General Discussion

General DiscussionBeing full supp in Sea Server

Being full supp in Sea Server in General Discussion

    I'm having a very hard time playing support.

    I make sure the wards, smoke is always at CD until the very end game ( losing/or winning ) and yet I just keep getting someone who just play to kill not to win.

    And whats up with the LC picks recently, I've been losing a lot game when teaming with LC.

    They are so passive with the 1st pick LC - NC 20mins - dagger - deso.

    Its like they cant buy other item and deso is the viable item to counter all heroes.

    Any nec players mind giving me some tips that i can take note.

    I don't play carry as I only use ulti on enemy's carry/mid to delay their respawn time thus delaying their gold/exp.


      Change servers? SEA is a joke, they're un supportable! Every time they come to Aus servers they all pick carries and feed. No one can support that filth

      Sup m8

        Ya, don't bother supporting in SEA. Only hope is to try to carry their sorry ass.




            Well with my country line, there's no way I can play anywhere else outside SEA


              Well as an avid support player my self, i wouldn't argue about the toxicity of sea server, as stated by others the easiest way maybe change server

              but if its not an option, i would say just try to hang with it, and try to pick a more aggresive and offensive support (Undying, Winter Wyvern, Skywrath, Silencer etc), and avoid picking healing type supports. From my own experience, SEA server are tend to just go full retard with the dives and you will have a hard time positioning yourself with a healing support, and a aggresive support will allow you to make a lot more plays and space (at least for 5-10mnt of the early game)

              it's refreshing wind for me to know that someone is still trying to play as support in a server as toxic as SEA, so try harder and try to be better in your own ways. the last 2 major patches with new items and hero changes has made it a lot more easier to support with the wide range of supp item that you can pick for every situation. so don't let anything discourage you from playing support


                GOT EM


                  What's ur MMR? Basically it's a bad idea to play support at lower MMR, it's only worth playing support if u have reach at least 4K MMR at SEA.
                  I AM the living proof of this, I'm mainly playing support and have been stuck in 3.5 and later 3.8 for about 2 years (and I might even going down if I don't play offlane birstleback), but when I finally reach 4K I can gain 1K+ MMR and go up to 5K in less than 2 month by spamming position 5 abbadon (I even have negative winrate with abba b4 I reach 4K).
                  So yeah it's a bad idea to grind MMR by playing support at low MMR, and btw necro should be played as a farming core and not as a support

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                    I play full time support except when my retarded team decides to not pick mid hero/when I'm really frustrated with the game (Only once, Ursa game)/when I feel like throwing the game

                    Perhaps you could try Ogre Magi/Silencer/PoTM/Skywrath for support. They did quite well for me especially Ogre and Silencer. Just played PoTM recently but the games were quite nice too. Skywrath Mage on the other hand, needs to be a little bit careful since this guy is going to die first in every war unless you can position him well.

                    I rarely play WR as support because I don't get the kind of support feeling when I pick her as compared to the heroes I mentioned.

                    Another common occurrence is when you are overly aggressive and is winning, your carry doesn't matter which lane will abandon their farm and follow you ganking/war. I have no idea how to recover from this if the enemy is gaining but perhaps try to stack for them. Still you need to make sure that your retarded carry gets it otherwise some random greedy fuck will come and take it (your own team)

                    Necro is a good hero but seems that he is lacking of low cd disables/spells to lock the enemy down/silence the enemy. Just a suggestion of mine, perhaps you go for a couple of sustain items for your team. Pipe/Mek/etc

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                    Sexo Meister


                      Dont go pos 4 in sea

                      I tasted it, its disgusting

                      All you can do is pick a core, buy some wards for vision and just play the game.

                      Antonio Gramsci

                        We almost have the same situation on playing support in SEA. Players tend to look down on supports in SEA. They always blame supports when we lose in a game or during clash. They always want to have vision without realizing that there is a ward cooldown and big map update.

                        If I were you just continue to play aggressively. Make your support a little bit of core just like what the others said here. Thanks!

                        LIL KASALANAN

                          You must be super nice and have a high tolerance against strangers to be able to play position 5 on SEA. :/

                          If you want to get some juicy mmr I suggest you play offlane; If you get to solo that's great and if you can't its okay too.

                          Right now I can only suggest you play dark seer since he doesn't really require much skill to rape your usual SEA 4k carries. 8D

                          come on Eileen!

                            i tell u something, to raise ur mmr on SEA, roflmao,
                            I raise my mmr on my main account ( this is smurf ) from 700 to 4k in about 1 year and 3 months, the key is,on <1k - 3.5k, u should play hero that can win 1 vs 5 and can snowballing earlier.


                              lol true its harder to play support in SEA. what u should do is just throw tons of verbal abuse to ur cores the whole game. force them into submission. so if u lose u dont get blamed at least. they will feel bad about themselves.

                              if u see them doing something stupid, let them die. they need to learn that supports know better than them. once they die, say i told you so. they feel stupid and will listen to captain support after. save SEA.


                                you are not alone boy, not alone



                                  I AM THAT I AM

                                    fck SEA. support here


                                      reminder that if you are a sub5k support main you have inflated mmr.

                                      lm ao

                                        nah its fine dude you just have to play as the leader

                                        learn sum psychology

                                        although there were just a few times when i couldnt help but just throw my hands up

                                        damn peenoise


                                          play enigma in sea not even kidding its fucking amazing. Be nice to the retards, use bh to help mid or safelane(whoever is better) get a kill, get ur super fast mek and just push whiole nicely asking them to join. Like "hey carry can we push safelane?" and compliment the fuck out of them when their braindead ass does something useful. Get a blink next and pretty much win all teamfights cuz enigma is a fucking monster teamfighter. Ez +25 mmr, ez -25 sanity

                                          Royalon ZZ

                                            Just play the odds and pick the high win rate supports for your MMR. You can check using the heroes -> Meta -> *MMR*. You'll eventually rise in MMR.

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!