General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Mode for Ranked Matchmaking

New Mode for Ranked Matchmaking in General Discussion

    Bring back Captains Draft?

    Make a new mode where every player gets 20 seconds to ban 2 heros from the pool (in some kind of fair rotation like in ability draft) and after that normal All Pick but pool is 90 not 110 Heros?

    -would u like it?
    -is it more balanced then AP?
    -would someone play this rather then AP?
    -would volvo approve?


      IGN 11/10

      Dire Wolf

        AP is a bit dull after a while, same shit picked all the time. I would like to see random draft back but with a larger hero pool, maybe 36 heroes, 12 of each trait. I dislike captains draft just cus you don't get to pick for yourself, but a more limited pool would be nice.

        If you do the all pick with ban you'll just end up with the same shit, alch, jug, storm, bs whoever is popular gets banned, then a second teir emerges every game. Instead of alch and doom all the time now it's like PA and storm or something.

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        the realm's delight

          i would play it
          but it is easily abusable


            'If you do the all pick with ban you'll just end up with the same shit, alch, jug, storm, bs whoever is popular gets banned, then a second teir emerges every game. Instead of alch and doom all the time now it's like PA and storm or something.'
            well what u r describing is EXACTLY what i want and i think is good LOL.

            u can do the simple maths: 110 heros pool, 10 heros picked per game means an average 11 % pick rate per hero. obviously there is a huge deviation from this where a pool of ~15 heros (starting with pudge 28% windrunner 28% SF 24 % etc) get alot of attention whereas there is a huge group of heros that are considered garbage tier and are for various reasons completly ignored 4k downwards (shadow demon, chen, oracle etc etc etc). Occasinally 1 of these heros will fit amazingly into the meta cause of meta (like shadow shaman during ti4) or cause of favorable hero hero intereactions with high priority picks in the current meta. so in this meta it would be AA since he counters alchemist. i doubt an exact 2nd tier will develop or at least it will be a very large pool (40-50) of equally appelaing and strong heros because of this and alot of heros that are not seeing much play now would be played more.

            overall i d judge this idea to be very interesting to develop the game further. this system would have also dealt with heros like goblin techies without massivly nerfing it.

            the 2 issues i see are:
            1st what u also pointed out well its exploitable. say banning ancient apparition and then picking necrophos, omni, dazzle, bristle, and some intator might be too much to handle for an uncoordinated pubgame. however it would require team communication on the exceuting side and they d prolly telegrap it during the banning phase and at least necro and bristle would be banned by the defending team on time.

            2nd it would introduce a 'buffer zone' of 20 heros for icefrog to influence pubgames. so he d have to buff heros into completly OP tier before he can influence the meta
            i think valve and icefrog are using their influence on the metagame way too intensly and often times not to the better but frequently to the worse.

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              plz do

                totally legit in solo queue imo. mb 1 ban per person though. like if u ban 20 heros... it wouldnt be meta dota like we know it.. and ppl would go totally bananas if ur teammate bans ur pick...
                i'd prob play it.


                  if u make it 1 ban pp and 5 man party u might aswell play CM i agree completly. its my idea to make solo queue more balanced and more fun. communication with your allys will also be highly valued since u can make fitting picks and bans and the picking phase d be like 2 minutes longer to make up a stratagy n stuff.