General Discussion

General Discussioncurrent best mid player in the pro scene

current best mid player in the pro scene in General Discussion

    s4? mushi? God? Ferrari? Sumail? Dendi? pajkatt? who's the best in ur opinion?

    Im gna go with s4. guy's a killer

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Most of those guys can't really farm well, other than Pajkatt. Normally I would say PJ, but his lane presence has been shit lately.


        rtz, pretty sure about that.


          ^i'd agree arteezy does a better mid than he does pos 1 carry, i still like s4 better tho.

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY



              s4 imo.


                Forgot me ? LMAO

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  S4 and I realize his team overall strenght helps and puppey works hard to help their mid too.

                  S4 just seems extremely versatile and doesn't really seem to give up costly mistakes some of the others tend to do.

                  Jesus Perez Ramirez

                    Someone from TS ... Team Secret to dota is like FC Barcelona to football. Dream team.

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                      ^real madrid u mean, wen they had zidane, figo, roberto carlos, raul, etc :p




                          I hope it's s4 becuase then i beat the best :P


                          dont think you can say that anybody is the best but rather top 10 something


                            wow u won pub against him with broken hero in ur team So pro


                              fuck s4 fangays, ferrari430 all the way


                                Im Not sure If Hes the Best but mushi is by far the most Chilled and cool Boy in pro dota scene sometimes i feel like Hes only dota pro whos having Fun at work and this is what counts.

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                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  @Sir looks like you had some help ;) roaming mirana registered as Mid.

                                  j/k good job.

                                  Lord Mushroom

                                    x6. He is not a pro playet but still

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                                        S4 man u ever watch his player perspective beyond tunnel visioning his screen (looking at his minimap n how he responds, checking if supports have boots to gank, while computing like to 500 things?)

                                        No giggities?

                                          It's pretty hard to say who's the best. As in any sports, some guys are just more skilled than others but i strongly believe that on the dota scene, the most important factor of all is consistency. In this perspective, s4 is imo the best.


                                            s4 RTZ Sumail and fata.

                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                              Oh yeah fata for sure underrated and he does well on some kids other players don't even run.


                                                its me.

                                                cigarettes after hex

                                                  for current meta s4. for overall ferrari. for a 1v1 situation ferrari.


                                                    ^s4 solo killed ferrari mid in the esl one recently without any help. But apart from that, overall s4's game sense is phenomenal.

                                                    Remember Ti3 and him cancelling all of Navi's TPs back to base so bulldog and loda could rat alliance to victory? He did it twice. Mb him leaving is the reason alliance is failing today, not to say that pajkat is bad, but alliance rli need some1 like s4 too

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                                                    no incoming chat

                                                      RTZ & Sumail.


                                                        idk what you guys are talking about "in the current meta s4". s4 is great no matter what.


                                                          sumail is shit, pls stop naming that piece of shit



                                                            No one is drinking that kool-aid your are trying to sell Benao. Suma1l is legit.


                                                              no hes not

                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                All he can play is storm and lesh.

                                                                no incoming chat

                                                                  ^ & QoP, SF, Tinker, Lina...He is easily top3 in the world at all those heroes.



                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      I don't like him either, but you guys are just hating because he is going to TI5 in the age of 15 while you probably won't ever even go there. Though yeah, I think he can only play SF on a decent level, the other heroes he plays are "generic" as in most mid players can play them.


                                                                        im not, i dont even care. i disliked ppd and zai at the beginning too. I acknowledged them when they reached a satisfying level and now they are both very good. Sumail is just super bad and im fed up with people overrating him and bowing to him when he does is just standard at best and very bad with the rest.


                                                                          Suma1L is a very good player. His Storm is very energetic (like a 15 year old). But he lacks the experience in the professional scene and the team coordination of EG is most likely much higher than what he's used to in pubs/inhouses. Give him a year or two and see what happens to him.


                                                                            sumail is decent at most, or else he wouldnt be playing for EG. that DOESNT MEAN HE'S GOOD OR VERY GOOD

                                                                            Welt aus Eis

                                                                              sure benao

                                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                                and sumail's tinker is very good as well


                                                                                  give 2 years for a monkey and he will learn shit too just saiyan

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    I really don't see how being one of the top 10 best pro mids isn't considered at least very good.

                                                                                    For my money if I had to play with someone for money I would rather have S4 but his team really suits his versatility well.

                                                                                    Side note once again why doesn't anyone mention Fata....?

                                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                                      idk there are people here playing dota 10 hours a day for years and can't get past 4k :^)


                                                                                        you people are trash at analyzing players if you consider him good.

                                                                                        vrok was better than him 3 years ago and still is, same with fata.

                                                                                        every game he's done "good" has been with a favorable lineup, even then he plays like shit. srsly what do you guys even watch

                                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                          @sano good one you and kitrak make new accounts together or something? Also I am 4101 now ;)


                                                                                            s4, he is the zlatan of daota


                                                                                              and since when mmr is measurment of how good u are in game lmfao

                                                                                              theres shit tons of pros with 5k ish mmr

                                                                                              shouldnt all pros be like 7k+ ?


                                                                                                I think Sumail is quite good, given the execution and the confidence he has as a player, he is good, and winning money at 15, which is much more meaningful than trying to convince people who don't think he is good to think so.
                                                                                                He is a kid that is already making a living playing dota, though he still goes to school.
                                                                                                Don't hate the person for doing what he loves. And esp if he can make it in the ranks of those you like, don't degrade him to make you feel better about your opinion.
                                                                                                The point is, he isn't the best, but who says he shouldn't try to be the best since he does have the potential.

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                                                                                                Low Expectations

                                                                                                  Best mid atm hast to be RTZ or Ferrari430. I would also agree that Sumail is not that amazing. He is only good at Lesh, Storm and yeah Tinker. His SF is not even close to Ferrari/RTZ

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                                                                                                  no incoming chat

                                                                                                    Yeah, Sumail is so bad that EG raped yesterday VP 3-0. Tralf even said that he never seen such a 1 sided bo5.

                                                                                                    Low Expectations

                                                                                                      Yeah, Tralf also said Secret will never win a Lan.


                                                                                                        sumail so good he carried eg to win and esl One at frankfurt 2 weeks ago

                                                                                                        oh wait

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