General Discussion

General Discussionif I was -Miracle how do I win this game...

if I was -Miracle how do I win this game... in General Discussion

    seriously im having a huge losing spree and idkwtf to do.

    if im 8k booster how do i win this game?????

    i realize i can pick a better hero than antimage shit but still im sure 8k can win this game... right?

    do i just try to fight into their deathball? ta was just melting everyone and without manta i can't even break her shitty shield.

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          am is not a shitty hero but a lot of people seem like not getting the fact that am needs some space in the beginning of the game. if you are gonna pick am, you must be sure that the rest of your team can buy time for you by making even fights. otherwise you will find yourself watching the enemy heroes from a distance while they're taking your barracks and finishing the game.

          you would have chance to win the game if the game lasted like at least 10 minutes more, then you could fight the enemy and possibly wipe them out. but enemy should be more than stupid to let it happen.

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              i think that all that could be done was cutting creeps and playing around them, making as much space as possible
              but idk how exactly do you do that, some ppl told me to watch rtz's streams where he carries even the heaviest games like this
              don't ask me for more though, i'm 4k

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                Giff me Wingman

                  for starters, pick a different hero.


                    pick es against meepo


                      I would feel pretty pissed off if i had to play AM vs their lineup, especially when they're feeding as fuck. So i agree with guys - AM pick was pretty damn bad for that game, idk what happened to your team tho. Were they just that bad or just couldnt hold on 4 vs 5 for whole game?


                        Antimage is weak against their heroes because almost all of their damage is physical and only dazzle has a large mana pool to burn.

                        Darkseer, SF, and WR should have been able to hold high ground longer, but they got outplayed... particularly because this windranger is terrible (33% winrate) AND had not played a game of WR in nearly an entire year.

                        You got a decent Batterfury time for a losing game, 15:38. But by this point Radiant was alreayd snowballing and had ageis. I think your only chance may have been to take a lot of risk cutting creeps, then amazingly outplay them when they tried to gank you. Somehow you had to distract them from that push since your team completely failed at defending.

                        Jugg is taking a T2 top at 18:06 and the T3 top at 18:35 rax are down 15 seconds later. They went from attacking the T2 to rax down in less than a minute that early in the game because no one was wiping out the creep wave since they were too busy feeding. There really is not anything an AM with battlefury and partial vlads at that point can do but try to distract in another lane.

                        I don't think Miracle could have won this game once you were at that point. Winning would have required doing some unexpected rotation to mid to save SF and WR from getting crushed there. It may have saved you a chance to fight later if you bought a sentry ward for mid so BH and TA would not run them over so badly.

                        It's not good to delay AM's farm getting support items... but delaying your battle fury a couple minutes to save the feeders may have been the only chance in this situation - or maybe no one could have won it. Maybe you really had already lost at picks.

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                        lm ao

                          Antimage  is  weak  against  their  heroes  because  almost  all  of  their  damage  is  physical  and  only  dazzle  has  a  large  mana  pool  to  burn.
                          Darkseer,  SF,  and  WR  should  have  been  able  to  hold  high  ground  longer,  but  they  got  outplayed...  particularly  because  this  windranger  is  terrible  (33%  winrate)  AND  had  not  played  a  game  of  WR  in  nearly  an  entire  year.
                          You  got  a  decent  Batterfury  time  for  a  losing  game,  15:38.  But  by  this  point  Radiant  was  alreayd  snowballing  and  had  ageis.  I  think  your  only  chance  may  have  been  to  take  a  lot  of  risk  cutting  creeps,  then  amazingly  outplay  them  when  they  tried  to  gank  you.  Somehow  you  had  to  distract  them  from  that  push  since  your  team  completely  failed  at  defending.
                          Jugg  is  taking  a  T2  top  at  18:06  and  the  T3  top  at  18:35  rax  are  down  15  seconds  later.  They  went  from  attacking  the  T2  to  rax  down  in  less  than  a  minute  that  early  in  the  game  because  no  one  was  wiping  out  the  creep  wave  since  they  were  too  busy  feeding.  There  really  is  not  anything  an  AM  with  battlefury  and  partial  vlads  at  that  point  can  do  but  try  to  distract  in  another  lane.
                          I  don't  think  Miracle  could  have  won  this  game  once  you  were  at  that  point.  Winning  would  have  required  doing  some  unexpected  rotation  to  mid  to  save  SF  and  WR  from  getting  crushed  there.  It  may  have  saved  you  a  chance  to  fight  later  if  you  bought  a  sentry  ward  for  mid  so  BH  and  TA  would  not  run  them  over  so  badly.
                          It's  not  good  to  delay  AM's  farm  getting  support  items...  but  delaying  your  battle  fury  a  couple  minutes  to  save  the  feeders  may  have  been  the  only  chance  in  this  situation  -  or  maybe  no  one  could  have  won  it.  Maybe  you  really  had  already  lost  at  picks.

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                            Let me hear those guys who were yelling last patch about AM being so OP and in need of a nerf now..AM needs a slight buff to his early game tbh. It's not like he's a super strong late-game carry and he can be matched in farm or even outfarmed by some other heroes.

                            Main issue is his str gain, it should be more like 1.5 instead of 1.2.
                            Also mana break and mana void scale kind of weird and work very strange compared to how other similar abilities or items work. Manabreak does just 60% of the mana burn as damage and it is still an orb effect compared to diffusal which isn't and does 100% damage.

                            Manabreak should be changed a bit to make it more powerful at lvl 1 (maybe...something like 30/40/50/60 mana burn ?) And lvl 1 mana void is kinda underwhelming..

                            Just my usual rant about AM


                              AM wasn't OP last patch, just better because there were at least 2 heroes like qop/storm/lina/leshrac every single game.

                              if anything he got buffed by the manta buff.

                              mana break does a percentage of mana drained because it drains more mana than diffusal. idkw hat ur smoking but lv 1 mana break is fine and 2 extra mana burnt is not going to make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. if you do need more mana break you simply get 2 points into it early on.

                              and does mana void need to be a good spell at level 1? his early game is supposed to be weak, and it's not even that bad. unless you add flat damage to mana void it's not going to be good early on (in comparison to other spells like omnislash or call down) no matter what because almost everyone has low levels and therefore low mana pools.


                                that would be like saying elder titan is OP when agi carries are popular

                                Low Expectations

                                  Why is doom good vs AM? I mean post manta you should have no problem dealing with him if you are fast enough (as you should be since the castpoint is so long now). So doom almost always needs +1 for the gank


                                    you use shadow blade
                                    cast doom from invis


                                      I get games like this almost every game I lose lol.

                                      Welt aus Eis

                                        you dont, thats why miracle doenst have 100% winrate

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