General Discussion

General Discussionwhat you say when u finish the game ? ez ? lol ? gg ? ggwp ? and why ?

what you say when u finish the game ? ez ? lol ? gg ? ggwp ? and why ? in General Discussion
Win Yo Fagot

    well, i usually say ez when im not mad in game :)
    when im mad i'd say gg but so ez or not gg just ez

    but only when im playing normal games or -3700 mmr because good players wont get mad with those words and it only makes u looks retarded to all

    there is some times that i say gg or gg wp but only when the game is interesting but not when they try to counter pick u like when they w8 till the game start and last pick shaker or ember or anti mage vs meepo and medusa
    or when enemy have retarded heros like riki and bh or tusk - earth spirit - huskar and night stalker
    or a god damn rat nature prophet
    they all deserve to hear ez pizi sesquzi and wizi sizi bitch :))))
    some times i check players profile and tell those with like 4 lose streak ez cuz i know they get so MAAAD
    what does it feels like when someone say ez ? ( answer this one pls)
    do i have mental disease ? (not joking)

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      all chat = mute + report

      Win Yo Fagot

        i dont spam ez or disturbing people by chatting i just say that when game ends


          ^"what does it feels like when someone say ez ? ( answer this one pls) "

          Win Yo Fagot

            if the game is not over yet i try my best to win and say who's ez now biieeetch ? :)) it makes me win most of times
            tell me ez = u lost
            thats why i dont say that in middle of the game cuz it makes people try harder
            and when they say it in the end of the game i feel a giant shit on my self so i can only clean it if i think about raping their mom in my mind

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              i ask them - "what are you? a f4gg0t?"




                  GG WP


                    When it was a good/interesiting/close game: "gg wp"
                    When it is a bad game(not particulary bad for me): just "gg"


                      ''gg'' .


                        A good game enemy gives a good fight -> ggwp
                        Bored but normal game -> gg
                        Has all the intention in the world to throw and speak/type like a retard in team chat -> Report my_IGN_NAME/my_HERO for feeding/being a bad support/flame team [doesn't matter win/lose]

                        Pale Mannie

                          When i have an awesome and interesting game i say "gg" no matter win or loss.
                          When the enemy team behaves like dicks about their team then i say "gg ez"... i'm talking to you russians!!1
                          When my team is worse than theirs then i say nothing.

                          And i mute always the enemy team after T3 tower to prevent wasting useful reports




                              I usually don't say anything, sometimes ggwp if it was really an interesting game.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                1) I never write ez, eve if the game was legitimately easy, I find that just to be a fucking kids' thing.
                                2) If the game's lost due to someone being a hardcore retard on either team, I say "shit game guys, sorry, report X" where X is the particular retard that lost the game for either team.
                                3) If it was a really nice/close game I say "good game guys".
                                4) If it was really hard because people weren't completely retarded and it doesn't matter if I win or lose, I write "gg hard game".
                                5) If my team's getting rekt by one guy in particular, and it's more due to him being skillful than due to other people being retards, I will usually write something like "gg, commend X" whether I lose or win, because sometimes you just end up commending the enemy who teaches you something and doesn't play like a retard

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                                  people typing ez are usually the ones getting carried, so you can distinguish retards and mute them so you can dodge

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                                  Anjeng Dimas

                                    Intro kids?

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      @MMR GRINDER 9000: And usually 10 year old kids who couldn't even pronounce the words if their life depended on it. I also love the 'ez mid' comments after the other midlaner wins his lane super hard but loses the game, it's kinda comical, sometimes I report people for shittalking like that.

                                      Also gotta love people telling you you got carried by X, then you go to dbuff stats, and you have 2x hero and tower damage compared to the guy, with 150 less GPM. It's kinda mind boggling how much people can't really see who's actually doing the damage and winning the game. Though sometimes well placed wards can turn the game around too.

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                                        >Good game well played!


                                          ez mid ez game.
                                          lol joking just ggwp


                                            gege if win by being mvp cause i feel like miracle Kappa
                                            Dem m8s when i lose cause of tards
                                            Leave asap in a normal win or loss without anything special in game

                                            Mr. Furryhentai


                                              Mr. Furryhentai

                                                and yes you have a mental disease called being a fahgit

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  Once i commended an enemy Tinker for saying that i played well as first time Necro while teammate PA said on russian "gg ff pls report necro for ks" then PA left the game


                                                    recently i just whisper and quit


                                                      ^ tripplesteal doesnt know what win means :D


                                                        fucking arin i literally looked 3 minutes after the comment that "fuck my life" referred to


                                                          if it was an easy game : game was close
                                                          if it was a hard game : it was the easiest game of my entire life


                                                            "?" everywhere.


                                                              I wrrite geegee

                                                              Sexo Meister

                                                                "Ebola gaming guys"


                                                                  It is so comon now. Who even cares?


                                                                    Most people don't realize this, but saying "ez" is actually against the communication rules of Dota 2. Anyone who uses this phrase in global chat is worthy of a communication report. The whole point of the report system is to "reduce the toxicity that occurs verbally or via text chat, and as a result, to avoid causing players to quit the game solely due to negative communication experiences." Everyone knows "ez" is only said to incite anger in others, so it counts as the "toxicity" that is mentioned to be against communication rules.

                                                                    Think twice before trying to cause emotional pain to those you beat by saying "ez" at the end of every game. You can be muted for it.

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                                                                      ^i didnt read your comment

                                                                      FIGHT2WIN, FARM2LOSE

                                                                        As always, I put "Tactical feeding, new meta!"


                                                                          i only use the commands valve provided me for communication purposes

                                                                          > Good game, Well played x100

                                                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                            Either nothing or Good Game, Well Played. Sometimes I thank random teammates if they've been really nice throughout the game.

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                                                                            yung griphook

                                                                              > Good Game

                                                                              because im not an ass. most of the time


                                                                                >eziest game of my life


                                                                                  I always write gg at the end but not if there is a feeder or hardcore flamer

                                                                                  And I add ez if there is a counter picker or some other guy who wrote gg too early


                                                                                    if i lose w/ no toxic opponents - usually just ggwp

                                                                                    if i win w/ no toxic opponents - usually just gg

                                                                                    if i win vs salty boys/opponents not letting us pause/whatever:
                                                                                    r e k t
                                                                                    g e t g u d
                                                                                    r u ok?
                                                                                    something like "how on earth did u lose to our invoker/pudge/legion?" (whoever the retard is on our team)


                                                                                      easiest game of my entire fucking life

                                                                                      Win Yo Fagot

                                                                                        but its always ez for me i only tell the truth

                                                                                        the realm's delight


                                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                                            What have you done volvo?

                                                                                            7Mad About You

                                                                                              trashing toxic people is the best part, especially when you are winning

                                                                                              Village Whore

                                                                                                May the fleas of a thousand reindeer nest in your genitals

                                                                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                  One time, the MID SF got harrasedby me (SF vs Clink on mid). Theres a time in bout 30mins something, his item is only threads aquila and midas. Then I chat, "Report SF. Feeder". Hahaha


                                                                                                    ^ he still beat you loooool

                                                                                                    LIL KASALANAN

                                                                                                      I say EZPZ


                                                                                                        if anyone says "ez" or starts shit talking you or your team, you just say "what are you? a f4gg0t?".
                                                                                                        noone knows how to answer that so basically you win on verbal terms. good shit.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!