General Discussion

General DiscussionTeammate needs to go in 25 mins..

Teammate needs to go in 25 mins.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How do you respond and what are the things u need to do when u experience this?

    Riguma Borusu

      Well, don't queue unless you have 90 minutes of free time. Seriously, just don't, and if you do and end up leaving the team to lose, well, fuck you, here's a report for throwing the game because you needed a fix and did not make sure you can go through with it. If you're a position 5 support and we're absolutely stomping, usually I won't care, do whatever you want.

      Also if you know you're gonna leave at least pick a fucking support, don't pick a mid or safelane carry, actually don't even pick offlane since you're gonna get a good chunk of exp and practically gift a lane to the other team, also if the team hopes you're the initiator and has zero initiation aside from you, and you leave, well, just fuck you, don't leave.

      If you need to play that bad but you know you have less time than would be optimal, just play a bot match, you can always practice some skill you're lacking at anyway.

      In case of games that extend past something like 75-90 minutes, well, that's just tough luck. Can't blame people for leaving that, it's just inhuman.

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        you start buying couriers

        Riguma Borusu

          I don't think shittiness counters shittiness.


            what do you mean, at the start of the game or what? if so i'd ask them to pick a pos 5 support and share control once he needs to go.

            Bad Intentions

              ^start of game, picking phase..

              Riguma Borusu

                My above post was referring to the start of the game, too, I get those people, I usually tell them to insta abandon so there are no stats recorded, if they don't, I will report them later when they screw the game. If for some reason you REALIZE you have to go somewhere mid game, and you couldn't have known, it's different, but I still can't know whether that story's true.


                  i usually tolerate this kind of stuff and dont get mad if someone tells he needs to go in advance
                  to pick smthng for early push might be a good idea, i guess

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Well, I once had an experience with a guy picking shadow shaman, saying he needs to go in half and hour and we need to get the early push going. At first I was like "get rekt idiot", but then we picked a full early push oriented team, with him going shadow shaman mid, and a mate and me picking axe/darkseer combo and finished the game by 25 minutes. Well, fuck me.


                      i usually would tell him to be pos 500 and im just looking forward to when he's actually leaving for the extra $$$

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        I don't mind it unless they start rushing about finishing fast when we're not even that ahead (or when we're behind) and would actually throw the game if we did. When someone leaves you get gold a lot faster, so it's not totally bad being 4v5 when you get items faster than the enemies. It's best when it happens in midgame, so 25min in sounds alright.

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                          If there's a hero he has shadow picked or wants to play - steal that shit out of spite. Just mentally prepare for the loss (if you actually win it's a bonus).. Then proceed to flame him, make him ward bitch, make him shine yo shoes. Yeh I wouldn't be happy..