General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 Bloodseeker - Love or hate it?

6.82 Bloodseeker - Love or hate it? in General Discussion

    This seeker is now so useless. The first skill was so imba before. And the Hp regen by killing creeps was better too. I'm pretty bummed that he no longer counters Anti Mage / Slark / Weaver so well. Rupture does hardly any damage unless it's level 3 and escaping the silence AoE with mobile heroes is really easy. I miss the old, pubstompy, scary, perma silence, maphack Bloodseeker. Anyone else feel the same?

    This is how i used to play him in my old profile:

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      i think he still op (3k knowledge)


        Fuck you op

        Now I have no idea how bad or good bs is now so Idk


          Is still good, u can almost stun someone with low hp every 1 min


            I actually like the new BS. I had my doubts that his heal is now an active spell but after playing and getting the hang of it, i prefer this to the old one.


              ^ old bs was op cause hes ulty was really strong... i mean if u got ultied and u moved 200range u would die..
              last patch blood was broken cause of his thirst threshhold at 100% now its 75% but still a beast hero..
              also on last patch u could jungle so easy with the 25% heal from 1st skill now its downscalled and u need some jungle tricks on dire side and some luck with the camps to achieve a good jungling time
              but still hero is good

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              Riguma Borusu

                The rework made him way more versatile in terms of what positions he can play and what he can accomplish. The last patch tho, fucked him over majorly.


                  As a top bloodcyka player~~ *The rework did absolutely what was intended, shine some light on a hero that wasn't getting any love.

                  :: Bloodseekers jungling ability at level 1 pretty much got erased with the nerfs last patch. (in most cases jungle-style heros are quite bad this patch regardless). Last patch bloodseekers jungling ability when left uncontested was on-par with enigmas. Jungling now can only be done if you get pooled regen and/or seduce your mid player to letting you have the bounty rune.
                  For this patch specifically...which wont be lasting much longer...BS can really only be played as a safelane core (1). And very seldom mid given an easy matchup.
                  >>What makes BS so strong as a safelane core is that his supports can take advantage of lane experience while he jungles after he gets some basic items and 3-5 levels.

                  I said more then needed to..,.oh welll


                    After 6.82 I thought Bloodseeker was really weakened, never ever saw him snowball the same pubstompy way he did in 6.81. Few times I did see him played in 6.82 he was never effective and never saw him once in 6.83 as he was completely outclassed by pew pew and permabash. With 6.84 and the increase damage from thirst he was able to get a very strong early game and leverage this into snowballing, which quite frankly was the only way he won. I spammed him a lot during this period (77 games and 69% winrate after playing him only once before) for easy TI predictions/free sets. Whenever I did well/stomped the early game I usually dominated the midgame and subsequently won, if I did poorly in the early game there was usually no coming back, and if it got to very late game without winning he was easily outclassed by illusion heroes like PL, CK, Naga, and even by Manta building carries like AM.

                    Now with the change in 6.85 to thirst again it completely removed his ability to get a strong early game since he only gets the extra damage when teamfights are breaking out. This limits his ability to farm and harass/get kills on opponents in the laning phase, ultimately leading to a weaker midgame and gives him very little capacity to close out the game. this is reflected by his low winrate across all skill levels - even in the very lowest skill games where people don't just tp away from rupture ganks, indeed in skill levels where they will actively run and keep running until they die to rupture -he only gets a 47% winrate. In the 5k+ skill games where solo pick offs are impossible, where it is easy to shut him down early, and where he easily outclassed in terms of farming and fighting by the current popular picks like SF, Slardar, Ember Spirit etc, he has the lowest - the complete lowest winrate of all heroes.

                    If he is going to be buffed in 6.86 it probably will not be undoing the nerfs to his thirst and bloodrage, but buffing his other skills. Something like bringing back the initial burst damage in rupture, increasing the aoe or damage or speed at which the silence spell activates, or it could be changes to bloodrage again like reducing the amount of extra damage he takes from the ability, or he might just get an extra stat gain boost, or he might go back and add an extra buff to thirst, something like increasing his attack speed or something like that. Either way the hero is in serious need of a buff again - was barely picked or banned at TI especially compared to the other pubstomper of the time in Leshrac who was 100% P/B, and has been complete dog shit for all of 6.85.

                    Pale Mannie

                      Damn good old times with BS in 6.84 that was great


                        ya he was over nerfed forsure lesh too

                        lm ao

                          Hey Fyyq remember the smurf you showed me that had 98% winrate with Bloodseeker 80% winrate everywhere?


                            ^ xDDD i keep it secret


                              Btw mpampi min petakseis kana link me to acc mou! thelw low profile;) thx

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!