had good ping yeah easy


                      sure "NORMAL SKILL" =)) even my 40 year old dad is in high skill lmao


                        yeah as i said SEA at vhs is normal compared to us

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                              sure playing against net is normal skill in AUS


                              no wonder they have so many representatives in competitive. oh wait


                                stop crying and get gud. ~_~ i even had godz the other day (6K AUS LORD) and just fucked their mid and EZ game



                                  Lol the only reason we aren't in competitive is because our entire country doesnt play dota! also there is no way to get into any competitive games without ping issues


                                    the only reason you aren't in competitive is because you suck lmao.

                                    but don't get too hurt it's just dota


                                      I even have higher win rate when i play in AUS (71.43%)


                                      you know AUS is EZ when you have Divine Rapier as your most common item lmao

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                                      LIL KASALANAN

                                        Obnoxious flames very nice


                                 our mid SF is from peru

                                 drow,enchant, Necro all pinoys

                                          LIL KASALANAN

                                            Now I wanna try aus server._.


                                              lel sure u lose some games bc of allies ping issue but u cant say this shit bc u got some high ping sea players :/
                                              If what u said was the way dota worked, i wouldve been playing with arabs bc im in middle fokin east. NotLikeThis


                                                should be a ping cap

                                                LIL KASALANAN

                                                  How do we check ping on au servers?

                                                  Like the one how i check Singapore servers

                                                  Ping -t

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                                                      select regions not that hard ^^

                                                      LIL KASALANAN

                                                        Those 2 are like 50ms apart(atleast in my case) so i check thru cmd :)


                                                          Swirl, the reasons those pinoys are bad is because they're in normal skill bracket, there's a difference for being stuck at 4.5k~ mmr because ur team is retarded but if u are stuck in normal skill it has nothing to do with ur team, you are just bad.


                                                            I play on AUS even if I have 300-400 ping and I still get EZ mmr =) I stopped tho coz I get inflated MMR / games get less challenging

                                                            Just get gud mate. Better to fix being such a baddie than blaming the trench rofl

                                                            Getting scrubs in your team / laggers / whatever has been part of the game. Since GGClient/Battle.Net days

                                                            Play it or quit it

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                                                              I've been winning alot since 6.85 60% wr, just in all honesty! anyone from Australia will agree that if you get a pinoy you are fucked.

                                                              lm ao

                                                                Usually Pinoys that are smart enough to make it to VHS have commendable skill levels

                                                                Even in 2k there are a lot of people with commendable mechanical skills, something I also see in 3k USW (Ive played there a lot on a musrf)
                                                                The attitude trench in SEA just starts a bit lower, when you hit mid 2k a lot of salty hillbillies come in your way

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  Sooo... you mean locking servers just like League of Lowpriority?
                                                                  Then only the cancer servers pls


                                                                    so i would play only in europe east, and be 7k mmr? seems legit

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