General Discussion

General DiscussionFilter in "meta"

Filter in "meta" in General Discussion

    Can we get in "Filtred by" on Meta page "Last patch" option? Without it all this data is irrelevant.

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      + I just bought plus for that FeelsBadMan


        I asked Sir (who has plus) to check for me couple of hours ago and it didnt work.
        it sucks


          The sample size is to small still for 6.86. There are only about 700,000 matches played globally so far - only a few thousand in 5k+... and only a small fraction that have MMR tracked with a rating buddy. You just have to wait a bit.

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            Yeah, unfortunately this data is very highly qualified which reduces the sample size significantly. We're working on this, but the Meta page definitely doesn't move as quickly as we would like. TL;DR: it will probably take another week or so to have a 686-meta page.


              It's better to see some real stats on popular heroes than don't see nothing relevant.
              Meta is current game state in dota world and filtration by 1 and 3 months doesn't really fit there.

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!