General Discussion

General DiscussionTo Russia, with love

To Russia, with love in General Discussion

    Acc to this u guys cant swear in ur own country? Cyka. Lingerie is also banned. Sad. I mean, cyka blyat.


      I'm Russian and I can confirm only 2 bans: swearing on TV and gay propaganda (btw, I support those two bans). Other 8 bans are complete nonsense made by sick imagination of this video's author.


        As far as I know, people will look at you weird if you smile for no reason in Russland. So maybe it is a sad place after all for some people.


          the narrator has no clue what she is talking about


            Sounds like she was reading a buzzfeed article shm


              i just started to watch it, but this stuff about memes with political figures is true
              like do u even watch news and keep an eye on law changes? it was introduced just several months ago

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                food from western countries - true, but only partly. dont know bout soap.

                sex ed - not true. its not banned, but it doesnt take place at schools normally - its something taught by parents in most cases.

                swearing on tv and in theatre - true, but u can avoid it. in one of the recent plays ive been to they massively used the words "фуй", "лябид", and "думак", which are just slightly changed banned terms

                talking about conflict in ukraine - false, but i see where the roots of this come from; its just a missinterpretation.

                lingerie - i got zero clue about this one, honestly

                being emo - what? thats the most absurd thing so far

                gay propaganda - true

                giving driving licences to trans - sounds very fake, im not roy sure, but its so weird that I would be 10k against a cent that its false

                yoga - false

                this video presents Russia in the same retarded way western world is presented on Russian TV, btw.

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                  its more of a cultural thing, like u dont smile in be order to polite here. if u smile, u show that u r actually happy, and its something, eh, intimate - normally you do it when u r with ur family/friends/gf etc. smile just has different meaning here.

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                    before my trip to russia my friends over there asked me to bring turkish tea and daphne soap and so i did, there was no problem at customs. so i guess we're not a western country after all, lol.

                    i actually mostly agree with the bans, why would you teach sex to children, especially in a school environment? not sure if it's banned here but i didnt see any sex ed either. it's just inapropriate.

                    other than that, the video is made by russian haters. remember boys, we do not hate casual russky citizens who live their everyday life, we only hate russians who search game in european servers and speak cyka-language.


                      About memes... That was a law about "protection of personal data". Imagine that somebody using your photo without your permission for some retarded jokes. Will you be happy about that? No! Law is on your side here and protects you from this.

                      Food bans is just a counter-sanctions. Counter-sanctions are only exist for period of sanctions against Russia.

                      I had sex ed classes at school. It wasn't "teaching sex to children", it was about diseases and protection.

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                        this was a law about using photos of out polititians in order to make them look bad, these two laws are just different things. it doesnt even have much to do with memes, we can post politically incorrect jokes here, too. it barely ever works, but there were already several relatively famous cases when ppl were fined and even went to jail for reposts in vk or shit like that.
                        i dont like it because for me internet is a place of total freedom, and im against any kinds of limitations/government control here.

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                          i said thats sex ed is not banned, but in most cases our schools dont offer it, do u think im wrong?

                          if u r interested, u can read about which sanctions were inteoduced "against" russia and why, it will look in a whole different way to you then.

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                            Makes sense?


                              ye i read about this case a while ago. and no, u shouldnt ban it in the internets, neither punish people for laughing at it.


                                sry im turning to russian
                                для меня интернет - это двач, а не википедия; не знаю как нормально объяснить. да, здесь хамят, куча уебков, не соблюдаются авторские права, нет моральных ценностей и т.д. - но именно в этом и смысл. это место абсолютной свободы мысли, и любые попытки со стороны государства контролировать интернет вызывает у меня резкий негативный отклик.
                                например, два с половиной года назад, в начале зимы, в инете появилась и распространилась про-государственная пропаганда (вк, одноклассники, и т.д.). до этого момента, примерно 70% юзеров сети были настроены скорее либерально, сейчас же как следствие этой пропаганды из кдоля сократилась до ~10 процентов. государственный контроль над интернетом = контроль над идеями и мышлением. я не очень люблю "мы", "451 по фаренгейту" и прочие антиутопии, но текущие тенденции меня реально напрягают.

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                                  Тогда я тоже буду писать на родном языке. Замучался переводить.

                                  А как мы должны были отвечать на санкции. Нам запретить доллар и евро что ли? Или запретить въезд в Россию топ-менеджерам крупных американских и европейских компаний? Это было бы смешно. Ответить надо было так чтобы и врагам максимальный урон нанести и самих себя не слишком зацепить. По-этому и забанили сыр, фрукты и всё остальное (не помню весь список, да и не надо).

                                  А на счёт свободы в интернете, давай может тогда и детскую порнографию разрешим. А ещё расклеим по всему интернету инструкции как делать самодельные бомбы. Чтобы каждому психу было чем заняться. Надо же где-то линию провести между свободой и здравым смыслом.

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                                    санкции ввели против обвиненных в коррупции и отмывании денег банков, если что


                                      я вообще не вижу оснований для контрсанкций - это как комикс, где чувак палку в колеса своего велосипеда засовывает. ни один человек, имеющий российское гражданство и не связанный с этими банками или отечественным производством, от наших санкций не выиграл.


                                        А чего это они против Швейцарии санкции не вводят тогда?


                                          а в Швейцарии коррумпированные банки и популярно отмывание украденных с государственных проектов денег?


                                            we got BBCode already wtf, step it up! (works for youtube too right?)


                                              Ну вот первое что гугл выдал:

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!