General Discussion

General DiscussionMemories 2.0

Memories 2.0 in General Discussion


    waku waku

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        175 sm height?
        fucking dwarves xD


          No "trollception" here. Retaliation upon being trolled is just feeding the troll even more. Trolling is never a 2-way game. Internet Kids will never understand.

          Welt aus Eis

            I made a video that has over 500k views

            do you care? no

            so thats how I feel about your thread

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              @sano, I never asked for your opinion lol.


                So you post here, but ask for no ones opinions. You so gud man. You are DA man. You fun at parties. Me sucky sucky your 25 inch dotocock.

                Welt aus Eis

                  exactly. i'm glad you got my point.


                    Anatoli You have issues, get help.

                    @sano I never got ur point, don't post on my thread lol.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Butthurt is real. If you don't care about them, why do you reply? That means you do care.


                        Sam, I don't care much about you either, that's why I'm letting you know in this post that I don't care.

                        How else can I prove that I don't care? X D

                        Stay ''butthurt'' though kid lmfao.


                          Dude, just stop replying the thread and stop making these type of threads anymore lol.

                          At the end of the day, you made this thread to brag/humblebrag and I don't know, expected people to suck your dick? This is like BlackXargon spamming threads and people went from congratulating at first and ultimately started to find it annoying.


                            Whats your mmr Hanter?

                            Don't mind those guys. They are all extremely bad at Dota and lies about their mmr.

                            and.... I HOPER YOU ARE NOT THE GUY ON THE PICTURE ANATOLI LMFAO, WAnnabne Gansgster? Woaoowww THugsLife 420

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                                To compare to blunt whos also mid 4k at best


                                  Dude Blunt is 6k.


                                  All of you bringing him up is his all according to his keikaku.

                                  btw I just realized even Relentless participated in trolling this guy wtf


                                    nah relentless is an earnest poster


                                      I can't tell if people like this op are actually serious or not

                                      Welt aus Eis

                                        blunt is not 6k

                                        blunt was 6k a couple of months ago, hes probably 7k already

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Whatever floats your boat mate, but you are retarded.

                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            i am 9k, 2 ez.

                                            Hidden leaderboard #1


                                              I HATE TECHIES.


                                                C9 DD, I never really cared about anyone that says anything negative towards me lol. I really couldn't care less and have never ever been offended by anyone before + I'm not gonna take a person serious that even tries to offend me.

                                                My solo is 4.6k my party is 5.2k, hard to climb in solo lately I win 1 lose 1 win 3 lose 3 etc, get alot of feeders/leavers/toxic people in my team that I just mute straight away and ''focus on my own game'' but that still doesn't change that I will end up losing the game and the past 3 days I've been performing really bad aswell probably got on tilt.

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                                                lm ao


                                                  thisis too good

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    Hard to carry in 4k bracket



                                                      Hanter so gud. Best doto. So gud. Sucky sucky all night long. He in vid of hex0r who is imba proshit. Me sucky sucky him dick all night long. Me taking him so serious. He so gud. He next sumail. Sucky sucky.



                                                        I almost died from laughter.


                                                          1097 Games on pudge.... autistic kid.

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            [url='']I almost died from laughter.[/url]


                                                              instead of memories i read masturbates - is this normal or am i a latent pedophile?


                                                                @Anatoli, keep playing ur bloodseeker, you might finally get ur 5k and then you stop playing bloodseeker and drop down straight back to 4k.

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  u're just jelly because u r 2 retarded to play somethign as simple as bloodcyka


                                                                    I have to admit you do sound more and more retarded everytime you post, Blunt.


                                                                      i am offended, and i am deeply retarded by your post.



                                                                        IF BS so easy, why HANTERGOD (AUTISTIC PALE SHITNERD), why only 46%?


                                                                        This patch 0% winrate.

                                                                        Too ez for you? Autistic shitnerd. I hope you die soon.


                                                                          @Anatoli, I don't play him, I don't need to use an overpowered hero to improve my mmr unlike you.

                                                                          I never liked the hero and never will like him because he's for noobs just like you.

                                                                          That's why if you go to your profile you only spam Bloodseeker to get ur mmr so later on u can show how high mmr player u are but in reality you only got it by Bloodseeker, you're the definition of a low 4k trash player, you insult me in almost every sentence possible.

                                                                          Get help dumb cancer retard lmfao, without your Bloodseeker you would be below 50% win rate how dare you even open your mouth you cancerous worthless piece of shit.

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                                                                            what if he is a smart cancer


                                                                              Because I am too noob, I can make it with the hero. And because you are so pro, you can't even win 50% of your games with him. Btw i play him offlane recently... Not the easiest offlaner though.


                                                                                Doesn't change the fact that you spam BS to get your MMR up, you're the definition of worthless trash.

                                                                                Good thing you know it, before you open your mouth again, look at your total win rate, it's 50.48% as I said and will say it again, if you didn't play Bloodseeker you would be below 48% win rate, just stay quiet in the future, your opinion means nothing because you're nothing but pure trash and your win rate proves it.

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                                                                                  You funny alot. You so gud. Man. I love you. You have more vids and shit to share with us? Common, don't be that guy. Share your dota knowledge with us. And still this flawless logic. Cuz I'm so bad, I have to spam hero, that you have 0% winrate with, cuz you so gud.


                                                                                  Take away your pudgegames and you are?

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                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    Anatoli vs Hanter 1v1 mid


                                                                                      Hanter x Hanter Kappa


                                                                                        @Anatoli If you take away my Pudge games I will still be above 50% win rate unlike you, you're dogshit and you already proved it with your stats.
                                                                                        Just be quiet in the future your opinion means nothing.


                                                                                          I could stack with my 2k mmr friends and get 55% wr. Trashbob. Your solommr and mine are quite the same, hence I only play solo. You have higher % than sam and he should be arround 6k. Retarded trashbob.


                                                                                            ''Trashbob'' ''retarded trashbob'' I swear you have some serious kind of autism you definitely need to get a doctor to check what's wrong with you, I stack with 4k+ friends, no clue what u are talking about, keep spamming bloodseeker though, you'll reach 5k someday!

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              1v1 4k trash vs 4k trash


                                                                                                ^No need for a doctor mister 65kg; Frogeating shithead.


                                                                                                  I just said I'm from the Netherlands and I'm not from France, the fact you don't even know which Flag belongs to which country lmfao poor you, did your parents even have money to let you go to school? LOL


                                                                                                    AYYY , PARENTS JOKES , 4Head

                                                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                                                      I heard in holland you get paid for giving birth to chlidrens 4Head

                                                                                                      Dude, thats why the whole forum will try to troll you cuz you give them attention. You are actually just like wave who was Blunts troll release target, he would get so annoyed and rageful that he was pathetic. Dont go the same way. Just dont reply to these anymore seriously. You say you dont care but you keep replying