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General Discussion1k games 1kmmr, HOW DO I GET OUT!

1k games 1kmmr, HOW DO I GET OUT! in General Discussion
Dominus flunussy #1

    I have been in the 1k mmm skillbraket since I got calibrated, I can play support and core and on any lane, I play a variety of heroes and usually try to counter pick the enemy team. I try not to blame my teammates but I always seem to do well and lose games. If you can, please check out my profile and tell me what I can improve on. Thanks :)

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        i was having trouble to get out of the 1k thing that i recommend you to do is to pick a mid hero that you think that you're good at and start spamming him in ranked matches this worked for me, i started spamming Templar assassin and i was able to raise my mmr back to 2k


          Well... to get out of 1k since most of the time both teams are tards with just 1 o 2 guys stuck in 1k like u, it's not hard. The thing is u should go core only even if u need to dual lane with an am/pl/jug whatever dont go sup it's a loss as a 1k sup.
          Then go for 1man army heroes like bristleback or broodmother maybe or ck/dk
          clinkz if they dont have disables and have low hp
          NP rat doto 1k dunno shit how to counter rat trust me been there
          WR if ur good at her
          And heroes like this. Even wk isnt bad ez carry


            And slark too, TA is awesome against 1k actually reks all the enemy carries and with a bkb after deso blink gg if u play good


              Follow me, I am rising from 1.3k by playing Zues.

              You have to be able to kill the whole enemy team by yourself, because your team might be too busy feeding to help you. My teammates do 8,000 hero dmg. I do 30,000 hero dmg. So I do enough to kill all of the enemies. Sometimes other people get the kill, but I just do as much damage as possible so we win the fights.

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                I got out of 1k by learning what I did wrong and getting out of 1k. Literally, if you're in 1k after 1k matches, something has gone wrong.

                Start last hitting better. you should have around 40+ CS at 10 minutes. Idgaf what lane you're in unless it's against a tri lane, as long as you're a core.

                Counter picking is important. Not as important as in higher brackets, but important.
                Map awareness and knowing what other heroes can do/when they can kill you helps a lot.
                I spammed Riki to get to 2k and i can play him kinda ok-ish in very high skill games with friends, but they're still too good for me.

                But my point with this is you can't be too lazy to not correct small mistakes that you think don't matter. That extra 10 or 15 CS that you could have gotten while walking through a jungle could have made a difference between living or dying in your next team fight.
                That lack of map awareness/prediction probably could have saved you when you decided to hunt for kills when only a support was on the map.
                The lack of positioning in your team fight could have let your team win the fight and take rax.

                Playing support IMO, is a lot harder than carrying. You have to depend on your teammates a little bit more. I like picking cores because in ranked, i have to worry about correct decision making. Or some kind of hero who can do both like WR or maybe BH.
                I hope to reach 2.5k soon, my lack of map awareness lately has been giving me deaths in games but sometimes i just wanna chill and not care. But in ranked, you have to care and you have to play seriously.

                Try spamming mid and safe lane carry roles. If you're better than whatever MMR you're at, mid should be a breeze. It still is for me in 2.1k. I'd wager i'm around 2.3k+
                Still a lot to learn though, GL HF.

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                  What u said in general sounds good but ur first hero riki WutFace and then only 40 lh min 10 ?DansGame
                  Let's count:
                  Min 0 to 10 : 19 spawns are gone and we dont count the new spawn. If u get all the lh which is unreal at least for 1k then ull get 19*4 lh which would be 76 lh so lets say u got 40 lh it means ur bad at lh ing (if this happens often, not talking about tard team, pressure lanes that u cant even get under tower lh). I normally get 40+ on pressure lane and 60+ on normal lanes.
                  Back to the subject, rly? Blood? Riki? Rtc? Ti5?


                    Off topic a bit.. Some matches are not even 'normal skill', it just appears as blank. is it under 1k mmr skill bracket or what?

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^No, just too much TBD to determine an average.


                        I got out of 1k by being versatile.holy shit how can this happen ?


                          I am versatile in this acc and look what happened. Probably gonna use this acc just to practice new heroes and builds and smurf with another acc. My versatility is 0.95 or so. So what? When im not hs/vhs

                          Farming Simulator

                            I am actually looking for a 1k account to witness the skill difference with my own eyes (4,6k atm), if you want, i can boost you a bit i guess.

                            Dominus flunussy #1

                              @Hero I am talking about solo man, i have some good friends i play with and i have gotten to 3.5k party with them but my solo is still around 1.5k. Thanks for the offer tho

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                              Anjeng Dimas

                                That means u're get carried many times in those 3,5k party mmr games of yours.

                                My mmr is 3,8 solo and 4,2 party. This is the result of my free boosting id.


                                U can see, as a sub 4k player, i can easily carried games in 1k mmr.

                                Sometimes i only play with 1 hand (while eating, smoking, etc).

                                You need to improve your solo skill to be able to get out from 1k mmr.


                                  better try to sell this account and make a new one to calibrate at 3k-4k


                                    I haven't been playing ranked lately. As such, i haven't been playing seriously either. I usually have more LH and D as Riki but I could care less right now. I haven't hardly played him since 6.86 either.

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      Im versatile and look where i am: >1k because i calibrated too early and im too lazy and unmotivated to climb mmr

                                      Mr. Furryhentai

                                        1k mmr, 1k brain cells


                                          learn sf go mid win lane push towers gg

                                          Dominus flunussy #1

                                            @vlad 3000
                                            Is it really worth it? I have been playing DOTA for quite a while and I have a lot of items and most of the compendiums. Should I just create a new account only for ranked and one for just pub matches?

                                            plz do

                                              and i thought that my life was worthless..

                                              PUTIN FOR THE WIN

                                                all u need to get out from that 1k mmr u need to watch the mini map, look situation, even if ur hero drafted is countered u still can win if u do what i tell u. importing thing is NEVER say "ur scrub, etc" just say "nice, game is hard" and other request thing from chat wheel. and note this, if u want to concentration again in game, just mute ur chat. and use ur chat wheel on ur team mate, 2 times i made account, and always opened solo MMR 3.969 the last one 4.087

                                                thats all i can say to you, hope that help u out bro, GAMERS NEVER DIE, they just respawn :)

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                                                  Just spam voker, the tier is not ready for the voker.


                                                    U need to stop playing for a bit and try to actually learn the game by :
                                                    1. Watch any pro games, high MMR player matches and pros stream (better watch it from the player perspective)
                                                    2. Read or watch any dota related guide about how to play dota in general and about playing specific hero
                                                    3. Watch ur replay from previous match and analyze it by comparing it with matches from point 1 above and by implementing advice from point 2 (compare how ur last hitting skill with better player, how effective is ur decision-making and ur rotation around the map (to farm, gank, pushing, defending or stick as 5), what can u do better at any given situation wether when u already winning or when u r losing, etc)
                                                    4. And lastly communication is important, but if u cant maintain a positive communication with ur teammates u better mute and ignore them, just accept the fact that there's many bad player and assholes in this game

                                                    Enjoy ur free mmr

                                                    Dominus flunussy #1

                                                      @Nyan Nyan Nyan
                                                      Thanks, but look at this game dota2://matchid=2035212478&matchtime=3146. I do well, but i can't usually carry my team. I was being nice to the people that wernt doing well and i was constantly telling them to play safer. This is basically every solo game i play

                                                      PINOY DOTO

                                                        Consider learning to play carries like Slark, Templar, even Tiny (with blink). These heroes are not only mobile, but can rack up the kills and take buildings without relying too much on teammates, if at all.

                                                        They excel at punishing players with poor map awareness and positioning. Tiny is also very good at sieging / ratting the enemy base in the late game. Always remember killing the throne is the main objective. Enemies can be raping your hapless teammates, but if you are in their base pounding away at their buildings, you will usually bring your team that much closer to winning the game.

                                                        If you cant rely on teammates, just get your own wards and ward your lane during the laning phase, so you can spot incoming ganks and secure your farm. Learn where to ward to spot incoming enemies.

                                                        Map awareness. Watch the mini-map, dont just space out mentally while last hitting. If there's a chance to get a pick-off somewhere else on the map, like counter-initiating on enemies' ganking your teammates near your tower, you should ideally be ready to tp and get the kill.

                                                        But if there's no chance of getting a kill without trading your life, then dont go throw away your life. In most cases you should not commit to a team fight early on, since levels and items have the bigger priority.

                                                        Also learn to last hit consistently, and stack the jungle to enhance your farm (stack especially if you are playing a carry which gets helm of dominator). I figure 1k support players dont know or cant be bothered to stack.

                                                        My 2 cents.

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                                                          IMO don't bother picking a farm dependent hero. you need to have an impact super early. learn to play snowball heroes that can get by without lane farm. spacecow, riki or visage for example. even if you think your mmr is 1000 more than it is, you are too dependant on your team's performance in the first 20-30mins if you are afk farming.

                                                          if i was back in 1k, i'd definitely abuse spirit breaker. don't need to compete with the rest of your team for last hits, can apply pressure globally, active super early (you can gank before you are six), your initiations are so slow even the dullest player has time to figure out why you are pinging the hero with the taurus sign on their head and finally punishes the opposing team continually being out of position and not tp'ing to protect victims.


                                                            Ps am I the only one who finds it funny that despite so many people saying you can't climb picking supports that the hero with the highest winrate across all skill brackets is omni knight?

                                                            Dota 2 > Valheim

                                                              Split push alot or play good support heros like onmi


                                                                I'm not gonna be so cliched and tell you "pick slark, invoker, ta" No, that's not how improving at dota works. If you're stuck at 1k it's just basics really, you get these basics down you can easily get to 3k.

                                                                Last hit reasonably well
                                                                Look at your minimap a lot and react accordingly
                                                                Carry TP scrolls
                                                                Logically think of your item build (e.g. don't get naked radiance if you're behind so much)

                                                                You do these 4 you can get 3k in no time.

                                                                Dominus flunussy #1

                                                                  I do all that stuff man, well atleast i try too. I do reasonably wel almost evry game but still cant seem to win. We win a fight, team goes to farming when i am trying to tel them we shoud push. I really don't know man.


                                                                    Your team sucked in that last game but your items weren't the greatest. I suspect you spent far too long farming creeps for your radiance rather than fighting with your team when they needed you.

                                                                    Aghs would've been better than radiance as well. Your team had no way of dealing with pa. if you insist on shadow blade then I suppose you could've upgraded it to silver edge to disable blur.


                                                                      And heart was a very bad choice. Get a plate mail item if you need aurvivability - dooms heal is not percentage based so you want armor.

                                                                      Also zeus' passive is hp percentage based and you wanted more armor vs pa and Riki.

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                                                                        WizardKing, I think you pick to many heroes. How can you git gud at 110 heroes? You play 100 games and it's like you played 1 game each. Just pick one a learn to play it.

                                                                        Win by playing better. Juke better. Gank better. Lasthit better. Use items better. How do you get better playing other heroes and other items? How can I learn that way? Play a hero once a month? No, play the same hero many times.

                                                                        Dominus flunussy #1


                                                                          Yeah, I made quite a few mistakes that game. I kept getting picked off by the riki when i was jungling and i ultimately gave up as my team was a pinoy 3 stack. I just farmed the entire game and bought the completely wrong items. I just played a game as Alc and fought more and farmed less. As soon as i got my radiance I just started fighting intead of farming. My team didn't push much so i ended up ratting quite a bit. I ended up getting a rampage and when we started losing fights at the end of the game i just took the last rax at bottom and got mega creeps. This led us the win the game. FINALLY!


                                                                          That is true, but i have leant to play many heroes and i am confident saying i can play atleast 20 heroes pretty well. But i should probably start to learn just two or three heroes

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                                                                          Dominus flunussy #1


                                                                            I also tryed to play SB like you told me too and it ended up pretty well. I kept ganking and shutting down the enemy teams farm. I tried to focus down the sniper so he didn't get farm. We destroyed early game but it was a closer matchup at the game of the game. We did still end up winning the game


                                                                              It looks like you need a dose of "git gud".

                                                                              Dominus flunussy #1


                                                                                A bit of "good teammate" luck might help too you know


                                                                                  improve your gameplay , many player in 1K MMR , just back and farm after wipeout the enemy , thats why


                                                                                    Hey WizardKing,

                                                                                    I don't know if it's already been said in this thread, but you're best off specializing in a few heroes at a time. Although you might THINK you're a good all-rounder, most of the time these people lose. If you spend all your time playing a different hero every game, you never truly learn how to play that hero. One thing that I find useful is to just obsess over a specific hero for a while and then move onto another one. It has brought me much success and has slowly made me a more flexible player in time.

                                                                                    Even right now I'm currently focusing on learning common mid heroes as I've landed in a pickle quite a few times when (somehow) nobody has wanted to go mid and I've not known who to pick or even how to play mid.

                                                                                    FYI, I usually main support. At least until recently that is. :)

                                                                                    Dominus flunussy #1

                                                                                      @Gold Bird
                                                                                      Ok, thanks for the tip.


                                                                                        Hhhmmm I might sit down and do a long analytical post of one of your games tomorrow and point out mistakes (one of my strong suits) if you want

                                                                                        One big thing is to go back and watch your replays from time to time

                                                                                        In the heat of the moment you don't realize mistakes but when you go back and watch it you can look and see that if you did X when that guy came up to the creep wave on low health he would have died

                                                                                        Over time it will help you become a better player....... One thing I've learned in my adventures in 1k land (it is horrific down here btw) is that blaming your team in every game is NOT how to improve

                                                                                        Another thing is pick a couple heroes that fit a couple different scenarios that you LIKE to play and focus on them..... It's nice to be passable with 30 heroes but if you don't truly understand them your not going to win many games

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                                                                                          I actually found an old utube channel that can help u here. Go to SimplyDOTA and watch the mmr and gaming improvement videos. The map is last year's but the explanations n stuff r gud


                                                                                            You should play support too. I see in your profile that you never play support meaning :
                                                                                            1. You don't understand these heroes
                                                                                            2. You don't understand what a support can do to help you and can't do.

                                                                                            I was never at this bracket but i'm pretty sure you can win with support geting early kills early.

                                                                                            If you can't do that pick either pudge or nature prophet as at this mmr I guess no one has tp to defend towers and wards, these heroes looks like ez mmr.


                                                                                              WHY I CANT GET OUT FROM NORMAL SKILL


                                                                                                Too many reasons, general would be u dont play as good as a 3.2k+ player so ur stuck. If u play well u gonna increase. (lel i myself fucked this acc up)
                                                                                                Ps. Just search for some tutorials and stuff about increasin mmr and learn or watch pro replays from their prespective


                                                                                                  Eazynogoud has a good point there.

                                                                                                  In low MMR games people rarely buy TPs so you can just win the game by split pushing.


                                                                                                    with a winrate of 48% you cannot climb in mmr...

                                                                                                    i usually play normal matches and when it becomes normal to flame people as noobs and 3k trash players i started to play ranked matches to see if its different. long story short: ranked is the same stuff as normal... people start flaming, feeding, being rude... not the more serious play i expected.

                                                                                                    so my experience with ranked is that if you want to rise in mmr you must be able to win matches by yourself. being the best support and placing all wards and stuff wont win you the game. there will always be some guys that throw your win for you as they are 1k mmr.

                                                                                                    what worked best for me to increase mmr is to pick heroes i can have impact on the game with. i like playing support so i play something i can deal damage with or get kills. a witch doctor and a glimmer cape works like hell in those skill levels for me.

                                                                                                    if you like playing core or carry pick some hero that is independent of others because you cant expect help from others.

                                                                                                    everyone here mentioned some good tactics stuff that can help.

                                                                                                    but my conclusion is that being able so play selfish and win a game solo is the best way.
                                                                                                    dont get it wrong, that doesnt mean to give a sh*t about your team, just be the best around.
                                                                                                    if you join fights when your mates get attacked you can get out with some kills, money, xp etc.
                                                                                                    your mates lane gets ganked, tp in and help, that will turn the whole game into your direction.


                                                                                                      Haha Gold Bird I was in your situation before xD, kinda panicked when nobody wants mid. Back to the thread tho, always carry a TP no matter what role you are playing. Oh, and a magic stick isn't that bad either. Play conservatively if your teammate won't listen to you, since they probably won't help you when you're in trouble either. But TP to them, don't do what they did to you. That way, you can pick up some farm and you can beef your team up so that they can get bashed for a few seconds longer while you rekt their base. Either pick sups that can double as a core or non-hard carry cores. Chances are, the opposite team will not be bright enough to grasp the time to engage.
                                                                                                      Hope you can go up in MMR soon =)


                                                                                                        Blame your dad for breeding with a goat. 1k subhuman scum.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!