General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are the biggest winners of 6.86?

Who are the biggest winners of 6.86? in General Discussion

    I need to know what heroes to spam to reach 8k.


      Ursa, Ursa, Ursa. I was bummed when I realised recently that diffusal purges his ulti which is otherwise op - now it's gone. His Aghs sceptre upgrade basically allows him to pop a quasi BKB while he is already stunned. At level 16 it turns into 80% damage reduction on a 4 second uptime 14 second downtime, and 18 second cooldown BKB you can activate while stunned. Add an octarine core on it and it goes to a 13.5 second cooldown - 4 second uptime vs 9.5 second cooldown you are taking only 20% damage (and hitting twice as hard) for basically a third of the game after that.

      Livin' Real Good

        Nowhere knows shit, even the 6K's that think they know everything (not making shots at anyone) no one has even played the patch, so how can they know?

        MID OR ALL MID

          the logic


            arc warden is the winner, it's finnaly out :p

            Else it's riki and dp, who are now fucking beast.

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              hi i come from the future and i just wanted to say chen is the most overpowered hero i highly suggest you start spamming him .

              MID OR ALL MID

                ez duel 4 lc agha,bm and mkb

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                  The problem is still to start the snowball as lc ^^.

                  Should be easier though, now that lc can heal on camp between each 2 waves :p

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                    lycan is back Kreygasm PogChamp uye uye


                      Hmm yeah I'm pretty sure Chen will be roflstomping with his buddies E-nigga and Shadow Shaman in the push meta that's soon to come. The neutrals getting stackable magic resist auras and other crazy buffs are just too good.


                        earth spirit

                        waku waku

                          the butcher


                            Aghs Ursa will be unkillable in pubs.


                              Why would he be? Adding scpeter means he has to give up one of his otherwise core items in 6-slot, unless there is an alch in team who donates scepter to Ursa. Also fro LC, adding scepter means you have to give up something else in inventory.

                              I mean then damage reduction is there, but its only a reduction and NOT a BKB, you are still vulnerable to spell effects. Damage amplified, slowed, stunned etc. you still experience the whole shit with ult available. Instead you were melted in 3 seconds before by Drow, it will take now 4 seconds. Ok it may be a crucial second at some games, on the other hand there will be many games where its not a factor. Unkillable or broken hero? No more than today.

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                              MID OR ALL MID

                                if ur opponent pick ursa dint pick stunner just pick disabler 686 so imba ursa


                                  @juice 80% damage reduction that can be activated whilst stunned or silenced and can't be purged will make him unkillable without coordination i.e. pubs. phase, blink,vlads,bkb,aghs + 2.

                                  if you gank ursa now he pops his ult after you stun him, takes little damage whilst stunned and then pops bkb and either runs or fights. before you could easily kill him if you got the stun off. now you need to cc him for an extra 4secs.


                                    it isn't whether he can be countered - it is whether a pub team will counter him - same reason omni and riki work in most pubs.


                                      Ursa ^_^


                                        Ancient Apparition imo

                                        Managed to be one of the most played heroes in like every single tournament yet somehow didn't get a single nerf.
                                        If I had to bet on one hero being meta in 6.86 it would be AA.

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                                          I guess morphling will have a great comeback. 150 atack range and almost all his core items got buffed. Also he counters many of the heros which seems to be strong this patch


                                            huskar+dragon lance


                                              huskar got some very heavy nerfs, not even dragon oance will help him, i suppose


                                                what nerfs?

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Huskar jumps to melee range, why would dragon lance even help him? I don't like the item changes that made them more proc-dependant. Also Riki is overrated I think and LD didn't even become better I also feel.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Oracle ultimate also got nerfed too much. It was OP, but now it's just meh.


                                                      games ruined, first bounty runes now this:

                                                      plz do

                                                        silencer, arc, dp, void, mb lifestealer seem to be big winners here. chen w black dragon fireball (850 aoe dmg over 10 sec wtf and 10 sec cd) sounds sick though..
                                                        thats my first hunch. probably forgot some things.
                                                        doom, wk, slardar are still big though. sf, ww and huskar got nerfed in a hurtful way.
                                                        lots of heroes have not been touched though and its the same early team fight meta as we know it.




                                                            od looks dope,
                                                            new slark.

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                                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                                              I'll be surprised if Chen doesn't become a top tier hero.


                                                                @hushhush i thought that was earth splitter when i first opened it. someone do a picture of aghs jakiro and aether please :)

                                                                waku waku

                                                                  chaos knight has been silently getting more and more op behind the scenes maybe soon everyone will notice him and scream op

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Matrice are you sure riki is actually better? He loses a lot of mobility which was kinda why he sucked before the blink strike rework.


                                                                      dragon knight looks pretty strong


                                                                        4 time sleight of fist at level 1 ult.

                                                                        Remember how you screamed to a single sleight of fist ?, now you have to deal up to 6 of them. (and you can buy dagger on riki easily to get out after your ult , or to position your ult and then you go out with blink strike).

                                                                        I guess that you can stop getting hitted if you leave the aoe. yet it's not very hard to land at least 3 hit on everyone


                                                                          Are we gonna see jungle LC buying level 1 iron talon?


                                                                            Time to stack BattleFuries on Riki?

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                                                                              that would fix his regen problem :D

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                I don't really get how it works, he just sits there and aoes an area like slight of fist for 6 seconds and can cancel it early? Well it will be interesting to see how it works. Though losing hp regen on invis hurts as does the agility backstab nerf (went to 1.0 at max it looks like instead of 1.25). That ult is also on a super long cd. And his agi growth nerfed a LOT. Level 10 that's 7 less agi.


                                                                                  every game will be medusa and antimage to counter.

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    I mean, what's the point if you can just leave the AoE?


                                                                                      Riki got overpowered. That sucks. Now everyone below 2K MMR will take him lmao.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        yeah I don't get it, they kill his mobility, nerf his stats to make him a glass cannon and then you can walk out of his nuke? Or does riki move around while his ult is going? We'll have to wait and see the beta.


                                                                                          dp lc es (since he got into cm)

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                                                                                              now linken counter doom entirely, since you can't pop linken with lvl death.


                                                                                                with a joining of permanent invis and backstab riki is over powered i think

                                                                                                riki before : smoke, blink, backstab, invis
                                                                                                riki now : smoke, invis, backstab, blink
                                                                                                riki future : smoke, blink, backstab+invis, sleight of fist.

                                                                                                now at lvl 7 you can max backstab, with blink and smoke and ult


                                                                                                  as if you cant eat a creep to pop linkens


                                                                                                    Huskar is a winner because he finally got his death wish.

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      yeah but lvl 1 blink strike is a 16 second cd. To be really useful it needs to be at least rank 3 or 4. A current riki at 6 with a 1/1/3/1 build is a ton more mobile and hits harder than a 686 riki with 1/1/3/1 unless the sleight of fist ends up being AMAZING. We'll just have to wait and see how it actually works but my feeling is you'll be able to basically kite riki now.

                                                                                                      Giant Sloth

                                                                                                        They removed the regen from Rikis invisible which is a huge blow to his laning phase. He was like a small early slark. You can not really kill him unitl you get it done in one go.