General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win against Wraith King?

How to win against Wraith King? in General Discussion

    I'm 1-10 this patch against this hero. Is there any way to win when he's on the other team? He just seems completely unstoppable. Always completely shitstomps his lane and gets a major item and lvl 11 by 12 minutes, when I'm only lvl 9.


      any mana drain, QW invoker, PL with diffusal, Anti mage, and so on. If he has no mana his ult wont trigger EZ kill.

      Elo - Hell

        blink dagguh, his stun is disjointed.

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            buy silver edge = reincarnation disabled. now fight him
            pick AM rush manta, dont let him build scepter = problem solved.

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                as well as being able to drain his mana, AM and PL are really good at kiting the wraith king.

                lion's good obviously because of mana drain, but also he has a high amount of disables.

                nyx for the same reason. mana drain + disables.

                naga siren sometimes will get diffusal but it's probably more to do with split pushing, as wraith king isn't a mobile hero so you've got one less hero that can deal with the ResidentSleeper split push.

                dark seer destroys melee heroes in lane. surge also allows everyone on your team to kite him.

                lich is another good offlaner, whether it's dual or solo offlane. sacrifice denies his farm and he's got weak laning presence so you can bully him out of lane.

                mobility in general is good against WK. blink or euls can disjoint his only stun, force or glimmer helps an ally in trouble.


                  Doom him, twice. TA DA!


                    Pl is hard counter to wk with diffusal.
                    Burns mana too fast, and since wk is primarily single target hero he can't deal with pl

                    Dire Wolf

                      wk isn't even that strong, just don't let him farm like crazy, he can't compete with real hard carries if he doesn't snowball or have free farm


                        Either you shut him down on lane hard or yeah - go for mana burning shit like PL. Am is food for a descent WK player tho...

                        Dire Wolf

                          Not really, his stun ins't long enough, just blink away. Maybe if you let him farm up abysal and he crits. I remember 2 shotting am's as pa with abyssal, wk could do something similar. I don't really buy in that am is a hard counter to wk cus wk can just get bkb and 99% of the time does, but wk does not counter am at all. Wk is very good vs physical lineups where he can be a front line tanker. I'd say he counters more right clickers like bloodseeker, ck, pa.


                            Pick too many mana burners and you'll end up with a lineup of dogshit heroes against something more threatening in the other team though.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              The best way to play against wk is to kite him while killing the rest of his team off. Because, let's face it, if you play WK as a front line tank, you WANT to die first, slow the fuck out of everyone, and then come back, stun the most problematic guy, and kill everyone with your team. So don't let this happen. Instead, kill everyone else, and kite him so he can't hit anything, and he won't be much of a problem unless there are way too many competent damage dealers on his team. This can be a problem if he initiates on your carry and kills him off right off the bat, which can happen with glass cannon heroes. He can jump a typically built ember and kill him unless ember has good reflexes/ping, etc.

                              The thing is, this is a problem because he can blink dive right into your T4s without fear of anything, and his team can follow up while he soaks up damage. If blink bkb initiation is the main problem, consider getting supports with strong bkb-piercing disables, like beastmaster, enigma, bane, etc, so that you can more easily deal with his shenanigans. Shadow demon is also pretty nice to disrupt the fucker and let him feel his own damage, or to help fight him with illusions as he's practically all single-target. I saw a game where SD kept disrupting AM to make WK's mana go down the drain and deter pushes all the time.

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