General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop teammates from panicking during teamfights?

How to stop teammates from panicking during teamfights? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What are some good stuff to say or instruct? to prevent the panicking and dying one by one scenario? thoughts?


      Well you can say GET BACK GET BACK when you see your positioning for fightging is bad

      or you can say: FUCK DAT BITGCHJ


        nothing. just sit down and watch your team getting rekt and blaming it on you for not joining already lost fight becouse of bad postitioning.

        King of Low Prio

          flame them til they grow a pair


            what is team?

            Riguma Borusu

              Well, first teach them not to overextend and not to initiate fights if your team can't take them. Most of "panic" I see in teamfights comes from really shitty teamfights first off, that you have no way of winning, and you realize it when three heroes come from the fog, and you have no way to disengage.

              The "I initiated and you ran away/died one by one" bitching should not happen, just communicate better and decide whether you're going in or not. Then, make sure you only take fights you can win, in which case people will feel more stable. Also, not everybody has the same mental dexterity - not all people can process everything that's happening in the fight at once, so they naturally panic and smash buttons. Learning in advance what to do in case shit goes south is a good way to improve chances of not getting wrecked, also awareness and intuition are simply things you gain by practice, and both are necessary for quick reflexes in a fight.


                dying one by one can't be even called a teamfight, that's called being retarded


                  ^ You can't prevent those types of situations. What's essential to teamwork is trust, you have to trust that if the pa is on the other side of the map, she knows what she's doing and trying to split push/farm and by not pressing her or being pushy you're respecting and earning their trust. It's not really my job to be thinking much about what they're doing except when see an opportunity. It's just about fulfilling your role.

                  From what I've gathered recently about my impact on the aforementioned opportunities is that it's dependent on my role. Usually if I play support, I'm thinking more about the timing & objectives, and I might speak up if the timing is right. Which is different from when I carry or mid, where I'm focused on farming and trying to aggressively gank and I will need teammates/support to back me up.

                  As far as actual team-fights go, you'll have to ask someone higher skill than me because I think that's where the skill brackets probably vary the most, and it probably has to do with you knowing your role in those fights Before they happen; and good communication about where to be, who to focus, and when to time your abilites.

                  granted, I've gotten a lot of flame about being in normal skill giving advice but I try to be good at recognizing the things I'm not good at

                  King of Low Prio

                    @ Generalno Jaučem

                    totally wrong. The default setting for pub dota should always be, go go go. By the time you make up a plan in the middle of game you miss the opportunity to take advantage of 1000000 different things.

                    If you see you teammates positioned wrong you should either
                    -Position yourself in a way to counter initiate
                    -Taking so much map control that his death creates space

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      I just shout them what they need to do.


                        if you can't stop something, become part of it.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          King, I am not talking of pure random 5 man pub with solo queue, I am saying, if you're playing with people you know.

                          But yeah, what you said is right for a 5 man solo queue - you have to live with what those people have to offer and can't fix them during that game.


                            Know them? Just go "FUCK YOU CYKA BYLAT" and never communicate with them further.
                            Playing with them in the same physical area? Beat them up till they wake up.

                            saving private RTZ

                              This, you cant make a plan cuz you miss too much opportunities. Especially here in 3k bracket most players that play "initiators" are waiting for that 5 man RP/ES/BH etc so they miss so many opportunities to catch 2-3 cores. Sometiems you just have to GO, and hope that your team arent retards