General Discussion

General DiscussionChen - Snith vs iWin4Arka

Chen - Snith vs iWin4Arka in General Discussion

    what about Chen dotabuff rankings?

    D the Superior
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      Pom Pom 🍕

        How's the new fireball skill since you've been playing chen so much?


          Why is he losing so much? I thought Chen seemed pretty okay this patch

          the realm's delight

            suck fnith


              In my opinion Chen is actually borderline OP atm.

              @Pomi The dragons are crazy and pretty much hinders enemy creeppushes. It helps you farm big time. Dragons cannot be killed that easily with 3 seconds (+- ultimate) so you can easily teleport them to you when they are splitpushing. And I started to prefer the Dragons over Golems. If you have atleast two of them + Vlad you have 11 AOE armor which is no joke in addition to the sustain and save chen already gives.

              No she is only good with sven

              I talked to snith but he went all arrogant after I mentioned that he had hard time hitting 50% with that hero. Sometimes playing only 1 hero makes you forget other important things and you play more sloppy the more you play that one hero.

              Best WK EU




                  snith is trash


                    lol moku back to dbuff forums? SeemsGood


                      Snith is jsut not very good on his own, I'd say.


                        Eh, arrogance blinds people I guess. You seem to farm pretty fast on the hero.

                        What's your general item progression? Do you go greaves post aghs? And vlads pre aghs?


                          i remember snith posting here and getting blewn the fuck out


                            Usually I my first items consist of Arcanes, Meka, Basilus.
                            Later I get Aghs, once you get Aghs your farm skyrockets so I get Greaves and Vlads ASAP. Then Usually hex to close the game or any other item that counters important heroes.
                            When people play 1 hero only they forget that theres is mostly a lot of air left upwards to improve and maybe even be innovative. The other day I figured out a tiny little trick to make me farm (WAY) more efficient with Visage for example though I have 150+ games played with her

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                                Alright nice, I might look into some of your games

                                Also, care to share visage tip? :p Love that hero



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