General Discussion

General DiscussionTI5 Main Event pick predictions

TI5 Main Event pick predictions in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I was wondering if i should post it in the ti5 disscusion thread but i changed my mind.

    So, every year, we got used to TI having its "own meta". And usually picks in the groupstages were totally different from main events, probably due to teams still hiding strats.

    So whats are your opinions on the heroes we'll see this year?

    I think that sniper will make a comeback. Yea sure he got hit hard, but i think he will comeback more as a safelaner than a midlaner. His late game rightclick and slow, defending highround, sieging safely, disabling blinks and his DPS are still very strong. Yes, he is a worse midlaner and its much harder to dominate early and mid game but if you draft around him a bit i think he can be relevant

    I feel riki is good against heroes like Lesh,QoP,Storm Spirit, Anti Mage. Though this is maybe to risky. If he do well he can ruin the enemy team, if not , he will probably feed all game.

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        there is no chance in hell that sniper makes a comeback. like no chance what so ever.
        if you want to play 60 minute game, you might as well pick medusa, who isnt afraid when someone jumps in her face.

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          [color=#239edd]I think we'll be seeing more Ursa [/color]


            im surprised void completely fell off from the face of earth. wouldnt mind seeing universe playing some void.

            Welt aus Eis

              i've no idea why ursa has been ignored so far


                mb cuz its shit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  I jsut wanna see navi cheese strat vg with smth like mid gyro + wisp and safelane pudge and rek vici

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Maybe Dusa could work in one of those EG Naga ults into DS vacuum moves ;)

                    Jk highly doubt we see sniper or dusa.


                      More Anti-Mage.

                      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                        navi vs mvp6 cant even become the finals in anyway, cause atleast one of the final teams is currently in the upper bracket


                          ursa can just be countered by naga whenever he uses ulti, then he's a creep with 0 mobility and gg


                            though then again, ursa could have an abaddon support and wreck havoc until naga gets level 11 or smth but well... we are not the guys playing + blabla


                              Abyssal blade tinker

                              Terrorblade support Kappa

                              I for once wouldn't be surprised by more ember spirit or Lycan picks


                                Don't forget Ursa's ult is purgeable. It's really not hard to deal with Ursa unless you have an unorthodox lineup that somehow Ursa is very good vs.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  I expect some teams to run Huskar with Dazzle.


                                    purgeable as in you can use diffusal?

                                    Miku Plays

                                      kotl + seeker offlane
                                      roaming shadow demon + bounty

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Yeah you can use diffusal, SD ulti and Tornado.


                                          or simply plenty of eul against ursa.

                                          I'm also a bit surprised abour riki, it's not like their cared that much about lane, and he really wreak havoc to all those hero (and counter am pretty well aswell)

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                                            alch with a pentastacking naga support

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!