General Discussion

General DiscussionTime for losing streak?

Time for losing streak? in General Discussion

    Been on a winning streak recently with really cooperative teammates. All of a sudden I get paired with very toxic people flaming each other in chat. Lose streak incoming?


      look at my profile mannnnnn

      lost 10 of last 11 games in solo mmr

      feels a bit bad


        yeah probably. Go nonranked and lose on purpose


          Pretty much


            how will I know when to return to ranked?

            < blank >

              i think i have been on a 12 lose streak before :(

              Mighty Fungal Cap

                Just had one lasting 6 games, got muted for 24 hours :D

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                  When you see you are either winning or losing without flames.

                  Mighty Fungal Cap

                    I think the reason for my mute was mainly the "Good game, Well Played!" spam, and I can still do that after the mute :D


                      But how can people recomend go to unranked and lose? and then people say that 50% winrate does not exist.

                      This kind of shit is the evidence to say it is real, is the same for me for YEARS. There are games were I win 1vs5 but most of the win games is because a good players, good team, don't even necessary to talk they can understand what you're going to do just with maybe 1 ping on the map.

                      And then .... after winning 5 or more games, all of a sudden your teammets are retards, flaming each other even before picking a hero, fighting for who buy what and when, going to lanes and farm, push try to help the other team fucking your team ..... It is coincidence? of course not! the 50% winrate is REAL.

                      A lot of people will say "isn't real noob, why I have 60% winrate?" ..... first of all let me say that you're stupid and good player. Good player because you can win even with those players that I can't, you can carry them only because you're much better than the bracket so, even with the 50% winrate you fuck it with your skills, simple as that.

                      Stupid for not understand what I'm saying, because 50% winrate is real and people like me can prove it. Yes, probably I'm not good as you, that's because I can't carry noobs and can't play 1vs9, but after 3000 hours I can say that 50% winrate es so fucking real. After every single winning streak, toxic people appear always, and when I say always, is always.

                      I mute a lot of people, most of them because they're bad to know them before loading, even that! after a winning streak I get matched with muted people on ranking or nonranking, LOSING TIME BABY! it's real. Or after some loss streak, muted people on the other team, FOCUS TIME BABY! it's real.

                      I really love dota but it's hard to play it alone, I don't remember a single game were I say "damn, even losing we played so good, I'm proud" no, I don't remember at all. We never play good when we lose and have the best team ever when we win (not always, but most of the games).

                      Why? I want to know why I can't play with people on my level vs people on my level to play a fun game, a fair game and enjoy it even losing, I don't know why we can't play like that. And how I can't carry stupid people I'm stuck at this bracket with the 50% winrate trying to make me crazy, believe me sometimes the match up make me go so mad, rage is real.


                      It's hard not to feel disappointed after losing 4 or 5 games just for teammates, I hate people that say "is your fault" yes, maybe I'm bad to play 1vs5 but if they just play a little better I don't need to play 1vs5 but they don't. You need to relax between games too, if you're mad or fucking angry don't play! and chill out for a while! that's common sense but even doing it noobs will keep appearing in the losing streak time, and if you're on it! a "relax time" isn't nothing, you can come back 100% fresh and still being matched with stupid people who no one know why they play ranking to play like that, stupid picks, insulting even before picking for god sake!.

                      I get angry quite easy, I'm that way and can't change. Is so hard to me to keep calm myself after seeing some idiot doing some stupid thing but I try not to speak to anyone, only game stuff, not insulting and stuff, maybe I do it but just for myself, not on the mic.

                      I still think I'm a 4k player, yes 4k is bullshit but better than 3k. After going from 3000 to 3600 losing only 3 games (not for me, 100% for stupid people) suddenly really retard people play with me, ALMOST PLAYING WITH THE FOOT FOR REAL and it supposed to have my same skills and they don't I can assure you, they don't.

                      After going through 3500 I started to play vs 4k players and beat them so easly on mid, lasthits, denies, gold per minute, exp per minute, hero damage, tower damage, level, every single thing in the game outplayed and still lose the game. Part of guilty is mine right? for not being able to snowball after winning so easly, but how can I snowball playing with bad teammates?, if they have 4k we have a 4k? well not always .... maybe they have one single 4k paired with one 3k and our team just with 3500.

                      My last game with my smurf account, 3600 MMR ..... mid lane. TA vs 4k, I was 12 0, easy game easy life. And the 3k bracket magic were no one want to push or end the game and just going jungle to farm, min 30 of game and each team farming with no pressure in their respective jungles, what happened? I wasn't able to finish the game 1vs5 and the other team out farm my bad teammates and at the end they just go after me, if they kill me the rest were easy cake.

                      All my team, under 5k hero damage .... me? above 20k. With just a decent team, that game were a win on my list, simple as that. None of them were on my skill level, not even one. And the game say they have my same ranking.

                      What happen when I lose mid? well ..... no one can do nothing, because they end the game quite fast and no one can deal with the midder, what happen when I'm feeded? no one want to end the game, no one want to make pressure, just feed and the "farming time" isn't real farming time because they're just dancing on jungle and not farming at all.

                      That crap make me hate the game even loving it, I want to play with people on my level and againts people on my level, and I never know why is that.

                      Yes, I can find people with my skill and make a team or just a party to play with, but isn't that easy. I have more than 3 years on Dota and still not able to find people on my level, peopel on this bracket don't like to practice or show them mistakes or say anything. I found some good people, but they got mad someday for no reason after wining tons of game, just for a single lose, they just block you and that's it.

                      I'm the only one on my games who TP to save one or two noobs, or even get some kills. Could it be the full enemy team with 10hp under my tower and still no one on my team will TP mid or move from their lanes, and of course! when I'm trying to kill the enemy mid, just think .... what could happen? YES! you're so damn right, their temmates use TP right away and save him or maybe kill me with some luck but what it count is that they have TP and use it perfectly, not as my "TEAM".

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                        @Ryuu u r on special case scenario Gaben hates u. Out of all 11million dota acounts he has chosen u to satisfy his sadistic nature of makin ur life harder.

                        On a more serious note we aint so diffrent after all, i was calibrated 4.3k the moment MM was online...went as far as 4.9k and shitrolled back to 4.2-4.5 from that time till now. U see i thought exactly like u durin my dota games, but after a while i realized that its just that i dont belong on the fabled 5k bracket easy as that, and trust me ive been matched mid with 5.4k dudes and they were gettin rekt to the point that durin the game i thought that this particular player was like the lowest mmr of that team and that happened quite frequently. I have a friend of mine whos 5.6k-5.8k and usually beat him inhouse games or even in 1v1, but still thats smth about him that overshadows me, and unless i find out what it is exactly i wont be able to improve. (U can guess all the rage i have when i beat that dude and he keeps stayin on that ratin like np while i cant crawl my way higher :D)

                        To cut it down for u, lets take it that 1 of ur teammates picked natures prophet and fed the living shit out the other team 0-20, the god of feed, even on that case u shouldnt bother with what he did, dont think of ur teammates as players think of them as bots thats all, mute them how hard is that?

                        None has ever climbed the ladder by being the good guy on the team and coordinating with them or some wierd strategic shit thats for CMs when u r actually a team. Get a lot of personal skill on some deadly heroes and pave ur way to 4k. Make sure to find out what could u have done better even if that would change nothing in the long run since ur team sucks so hard.

                        Just sayin i got my friends account 3.2k a couple of days ago just to chill a bit and entered on the ranked games... its not hard to understand that it was quite easy to be able to win. And i observed how the enemy team always had a guy who complained and actually he always hitted the wrong spot with what he said, that i belive is like u and i and every1 else does mostly when we complain about our team mates.


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