General Discussion

General Discussion1.9k matches, still 3k mmr

1.9k matches, still 3k mmr in General Discussion

    seriously what am i doing wrong at this game? i know i can't win all the time, but i've calibrated way back may 2014 at 1800 and i've heard of people who managed to get to 4k now, while i'm still barely 3k (2.8k solo, 3k pt)

    if u look at my games you'd know i mainly play offlane, it works since im not a good midlaner and i dont rly like playing support and carry.

    at this point i no longer have an idea on what to improve on. maybe u can take a look at my games and see what im doing wrong?

    it just sucks to know that im still normal skill even tho i have 2k+ hours on the game already


      have you tried being less bad, usually being less bad helps..


        on a proper note

        every build is situational for the game you are in, try adapting.
        you are the type of player who will go for the infamous 35min radiance on spectre, or brownboots battlefury pa instead of adjusting to your game.
        On brood, orchid is rarely the item nowdays.


          3k games are actually harder to win than very high skilled games, it's very hard to not tilt when some retard go last pick anti-mage, or some invoker mid having boot mn 7. just try your best and go next game when some shit like this happens.




              i went from 1k to 4k, just play gud
              you die too much and your farm is really bad
              100 cs as brood or timbersaw in 40 minutes are very low, aim for at least 200
              if you still don't know how to improve your gameplay watch your replays, every single death and try to avoid it next time

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                its okay

                Riguma Borusu

                  Not everyone improves at the same pace. I have a friend who's been playing for literally 10 years at the moment, he's around 3.5k, I started playing last december and I'm around 3k, but I only play unranked. Some people completely stop improving and remain at a certain MMR with a perpetual 50% wr, usually when they believe they are good enough they don't need to learn anything new, and refuse to do so. I'd probably have both a better winrate and higher rating if I actually cared about picks (I spam LC every game like a retard), if I cared enough not to throw some games because whatever (not caring about certain things, charging without a bkb like a yolotard, etc), if I actually only played when I am in good mood/rested/etc.

                  Always ask yourself if you're doing all the best things to achieve a higher rating. I know damn well I am not, I don't play ranked, and I could not give less of a fuck, I'll just continue playing some unranked normal/high skill games and that's about it. Somebody who really wants to pay attention to shit, even with my disabilities and (lack of) skills would improve faster.

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                    "im not a good midlaner and i dont rly like playing support and carry"

                    You answered your own question. Play more all random games. You're not truly 3k until you can get 50% winrate with all heroes at 3k

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^does anybody (esp. @~3k) really play enough games of "all heroes" for the winrate to be relevant? Everything up to like 15 games or so would be too much of a small sample pool for it to mean much of anything.


                        I'm saying you'll never get higher until you've played every hero and know what they're capable of. It doesn't matter how mechanically good you are at one hero if you have no clue what that earth spirit or timbersaw barreling at you does.


                          it's not that i cant play the heroes at mid, it's just that i'm bad at mid mechanically. no matter what i do i always get out-xp'ed at mid and i lose runes a lot and the only hero i can probably win well at mid is viper but that hero is technically auto win at mid anyway

                          and i can play support i just choose not to unless it's the only way around

                          i think 1 mistake i frequently make is going for really bad dives bcoz :greed:, i sometimes overestimate my hero like for example, trying to dive a dazzle without taking grave into account, then get charged at and die in the process


                            maybe another thing is finding an opening to gain back a lead during a losing situation, but that one's really hard considering everyone flaming each other on our team already


                              @RedRover You don't have to play hero's to know what they are capable of doing to you, or how to play against them.

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                                @SOSLICK22 You gotta know the heroes so you know what synergizes with them, how to counter them. Not countering in a way like "huh what stops a channeling spell", but more like, "what stuff do i fear when i play Faceless void?", "How would i initiate if i were the enemy initiator?", "Where would i ward if i were the dire support?" Knowing stuff like that can take you a looooooong way.


                                  TBH a lot of people around here are just delusional.

                                  I think it's good that you're aware you're not that good, yet, you accept your rarting and that's first step for improvment.


                                    tbh i have decent game knowledge of the game

                                    i think after observation from my games, my problem is not being able to apply this knowledge ingame and just sucking mechanically

                                    i can cs decently, i know basic ward spots, i know some counters, and im good at watching the map from the offlane and stuff but i still end up losing because of that


                                      Ok rolling, here are some nice questions for you:
                                      1) pure-damage, spell-immunity-piercing spell which is supposed to kill couriers but it does not for some balance reasons.
                                      2) the only physical damage no-target spell, which does not pierce spell immunity
                                      3) what is the basic difference between normal dispels and dispels by spell immunity


                                        1) would probably be rupture, since qop ult kills cours
                                        2) is slithereen crush?
                                        3) normal dispels and spell immunity? This is the first I've heard of normal dispels but that would probably be what purge right?


                                          Learn how to calm down every clash, that would be huge help.


                                            Nice, u are correct with 1 and 2 (btw sunstrike is also supposed to kill couriers which would be even more imba), but u can be 100% sure that ur game knowledge is not complete and u need to study 4 types of dispels (namely, slark and lc, typical offlaners, posses such dispels). I

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                                              Well I just treat them both as purges kek


                                                just gotta learn how to play the other roles so you can understand the bigger picture. even your offlane hero pool seems weak, where most of your wins come from playing earth spirit and slardar.

                                                if you honestly have no idea what you can improve on even after analysing your own replays it's probably time to get some coaching

                                                BEA DotA TV

                                                  calm down
                                                  talk less
                                                  play more


                                                    Rolling, purge is a type of disable, not dispel. Purge applies a normal dispel, but besides it there are strong dispels, spell immunity dispels and dispels by death.


                                                      I highly recommend u reading until u reach Socrates level of understanding things:


                                                        Tbh I had 49-ish win rate before earth spirit spam era

                                                        Right now I'm trying to learn how to play brood by spam since I can't really learn a hero by just reading about it (I don't think anyone in NS can)

                                                        And my hero pool is indeed weak but I can't seem to have fun playing heroes like beast master. Maybe I'll try to play some clock or night stalker sometimes


                                                          dude dont worry I have a friend who has over 7k hours in dota with almost 6k games, many more if we count lobbies and he still has 1,3k mmr solo and 2,5k party, as other mentioned some people just improve at a different pace or they simply think they are good enough and they dont bother in improving so they stay in the same low skill games forever.

                                                          About you, pretty much what everyone said, you can't be good at the game if you dont fully understand every role and how they interact between them, because if you dont understand that at a high level you will always be out of position no matter what role you're playing.. you will be a carry farming when you should be fighting, you will be an offlaner staying in his lane when he was supposed to be ganking already, or you will be a bad support not recognizing what your carry or your mid needs you to do at a certain time.

                                                          Also recognizing when you're stronger than your opponent at any time of the game is what makes you improve, this last part is what im trying to improve the most since I reached 4k.. After months stuck in there I feel like Im finally outplaying people at my mmr and now im climbing to 4,5. :)

                                                          Anyways I havent seen you play so I cant judge much, but I hope my thoughts can help you.

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                                                            you need to be able to play a good mid. going up in mmr is basically proof of youre own skill, if you're bad mechanically to get beaten at mid, it shows that your mmr is an accurate representation of where you belong. at that level you can basically carry 1v9 if you roflshitstomp mid on heroes that scale like TA and SF.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              I am really shit @ mid, never played it much because I don't want to argue with people, so I often go offlane or jungle. Jungle LC has actually hurt my winrate with her, going offlane means I can actually have an impact in my matches, if I am against a melee carry, it's basically a free win for the lane.

                                                              The thing to understand is that it is not about playing a good *insert position here*, it's about having a good impact on the game, having good map awareness and doing what you should at a certain point in time. Last night I got rekt by a decent AA player. Those ults were always on point, I watched the replay, he often threw them into the fog to scout people out, where he believed we should be, and if his friends are around, we get massacred, meanwhile our support didn't buy wards so I had to but that meant I got rather poor items most of the time. That means both supports have had massive impact on the game - ours by not actually supporting and theirs by doing a lot of good shit. Meanwhile sometimes I play offlane and really wreck the safelane carry, kill him a few times, win duels on him, and push him out of the lane, and make sure he's scared shitless to go around the map farming if he doesn't see me on the minimap, and if I was solo in the offlane, I will usually get plenty of exp by contesting/blocking pulls, remaining in the lane and just playing aggressive in general. The thing is, I will be the same level as their mid player, so even if he rotated and got a few kills elsewhere, I can probably have just as much impact. It's a bit different with a dual lane and if we didn't have many kill opportunities and your lane support just saps exp.

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                                                                Some of us are meant to reach for the stars. They fly to the moon or win the UEFA Championsleague. Others make burgers and fries. Its the same in dota.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  ^Exactly. Speaking of which, would you like some ketchup on your fries?

                                                                  nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                                    Try to up ur solo to >3000 then ur pubs enemy will be high skill-vhs
                                                                    I dont even playing solo mmr more, still comfortable with current bracket,less idiot more teamwork:D

                                                                    nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                                      I from 2400 mmr back then :u
                                                                      This 1yer only +600


                                                                        sisyphus is right, ur offlane pool seems kinda weak. i guess brood is ok if you last pick it. nightstalker and clock would be nice additions. spam necro offlane, its pretty easy in normal skill, and it shuts their safe lane down hard.


                                                                          watch some good players play some hero that you like playing.


                                                                            aui_3000 knows best ^

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!