General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked before 50 trophies

Ranked before 50 trophies in General Discussion

    I'm only level 12 trophies and Dota level 8 (bottle).
    How can we play ranked with my friend in party? (he is above 50)
    If he search game we can play ranked... Wtf?


      yes you can


        Why? It is a bug?
        I just played ranked Im only lvl 8


          Solo = level 50
          Party you don't need high level.


            Good to hear you can play party that soon :)


              i got to 50 trophies now i am ranked with pros


                if i put on high skill level all streak even loss , it would affect my hidden mmr ?

                SHADOW KILLER

                  just party rank with your friend but im sure that party with your mmr will affect your hidden if your party friend are not good like 2k below and my mmr is 4k