General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout ping

About ping in General Discussion

    Most of the time I play on South America just for the ping, playign with 30ms isn't the same as playing with 175+ms. I want to know how other players can play on different servers.

    For example, Smash. He's from Peru but even so he play on US East, even ranking and he don't show any problem to play, even watching the replays, I don't see the 175+ms. Other example is closed-games, but isn't a real example because they are just for fun and players don't live in the same country and sometimes they need to play with some lag.

    But real games, ranking games that's a different thing, there is any way to improve ping?, as far as I know doesn't matter how much speed I have, ping will not be better if you are far away from the server, I'm right or you can have good pint even quite far?

    I don't understand how people can play with 200ms and beat other people with similar level playign with 30ms, isn't a BIG delay but it is there and you can feel it after playing with 30ms for a while, even if you have awesome reflex, those seconds of delay could be the difference between feed or scape.

    I want to know this because on US servers people play better, the level is different. South America isn't really bad and I can play with 30ms all time, but the level isn't the best.


      OK thanks.