General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could ive done better to win this game?

What could ive done better to win this game? in General Discussion
    Basically, i was just reviewing my games analysing some of my plays and get interested in hearing different opinions than mine


      You died to much. You are in a split pushing situation and in order to maintain pressure you have to stay in the game. PL should have 1 or 2 deaths, not 10.

      Against UD, AA, QoP, Medusa you will not win a decisive victory with PL. Clinkz was able to out rat you.

      Clinkz 8.9k tower dmg
      PL 1.1k tower dmg

      You needed to stay alive, pick off clinkz, and hit towers.

      You have more kills than assists. That is a sign that you are staying in fights to long, greedy for the kill and taking to much risk.

      You completed BoT at 15:50, diffusal blade at 25:11. That's 10 minutes of you not being really dangerous. That build order alone may have lost the game. You had the farm advantage by a lot early (61 cs @ 10 min vs only 33 for clinkz, 22 for QoP, and 18 for medusa) and you spent it on BoT which you do not need at that point in the game instead of getting real power.

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        buy dagger on phantom lancer, that shit is legit.


          Blink PL was proven extremely effective at the Summit 4. But I think he made a lot more fundemental mistakes.


            I agree with both of you, thinking about it now i should have gone diffual-bots-blink in this order, i would be able to pick off clinkz basically by myself with zeus ult! Can you elaborate a little bit more on the "fundamental mistakes" i made and how i should get better? thanks


              I can't watch the replay now to pick out exactly why you died. But the important thing is that you died 10 times on a carry with a great escape mechanism.

              That means you are basicaly not valuing your survival high enough, staying in fights to long, not paying enough attention to people missing from the map, etc. PL wins this game by getting chip damage on towers and especially by picking off clinkz so he can't do it to you. Eventually the towers fall. You can't really go hard into their teamfight even late game. Medusa + AA is a death for PL for sure. You need to juke in and out - not take significant damage, then be ready to chase down escaping nearly dead heroes or run away to split push. From the stats and the event log, it looks like you were trying to man fight their whole team.

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              Dire Wolf

                I don't have plus so that wasn't obvious to me but yeah don't rush boots of travel on pl, it's not good, only good if your team secures you a ton of farm. Also diffusal can purge clinkz orchid right? That's a pl killer on clinkz.


                  I didnt rush bots tho! I went aquila-drums-bots-diff.. just think i should have gone blink instead of bots and diff right after the drums! And id appreciate a lot if you could watch the replay, altough you pretty much figured out what happened during the fights, i went to hard just because i thought i had lot of illusions so could burst medusa very fast then win the game! QOP+AA fucked me over basically, clinkz wasnt the problem at all

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                    Do you guys think id be able to carry this game like 1v5? I dont think my team had a good composition and my zeus was completely countered by undy and pipe


                      They had 3 late game carries and 1 support (AA) which will still be useful in late game, where as your team has only at most 2 carries, given that clock goes carry build (but his gold says otherwise).

                      You would want to play deathball instead of letting them farm when facing off such picks. However judging by the amount of last hits on the other heroes I assume that they spent some time on farming, which leaves chance for the other team to do the same. Did you try to coordinate your team to gank more often? Did you join the ganks as well using your BoT? Lich would be better going Mek, Ebola would be better if he positioned well to not die. You would be better if you got other items before BoT in such an early timing.


                        from the stats i can tell you this - you didn't really push, you didn't fight, you just farmed and died.
                        work on that.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I mean your team composition is pretty crap, you have a really good team for fighting a bunch of melee carries but not a qop + dusa + clinkz. No lock down vs three heroes you really want to lock down. You probably can't 1v5 carry that you need zeus to burst those guys heavily and it didn't happen.

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