General Discussion

General DiscussionA quick Briefing would be appriciated!

A quick Briefing would be appriciated! in General Discussion
Paid actor

    Hi dudes! so im basically back in dota (had kind of 1 year break EU4 is pretty addictive too). And i started playin again and i red the patchnotes from where i left. The problem is the game has changed >.<. and im getting my ass handed over to me and for some reason my fav hero qop (she has been BUFFED AT LAST) doesnt seem to be performing as she used to in my hands. Can some1 pls tell me some kind of itembuild im to lazy to do some rearch (actually i just want to play, addiction ticked again).

    Well all in all more than asking for help i made this thread just to say hi and i love u all, even tho most of u apparently have slept with my mother and know quite alot about her social life :D (those that play with me in my games at least claim to have done so frequently).

    Its good to be back again.
    CHEERS \0/.


      First of all if you want to play qop ur on a good way and the most standard build right now is : Null talii, 2 branches & 2 pooled tangos
      Then treads/ Aghs Or Orchid and then wutever u need


      Paid actor

        well the problem is if u go first aghs u wont be able to sustain the mana drain from ults low CD and u probably wont be able to pick of ppl as easly as u can with orchid....if u go for orchid first tho its not anymore like it used to be, coz ppl nowdays appear to go rly frequently for euls, forcestaffs, glimmer cape(that item is a total bullshit, thank god that ult is pure dmg), so basically u have a hard time snowballing now i belive. and ive considered goin dagon (which is lame imo) but tho it grants the help in the early phase u lose the momentum quite hard, u cant keep the ball rollin all in all >.<.

        or mb its just me and i need more practice and to keep an eye on the clock and my decision making which have been quite lacking lately.