General Discussion

General DiscussionWords of wisdom for teammates trying to throw?

Words of wisdom for teammates trying to throw? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Any tips based on your experience to convince or rally your team to focus and do objective based doto?


      You have to tell them but not just do this and do that, you have to explain them why they should do that like "mucho mucho gold" etc. also tell them you are on your smurf

      waku waku

        say in all chat "report X" where x =the hero that the person who is trying to throw is playing as

        King of Low Prio

          I just call them trash and hope that works. I usually just try and cause drama on both teams to cause complete chaos and sneak a win thru that.


            leave them alone. once you start trying to control their play, they start to feel pressured, and nobody plays good in pubs when teammates force them out of their comfort zone.


              1. use voice chat
              2. try to improve game atmosphere, making jokes, being friendly etc idk whatever works
              3. try to spin things positively, and focus on what can be done next time instead of relishing in the past. e.g. when we respawn lets 5 man top we're strong now got mek etc

              the more you build a strong rapport with your teammates the more they'll trust you, listen to your calls, appreciate what you do right and forgive what you do wrong


                rapport = report? MingLee


                  Get one of those Party whistles and whenever they fuck up blow it into Voice Chat

                  LIL KASALANAN

                    1v9 69% of the time, everytime.


                      Guys, how do you motivate or tell teammates with no fuckin clue how to end the game, to end the game correctly and not throw in the process? Like how you explain them to PICKOFF FUCKIN ENEMY SPECTRE WHO IS OUT OF POSITION ALL THE TIME AND ALONE ON MAP, while we have farmed Qop and Tiny + io xD

                      First i try to explain and politely tell them it would be good if we did that, etc.
                      Then i start to write a lot about that thing.
                      After that i start to write a lot in CAPSLOCK.
                      And finally i start to flame the fuck out of them.

                      Guys help me, where can i improve?


                        Chi Long Qua you need the Party Whistle i mentioned


                          I have a good mic, i think i'm gonna try that out. Fank ju veri mač.


                            Tell them that they're dogshit and that they will be 4k forever, they'll listen then.


                              @Donald Tusk
                              I'm fine when people tell me what to do. I will disobey only if order makes no sense or will likely get me killed.


                                Some people are just too retarded to understand simple plan which would pretty much win us the game or they just dont care if they win or not. Either way it makes me wanna flame them cause i do want to win :D


                                  Tell them you will blow job them. It works every time I only use this as a last resort but it's 100% effective .


                                    Good luck with that. lol.


                                      Any thing lower than 4k, players still believe just kills when dota. Had a game in my less than trash -2k braket where we lead 65 - 24 in kills. Everyone 6 slotted bassically and the guys where still running around just looking for kills. Guess what happens when we get team wiped late game. Jip base an throne gone in less than a minute. Begging them to take objectives towers or rosch does not compute with them. All they do after a goid team fight is just farm farm farm.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!