General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick?

Rubick? in General Discussion

    He is my favourite* hero right now.

    Any tips?

    What's the best way to play him?

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      positioning. positioning. positioning. positioning. positioning. imagination

      that's the key


        Watch enemy heroes and know their spells. Observe; notice, which spell they used last. Get it, if you could make use of it - and don't, if your current stolen spell is better than that. Don't put your ulti on cd unnecessarily - you never know, when that Enigma is going to cast bh. Don't rush into your death, you're not Axe.

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          Livin' Real Good

            Don't steal your fucking carries kills with Fade bolt, the start up frames on that move are insanely fast, the damage is almost instantly done, this makes it the perfect tool for securing (cough * i mean STEALING) kills, just give it to them. Every damn Rubick that's on my team LOVES to steal kills with that skill. (I'm fully aware of the gold distribution change, but EVEN THEN he doesn't need it)

            Don't be a shitty Rubick who gets brown boots, then rushes ags, then doesn't buy wards for shit all game, then buy time you get your shitty little ags, it's already GG cause of YOU not warding, buying smoke, or other things that would of helped your TEAM.

            Force staff+ Mek (or blink, or whatever pipe?) >>>> Ags anyday

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              lm ao

                ^Kitrak what the f your profile avatar still sucks, like who wants to be a 5K who has a profile picture of a balding guy in his 30's playing the professional version of jackstones for a living?

                waku waku

                  try picking him when enemy team has sniper, viper, kunkka, or some other stuff which you can easily abuse at long range because you have high mana pool and they don't

                  can be nice to give your team a bit of survivability from nukes as well


                    As a rubick picker the most important thing I can tell you is the positioning but it's pretty obvious, first of all you have to play it as a support, you can go mid in pubs some times and it may work but other times you will get destroyed so hard you wont gonna try again, I believe it's more effective as a support.

                    Start with salve, tangos, 1 or 2 clarity, cur/wards (depending if you're solo support), smoke is great for ganking mid but you may need another allie, get brown boots soon, upgrade curier soon. The dream start for you should be something like lvl 6 and arcane boots at min 10, then you have to be creative and not feed, you also have to be aware of the best spells you can steal each game, if there's an earthshaker you must focus on getting that precious fissure, or if there's a CM you must get her stun or ultimate, enigma black hole is probably the easiest to steal, tide's ult is pretty hard unless you have a blink dagger.

                    For itemization you should just get positioning items and survability, I often get 2 mobility items (blink almost always, after blink you can get either a force staff, glimmer, eul's or ghost, sometimes you can even get 3 of the items if needed), then you can work on your aghanims.
                    Well its not a prepared guide, I just said the most important things that came to mind now that I just woke up but if you want you can check some of my games, it could be helpful.

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                      Whenever I see Rubick in my team, I know this match is basically unwinnable.


                        @Soultrap, because they dont know how to play it properly :D Hero is op as fuck.


                          @Flash_3, the only way Rubick can win in pub is if you drag someone on a cliff at the start of the game.

                          BTW, topicstarter has 42% winrate on Rubick, but he call this hero "his favorite".

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                              Well I mostly play rubick in rankeds (4k) and I have 55% winrate, not amazing but not bad. Starting the game dragging someone to cliff is amazing, but you can win without doing so.


                                "Starting the game dragging someone to cliff is amazing"
                                How many times you did that?


                                  I have never counted them but I guess 50+ times, the easiest one for me is in bot lane, when the dire offlaner runs from rune back to lane across the river.


                                    @Flash_3, look at you Rubick winrate at different skill brackets:
                                    normal skill - 56.25%
                                    high skill - 54.55%
                                    very high skill - 48.72%

                                    When your MMR goes up you will meet more people who actually know how telekinesis works. This will result in much lesser winrate on Rubick.


                                      @yorkey sounds like you never played support in your life, and you think random people stand in line to support godly little you. This is a big problem in pub dota. Core pickers somehow expect supports to magically appear and to ward etc, when they do shit to help the team.

                                      This is why you see rubick pickers who may focus more on their own play. Perhaps they get tired of helping ungrateful people. Show more love towards people who are willing to support, and you may see them support better.

                                      It's basically a matter of gratitude and not being an egomaniac. Be happy someone is supporting you, say thanks maybe. Don't expect it.

                                      I like to play cores myself but I always make sure to "fill my quote", that is to play support at least 1 in 5 games. And in those games, if I see a core whining about how you could be helping them more that usually just makes me wanna help them less. Because I could've just picked furion and gone jungle.


                                        BTW, Rubick pickers are ones of the most toxic players.


                                          is playing support doing people a favor now?


                                            I just want to say that it is extremely hard to support (esp. solo support) with Rubick right now. You will never be able to 'carry' you team despite stealing the best spells at the best possible moment if your team is not able to capitalize on the advantage. I feel that Rubick starts becoming more useful for people with higher mmr.

                                            To answer your question, get your boots as fast as possible (After wards/cour/etc) then either start to roam or harass the enemy offlaner.
                                            Mobility items > aghs. You need at least one or two before you are able to utilize aghs to the fullest. Doing what kitrak said (being aggressive and roaming to gank) is pretty much how you should play him early game.

                                            Also, learn to cliff. They fixed it a few patches ago so that you can't just throw heroes on to the cliff.


                                              @jo~ Seeing as, at least in my games, everyone wants to play core but also want there to be support, yes you are absolutely doing people a "favor" by playing support. Or rather, you are thinking of the big picture when they are mostly thinking of themselves.


                                                @Soultrap, ye man it's obvious that now people is not as stupid, but trust me I still put them on the cliff no matter if they are in vhs or normal skill, sometimes you simply cant react in time, telequinesis has such a good range and is 0,1 insta-cast.

                                                About winrates, I dont think it really matters the bracket, because I was worse when I only played normal skill, my winrate in vhs is a bit lower because I started in vhs playing with some friends and I was the scrub then, just look how I badly lost my first 6 vhs games as rubick, anyways I got it back to 53% but I lost some games in a row now so its gone down again.. but its the same with almost every hero, I've always been around 58-60% winrate and I dont think it will ever change, maybe if I ever reach 5k.


                                                  Thanks for the tips guys.
                                                  I'll play some more games with him and i'll get back.


                                                    Make mental notes of which heroes it is worth more to try and steal their ultimates. For example in stole echo slam the other day but then when using it realized it's not nearly as devastating without ES passive. I also learned it's a lot harder to steal Gyro ukt because by the time u see the animation he has probably already cast flak cannon.


                                                      30+ matches in @ +55% win rate.

                                                      Thank you guys for all the replies.

                                                      I have managed to cliff a few people contesting runes, which is hilarious every time.
                                                      Rubick is all about the plays, it’s about patience, positioning and timing.
                                                      Build is mostly Support stuff. Wards, crow, boots, smoke, blink, glimmer cape. Finally if I’m doing well enough, aghs
                                                      Not all spells are equal, if the enemy has an abundance of stuns like ES, Venge or Sven. It’s going to be a good game.
                                                      If they pick burst heroes you’re not going to have a good time. I found edging a tf usually means a quick snack for tusk, BH or a nyx.

                                                      If you have a minute feel free to analyse my Rubick, I’m open to constructive criticism.



                                                        positioning. positioning. positioning. positioning. positioning. imagination

                                                        that's about right lol

                                                        Also what Flash says is pretty accurate. I generally have a build that goes pretty much as ward - arcane - Glimmer and then see the rest depending on the situation, atm i find glimmer a very valuable item that its hardly skippable.

                                                        that is ofc just my opinion, you can feel free to experiment what works best for you in each situation


                                                        dont go to check my stats, lately I've been doin terribly bad... if u got plus and check my profile you'll notice a ongoing trend down so i may not be the best reference when it comes to stats etc atm.

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                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          How can you play Rubick without blink, I've never seen an useful rubick without a blink, and all of those who have wrecked me and my team have had blinks.





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