General Discussion

General DiscussionWould you rather have a long tiring close but lost game or a quick pa...

Would you rather have a long tiring close but lost game or a quick painless stomp loss? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    I think the pros of a stomp loss is you can quickly queue, its usually a painless loss.

    For long and close lost games is enjoyable cos of the competition but i think is more mentally draining especially if ended in a loss.


    Dire Wolf

      would rather lose very quickly, I don't particularly like winning in a stomp though, feels pointless. The best is a solid, ~40 minute win.

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      Livin' Real Good

        Those long close games that even result in a lost, i thought that was the reason we played dota, for even competition, and teams that are so even, that it's not a boring stomp. Each time has good players, and each team is burdened with one or two dumb asses of their own, that sounds pretty even to me. Nothings worse than feeling like 1 or 2 players on your team have no clue what they're doing doing, while the whole enemy team, even supports seem to have a clue what to do and build. But have 1 or 2 clueless team mates, and them having 1 or two clueless team mates, and the game lasting 60 mins long, not cause no ones pushing, but cause any next team fight can decide the match, that's why i play Dota 2. If everyone seems to know what they're doing and it's close, than, to me, that's just better than sex. The only thing better than sex to me is smoking a cig at the beach at night with someone, so that's saying a lot.


          Kind of a pointless question. It's not like you are given a choice between those two at any time. In reality, it would be more like: would you rather give up early after a bad start or take your chances to win later?



            I can tell you this. I would rather have every game be long, close but end in a loss, than every game be a quick stomp. even if I was the one winning half the stomps. I suck at this game, but what makes me play ranked game after game even when I haven't been improving for several months now is that the ranking system allows for good competition the majority of the games. This is the same reason I played 50K games of Halo 2 and Halo 3.

            Good competitive matches turns a good game into one I can play until there are no more players to get matched with.

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              I don't like people having a fixed idea of what "a good match" should be. People say: "Oh, I don't like stomps, even if I'm winning," and I end up with teammates throwing easy games, making them unnecessarily long, because they were too bored.


                lose quickly.

                Quality of game is pretty meaningless. All that matter is winning or losing until you hit around 5k.

                Part of why dota is so addictive and yet awful. Every loss is simply a wasted game and a waste of your last win. Essentially if you lose a 30 minute game, you have wasted an hour.

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                  Usually I'd rather lose long game but sometimes is rather lose fast but not usually, long games that result in loss suck when u have a flames all game.

                  Miku Plays

                    its better if u try to win


                      I think that people who would rather lose in a "good game" than win in a stomp are all stuck in sub3.5k.0

                      Protato BBnoZAR

                        Fuck long games they are no fun at all.


                          In ranked I'd rather win a stomp for sure. Over lose a long game

                          Paid actor

                            Losing is the seed of victory, a good loss is all im askin for, as long as the otherteam outplays us in a close way not a faceroll , that sits fine with me, coz i have defently learned smth of it. The problem with ppl is that all think that they deserve or know more than they actually do, and that they r losin the game coz of luck/badteam or whatever other wierd reason they think it is so they just want to pass it and go for the next 1. If u put the blame of losin to ur teammate or entire team basically u r just hopin to get better team mates next game thats all. Which i belive is the mentallity of ppl who dont improve that fast or lets just say get too worked up about the game.

                            i was watching "the bulletproof monk" yesterday and actually it came to my mind a phrase that he says XD "knowin others makes u wise but knowin urself makes u enlightened" its a pretty good 1 actually even for an Ebola movie liek that :)

                            Best Regards

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Most of the time when people lose to stomps, they go into a new game with all that rage so they lose the game for their team. But if they lose a long game, they are more likely to be tired and don't queue for a new game.

                              Mighty Fungal Cap

                                A loss is a loss, and sucks regardless of the length of the game. However, it's better to lose a 20 minutes game than wasting over an hour of your life and then lose and be miserable, because you could've won more games during that playtime.


                                  Only winners can decide how to end match.


                                    The worst is when its a stomp they can win by 20 mins, but they drag it out to 50 mins just to spite you


                                      I always try to win, even by dragging the game longer, though I can't deny it's more painful to lose a long game most of the time.

                                      Road to zero mmr

                                        long and tiring close game, there are shit loads of games where you win against 2 rax/megas cuz in pubs everyone throws so every game is worth a shot

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                                          I like long close games, it's why I play. This game however was the worst thing since cancer.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            "The worst is when its a stomp they can win by 20 mins, but they drag it out to 50 mins just to spite you"

                                            No it's when it's a stomp and assholes on the other team picked techies/sniper/medusa and turn it into an hour long game instead of giving up. Like this bullshit.


                                            Dire Wolf

                                              "I like long close games, it's why I play. This game however was the worst thing since cancer."

                                              What the hell how is that possible? did they sit high ground against megas for an hour til they got 6 divines?


                                                @Dire Wolf, 1.5 hours actually, and they only had four divine rapiers, we dropped the other two as we lost. We had megas at like 30 minutes and then kunkka killed us after saying "ff". If you want to download the replay it's here

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Being on either side I do not get joy out of matches like that, far too long and stupid.