General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Epic Quest to Very High MMR

My Epic Quest to Very High MMR in General Discussion

    I begin my quest to Very High MMR. I choose to fly on the clouds and strike them all down with lightning bolts. This hero seems good for me.

    I begin at 1280 MMR. So far I rise to 1397. Zues is bad for lasthits. But I seem to get some with spells.


      and whats ur aim? 3k?


        Come on TripleSteal, don't ruin his/her motivation :(

        Good luck, wish you all the best.

        Riguma Borusu

          Why do people have such a fixation on getting opponents that'll wreck their face?


            I won more Zues games to rise to 1521 MMR. But there is so much lag. I get pings of 975, but that doesn't even seem right. Once I was on my side of the river and clicked to walk. I walked so far I died behind at the enemy Tier 2 tower. I was lagging out for 15 seconds. How can my ping say only 975? It was more like 5,000 ping for some games.

            lm ao

              youre definitely a weird guy


                I calibrated an year and a half ago at 800 mmr. Now im 3.2k. Most people don't believe me but friend me if u want to. I didn't use any particular hero to gain the mmr, but I realized early that supporting doesn't get u mmr at that stage. Good luck!


                  I mean u can go on with zeus but he'll get countered after a certain mmr and i think that time is 2k+ but good luck then. If this is your main account i dont think u should even care bc a total 150 games doesnt mean ur ready to be even 3k. If this is your main account i rly suggest u to random heroes on normal mm and learn em and learn dota mechanics n stuff rather than worrying about mmr.
                  If this is ur smurf then WutFace

                  inst:  MissMissclick

                    supporting doesnt get u mmr at that stage? i have more wins on supports than cores.

                    JULIAN SIBARANI

                      Can u predict my mmr in this id? I tot i am going to vhs next game. Should i continue playing this id or not. My last smurf id is 4.7K scrub. So dissapointed

                      King of Low Prio

                        this zeus build is disgusting


                          u are capped at 2.5 and u dont even know it


                            I kill all. Rise to 1619 MMR. Many games have so much lag it is hard to even move my hero.

                            Red stick, Blue stick, Green Stick so much damage.


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                            PINOY DOTO

                              Love your item build man.

                              Zero utility, maximum damage.

                              Truly, all them filthy legion, alchem, and slark pickers stand no chance against you.

                              See you at 2k ;)

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                              King Chilling

                                Dang my mmr started from 0 and nw im yet 600 after a year :(


                                  U r actually playing good enough for at least 2.5k MMR I would say, i mean stomping retards is not hard but it takes effort.
                                  But you will easily climb MMR if you play so much, if you go on like that you have almost 2000 games in a year, which would possibly lead you to hs or even vhs.


                                    Good job this is working, but Sampson is kinda right.. u using all sorts of fucked' up builds there son :D

                                    blademail? shouldn't need it, get a glimmer cape instead
                                    necrobook? nope, not really ur role to be making mad pushes, let someone else do this and u just zap shit
                                    orchid? shouldn't need it, zap mafuckers down so fast they cant cast spells anyway

                                    better items that u should consider more often: blink dagger, refresher, glimmer, euls, octarine
                                    i really like veil of discord, keep that shit going..

                                    just my 2cents. there are plenty of better players on here to listen to..

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                                      OK, so how much dmg is good enough?

                                      If I get Veil, Aghs, Eblade, Dagon how much to kill tank hero? I can hide and wait 5 sec bkbs late, then kill?

                                      Can I do maths? Veil so no resistance. Eblade so 75 + 180 and 40% on other hits

                                      then Dagon 1 is 560 and Arc is 203 and Bolt is 490 and Wrath is 896 so everything cast once is 1914 dmg


                                        I was just being against tiny and he would not quite die so then bmail got the rest when he stun and tossed me.


                                          go watch my friend's zeus if u want to learn, hes 6k and its his favourite hero


                                            If I got Dagon 5 it would be 2474 burst to one guy, but it takes so long to get Dagon 5 and eblade and and and, I think to win faster before they get dmg items.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              watching 1k players theorycraft is amusing its like watching a 6 year old try and figure out how a microwave works

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                Yo OP, good luck man! just keep on posting here and keep us updated on your journey!


                                                  Why do I need blink? I can cast from far away instead maybe. Why get close?

                                                  So Zues can cast from anywhere for Wrath, and how far to hit Bolt? Is it 700 and 325 and 200 with Aether lens? Maybe I cast from 1200 range instead of blink at them?


                                                    Ok I win a few more games now up to 1763 MMR. So far no one is counter to Zues.

                                                    when i laf i say, kakakak...

                                                      I support you bro you can do it!


                                                        Dude at least upgrade ur playstyle. Go for blink, midas if u go offlane and just dont go for dagon eblade shit. U cant rly do anything if enemy cores carry the game unless u get hex and have a little disable for the team or maybe linkens. Like what u gonna do against a farmed am. Fuck dat what about an underlvled not completed battlefury . u obviously cant kill him with ur spells and u gonna get killed if u use em more n more and no mana for ult after trading some hits. In general gl but change ur build each game depending on game

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                                                          ?? i dont think you understand that this is 1k mmr,player's dont usually counter Zeus.His build is fine,he seems to prefer building eblade when he is all out stomping,at which point who cares if you're 20-0 building eblade is not gonna lose you ur game 4Head.

                                                          also im pretty sure am players at 1k mmr get a 27 minute bfury at max.


                                                            Pepperoni say a good point. See this game.


                                                            Game is over at 27 minutes. Already I kill 33 with assists and enemy right clicks have weak items still.

                                                            enemy legion has brown boots, blink. enemy ember has battlefury, phase. bounty has deso, phase, enemy alchemist has shadow blade, radience, enemy witch doctor has brown boots... so I think they are all still low hp for easy lighting kills.


                                                              can they even hit me? They die in two seconds for Zues is so OP.

                                                              i find silly they try to sneak on me invis. Zues sees all and strikes all.

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                                                              lm ao



                                                                  Always believed in this guy. *cries blood tears*

                                                                  Hope @Fyyq is noticing the progress :P


                                                                    lol srsly i abandoned my last acc bc it was the one i started with and got 1k and didnt win more then i list bc i was a tryhard carry but the other lanes were feeding per minute. Then this guy's climbing mmr like ez. As i said in another topic, imma spam necro till i go 1934848k
                                                                    :/ thay was my BabyRage right there now it's gone so wassup /:


                                                                      well u gonna win like this till like 2500 mmr and then you are going to need to change your playstyle/itembuild


                                                                        so i suggest to start it now rather than wait for that moment when you can't win anymore with your strat


                                                                          ty to j0 for suggestion. i see his friend play 5.2k MMR zues use soul ring to push lanes. This is very good when my team are cowards and the enemy groups to much to gank. then soul ring and arc push the lanes to stay ahead. This dota is more fun than LoL I think. I get the best hero right away.

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                                                                            Well-played guy well-played..... with this skills u can easily get higher MMR than u think just keep playing whether win or lose :)) "The More You Play,The More You Learn" that the point x) who can say we cant see you in the coming TIs!!!

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                                                                            PINOY DOTO

                                                                              And 8-3 today on zeus alone. Not bad for someone who gets blade mail on this hero every other game.

                                                                              Seriously, what the hell do you think you are tanking?

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                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!