General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    We're here to win mmr, so: Teamplay, solid draft, english chat, no flame. Break these and punnishment will occur.


      lmao fuck ur mmr, *picks leshrac mid*


        SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          heh, greetings!


            guys i just shaved after 3 weeks now my face is completely red and i look like a girl

            what do??




                alright trying my best!!

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  use aftershave/cologne though its 2 late now

                  dont overdo it though i once poured too much cologne and had skin irritation near the corners of my mouth and near temple for a week or so looked real nasty


                    thanks ill do tha next time i guess, my face feels like lava

                    Welson Tayong

                      i like bacon






                              avg grade before: 10 pts (B-), because i never attended class and when i did, i either slept or was on my phone/listening to music

                              exam grades: 14 pts (A) since last 2 years, final exams will likely be 14 pts as well

                              german law requires u to make an additional ORAL EXAM after your final exam in case you miss your avg grade by 3.75 or more points, in my case i'm only allowed to write 13.75 or 6.25 pts

                              now i either have to intentionally make mistakes in my exam or take the oral exam xdddddddd


                                and its not even any oral exam! its an english oral exam YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy

                                the finally grade will be calculated using a 2:1 ratio (2x exam + 1x oral exam) => if i fail (say, 8 pts) i will get (14*2+8)/3 pts = 12 pts

                                less than i'd get if i make some mistakes intentionally :thinking:

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  why would u care about avg mark

                                  in my country there is some super overcomplicated fucked up system for getting into unis and school grades only have like 10% impact on ur final score(which determines ur chance to get a budget reserved place in uni) and still every1 in my class was going fucking apeshit about getting a 10(a-) instead of 11(a) and were basically rdy to suck dicks for +1 to their final mark on any subject - all this instead of actually preparing for exams that have 90% impact :thinking:

                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                    Btw guys how to add a video. I failed many times :sad:


                                      oh shit

                                      happy bday fuhrer

                                      Use chatwhell=mute

                                        Thats rly complicated. In my country they will gratuade high school no matter what. And we give a test. Last year i did fine score. I dont wanted to go university but my parents forced me to go. I still not enjoying cuz they chosen for me like a randomly. The uni is study is rly hard to finish. (Some ppl takes 10y) Cuz its if u fail on courses. So i secretly planned to ditch the fucking uni. I think i dont need degree live expierence is enough. Do u guys think uni degree worth much?


                                          depends on where u live and what u want to work as

                                          i think a cs degree is not worth that much in kongo whereas in USA u can make big bucks with it

                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                            Btw mwn is true that copyright law is very harsh? I heard that my friends friend downloaded angry bird by torrent and fined 800£. They caught him by ip address.I just amazed that. Im my country there are lot of illigal movie sites and there is no copyright law.


                                              mwn haHAA

                                              Use chatwhell=mute

                                                And what does the cs stand for?


                                                  creep score LUL

                                                  (computer science)


                                                    in germany? yes 100%, i was fined 400€ once for torrenting music


                                                      torrenting weeb music?


                                                        why thE FUCK IS THIS on MY FB FEEDF


                                                          i torrented top 100

                                                          i think what triggered the penalty was a song by david guetta, fuck that guy and his shitty music

                                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                                            Btw i realised that i can download fast and furious 8 by torrent rn hha. But i do not own computer :sad:

                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                              400£ is just very huge. Btw is there a any country like germany? With harsh copyright law?


                                                                if u listen to top 100 music u know its garbage cuz people are retards


                                                                  LMaoO O O OO copyright infringement laws in 2017 LUL


                                                                    germany is 3rd world country

                                                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                      Every ppl has the own unique music taste ywn.


                                                                        ye and the top 100 is always garbage


                                                                          interesting to hear that from you ywn


                                                                          @Hey guys

                                                                          i think germany is among the countries that cares the most about copyright, and mby westenr countries in general, im not sure tho

                                                                          Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                            Music describes the way of thinking. Iirc

                                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                              Thx mwn

                                                                              Jay the Bird

                                                                                lmao copyright laws aren't applied here in any form, I actually can't remember the last time I paid for a game/movie/software/music etc

                                                                                This comment was edited
                                                                                Jay the Bird

                                                                                  Also how the fuck do you listen to music in class spunki
                                                                                  Doesn't the teacher take your phone or smth

                                                                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                    So where are u from mamar?


                                                                                      u take something long sleeve and put the cables of your earphones through ur arm, you can listen by putting your head on your hand

                                                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                                                        Oh, that way
                                                                                        Tried that once, got caught before I even plugged the earphones in my phone
                                                                                        @Hey guys; Iran sir

                                                                                        Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                          Men demands respect
                                                                                          Women demands love. Iirc. I never had a huge respect in my life. :sad:

                                                                                          not arin

                                                                                            tinker telling me that i fucked their team by not last picking hard carry (i was safelane)

                                                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                              U guys had no pushing power imo. (Still would lose even winning early/mid)


                                                                                                oh look, Arin is posting another match where he lost and got triggered.



