General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
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    Kunkka is now more "back"

    e: !Attacker's way ofc

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      I'll let you in on a secret tip for OD- buy a midas, it's literally as core as it is for invoker.

      i'll consider it just because hotd got nerfed and im not really sure if it's worth it on od anymore

      me, government hooker

        lmao this arcana

        me, government hooker

          holy fuk its pretty lit

          me, government hooker

            Towers now gain 2 armor per nearby enemy player within 1200 AoE
            ratting is bak
            TELEPORT SCROLL:
            Cooldown increased from 70 to 80

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              is lycan supergood now

              Player 404335202

                Hello guys i m miracle can any1 tell me what is my real name ?i forgot haha .. Even my mommy calls me miracle hehe


                  your name has to be fishstick


                    jug arcana is so retarded it looks like all the blue heroes combined.
                    Like bara while idle, like lesh on the icon, like storm while ulting. Horrible design choice

                    casual gamer

                      no bkb and no hex OD against tinker wish you played against me free mmr


                        but ure 5k
                        i dont take anyone on 4k that seriously to buy bkb or something (which is probably a mistake but i hate buying bkb in pubs)

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                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          I heard BCup is free this weekend. Anybody wanna play?

                          disgusting weebs

                            i know what happens when 4ks dont take other 4ks seriously?

                            they lose


                              no midas od again so bad lul i know u will 3k soon noob


                                no midas od again so bad lul i know u will 3k soon noob

                                20% winrate with midas
                                2.11 overall kda



                                  rip 4k mmr cause of people like u


                                    im pretty sure arin > you


                                      easy way to trigger ur mates


                                        thats why I got all chat always muted

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                                          does 1 mean someone is nearby that i cant see?


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                                              nice man reminds me of the good old time when we locked people up in our classroom's cupboard


                                                today in solo ranked
                                                ""support"" silencer comes to my lane on lvl 1 then goes away and leaves me against solo centaur as spec
                                                continues to farm jungle along with axe who also steals every single kill he can

                                                gee i wonder whys my "solo support" silencer same networth as me when he never does anything but sit in the jungle while im forced to go to lanes followed by 4 enemy heroes in 10 seconds after my appearance



                                                  it got even better actually


                                                    @arin wtf is that?

                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                      bandicam im guessing



                                                        me, government hooker

                                                          but ure 5k



                                                            @arin wtf is that?

                                                            fucking vsync



                                                              why would u ever play with vsync? it's awful. It produces input lag and for a game like dota, actually any game, but esp for something like that it's soooo baaaaaaaad


                                                                actually just watch this vsync sucks


                                                                  i dont play with it it's just this garbage update that turned it on along with resetted chat wheel


                                                                    just do this OFF and enjoy


                                                                      nice arin4400 avg games ur almost there 3k is mmr for u i like when u cry out every match u lose like anyone give a shit


                                                                        apparently mks ult triggers the tower defense buff for every ape

                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                          The Katz


                                                                            i dont want to play in tier8 :/



                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                Holy shit, this game was the most miserable 90 minutes of my life. I have never ever felt my IQ get so fucking low.

                                                                                disgusting weebs


                                                                                  hey guys instead of concentrating on ur own game and trying to win letS COMPLAIN ABOIUT EACH OTHER AND WHINE IN CHAT FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE FUCKING GAME SUCH A GREAT IDEA KILL URSLEF

                                                                                  lina's fucking jacked though u are in every single fight and rape it no matter how much u feed cuz u have -999 sec respawn time on level FUCKING TEN and 1488 cast range roa good shit good shit

                                                                                  disgusting weebs

                                                                                    why do i have to lose to this complete moron ursa and 40 min afk farm jugger i dont understand


                                                                                      7k storm missing a kill like that? TRIGGERED!!



                                                                                        is noone getting aquila on voker anymore?


                                                                                          ^ HAHA
                                                                                          i wanna see ur mmr updated u

                                                                                          не говори по РУ

                                                                                            Better get quelling blade for 200 gold, it gives you 7 dmg, get the +3 int thing and branches


                                                                                              i'll have mmr public as soon as i hit 5k


                                                                                                i might have gotten a job

                                                                                                update: apparently noone except the family relative that works there have no clue about existance of that job
                                                                                                including personalist who's supposed to know about all the new jobs

                                                                                                well w/e i told her the relative's name so he can deal with that shit he bestowed upon me now
                                                                                                either i get a job or never meet those people again after embarassing myself two times in a row