General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with toxic players?

How to deal with toxic players? in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Recently I reached to 5023 MMR, but after that a few games I played with people really really toxic, picking suport heros but they refusing to place wards, gank, roaming.. Carrys trying to fight alone on 1v5 situations or something like that. Bad positioned at fights.
    And when I tried to give advices, They started to flame, and they did whatever they want.
    I made mistakes, but it make me impossible to deal with this..
    PS: all of them have MMR above 5k


      how can somebody flame you if you have voice_enable 0 and all chat muted


        say we lost and go next


          Just mute everyone and you'll have so much more fun. For example, when you did a really stupid move and you imagine how they are flaming you right now but you don't know because you muted them. This makes me EleGiggle every match

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            LOLZ le low 5k range. Do what nelson said, mute them and type voice_enable 0 GG WP, have a good game sir!


              spam hard we lost


                Some people at all levels are toxic. Accept what they mean instead of what they say. Someone may say something like "you **** stupid nub, how could you **** ****? But what they mean is "I really want to win this game. It's so frustrating that play didn't go as I hoped it would." Someone may say, "get your own wards, **** ****". But what they mean is "I need help. I screwed up and got the wrong items so now I'm out of regen and can't afford wards."

                If you are generous in your interpretation of what they meant to say recognizing that their poor interpersonal and language skills prevent them from saying what they mean it will be much more pleasant for you.

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                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  Yes, when I was a 3k player that was the ideal choice to climb MMR, but at this point I'm not able to carry the whole team, because the enemy team is not that bad and sometimes they play really well.

                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    The comunication is very important, is a team game.
                    @Relentless I tried a lot of times to gank, roaming, place wards offensive and defensive, buy smoke, even as carry but they constantly refuse to play as a team. Their attitude are worst than 3k player just because they're above 5k they do whatever they want.


                      ^Communication is overrated, I don't talk at all in games and I don't feel like I need to. Chat Wheel and pings are enough.

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        @aFeect How much mmr do you have?


                          About the same as you do.



                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                              I have a friend above 5.5k (5.6k - 5.8k) and the games are totally diferent in terms of attitude and teamplay. I'd love to play with that kind of players.


                                I think you will get decent teamates and toxic players at all MMR levels. Who you get just depends on when everyone happens to enter the que. The only way to consistently get people you will know you can work with is to que 5 stacks. But then you have to wait for everyone to be ready to play.

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                                  GO DIE ALREADY FFS

                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    ^ daily reminder I moved from SA to USe with 5.2 and my mmr didnt fall at all (its actually raising)

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                                      well you should try playing on eu 4HEad



                                        Welt aus Eis

                                          i'd love to but i hate playing with high ping

                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            and I also fear I'd get queued vs benao's mid drow and get rekt and then he would make a thread to bully me

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              Grow a pair n flame back


                                                how is it possible that you're getting the toxic players and the other team is getting the good players? try and be more objective when analysing your experience so you can help yourself first

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                                                  It won't stop. No matter what rating you play at. It won't stop. Its simply the nature of the game. One team snowballs, the other team gets crushed. That's how 50-80% of all Dotagames go.

                                                  Nobody wants to play support, because even If you succeed:

                                                  a) You won't get much credit most of the time. The Godlikestreak won't be yours. You won't have the fat items and the power to eliminate 2-3 enemies alone. You may end up even with negative stats, but still played well.

                                                  b) You rely on your cores to do the work. We tend to remember coreplayers failing more and seeing some coreplayer failing makes us mad, cause we think: "Man if I played carry, I would have crushed them.

                                                  Dota is a teamgame, but in many cases not the guys flaming shit on the teamspirit in the first place. Its the shitbags doing shitstuff, causing the ones that want to play and win in a serious way to rage. Also ppl randoming heroes that do not fit, going jungle, buying crappy items can cause anger.

                                                  If you want to play a none teamgame, play Starcraft 2.

                                                  I would never flame someone for dying once or twice during the laning stage. But if you die more than that, you are simply playing like shit, OR someone on your lane is playing like shit and putting you in that situation. In both scenarios someone deserves flame:

                                                  Who deserves it

                                                  - Ppl who fuck up picks
                                                  - Ppl who fuck up lanes (dualmids, junglers, shitty trilanes (seriously, what can an antimage, warlock, omnitrilane do?)
                                                  - Earlygame feeding
                                                  - Crying offlaners, because they can't get farm: Seriously. You chose the 1v3 scenario. Do not expect the entire team to make your game now, since you fucked up. Offlane is about staying alive in the first place. If you feed, because you try to farm or overextend, you play it wrong.
                                                  - Mids who fuck up.
                                                  - Supports leaving the carry and pulling. Seriously. 2 Supports sit in the jungle, while the carry is alone against 1-2 stronger heros. After 25 min they will flame the carry: "Omfg 25 min freefarm, no items." Ofc he has no items, because you dumb shits failed at start securing his farm.

                                                  - Bad decisions:

                                                  Trying to force hg, not taking objectives etc. etc. etc.

                                                  Dota delivers a shitton of reasons to get mad.

                                                  Does it help?


                                                  Just mute ppl who destroy teamchemistry.

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                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I report anyone who gives first blood


                                                      ^^ That list could go on. But the main problem is, the people who fucked up just won't fucking realize it. They are usually defensive hence flaming the whole team when they are being "requested to play at a better conscious" (lel).

                                                      And there are people who genuinely want the game to be played better, but shitheads just won't listen and take that as "insults", therefore are justified to mute and report them. I sincerely hate this scenario the most, when it happened to my teammates or me. Which is why when I see someone fucked up, I won't bother as much as I did before. They listened to me? Great. No? Fine. Imma shut the fuck up before that delusional shithead thinks me as annoying and put me into chatban so I would suck in my future games. He still flaming shit? Mute.

                                                      Interpreting what your teammates say is the important thing in the long run. Whether it was genuine advice/request (sometimes in disguise with foul words or sarcasm), or completely screwed bullshit which based on illogical sense. You will have to not rage yourself jeopardizing your own perspective at things to best decide your reactions to your teammates.


                                                        guys you are toxic yourself if you think others are toxic, this is how it works


                                                          if you cant beat something, become part of it


                                                            if you can't eat something, give it to your dog

                                                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                              @Vladimir Really thx for your advice, i really apreciate it.

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!