General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get $$ as Support?

How to get $$ as Support? in General Discussion

    The title sums up the post? I notice in most of my support games (I'm not a support main) I tend to spend all my gold on wards / couriers / smoke etc. I remember one rubick game we won in 50 mins and I had brown boots and a TP in my inventory just because of buying all wards and shit. In my MMR, nobody wants to play support, so if you do you are damn sure you're the only one. That means buying wards every time they are in stock, sentries to deward and for invis heroes, dust against invis and of course the courier and flying, not to mention TP's for your teammates when they don't want to spend money to TP to lane. So, for those more experienced support players, my question is how does one go about getting money as a support, specifically as the only support on a team? Obviously taking lane creeps is not an option, but jungle camps are also hard to farm as a support. Assist gold is a thing but it relies upon you being able to get the kils with your team. Ticking gold barely covers wards alone! Thanks for reading, I hope that others with similar problems will find any replies helpful.


      One way to do it:
      Make everything for your team to be slightly behind, so you earns tons of gold at every kills (which will not be impossible, since you are slightly behind).

      For support to be rich, either you have to be behind (and get a lot of potential gold/xp that your team will get only when you are fine -stack for example-), or you have to be crushing your opponent, or you have to have a farming support (such as kotl)

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        Not feeding for starters, no trolling, you'll get a very good amount of assist gold if you manage to survive the teamfights, because you'll likely have contributed with AoE or was close enough to receive the bonuses.
        For that, picking supports with very long cast ranges (such as Silencer or Winter Wyvern) or naturally tanky ones like Ogre Magi and Undying is a good place to start, so long as you mind your positioning.


          be successful

          Livin' Real Good

            i don't even steal last hits, but for some reason i have no problem having stat items, wards, upgraded boots, TP's and stuff at 20 mins, i always get puzzled how my supports only have just boots and a wand and say " i can't ward i'm solo supporting!" The worst part is when i have two supports, and no wards up, whenever i solo support, there's wards ALL OVER THE MAP, but of course they have an excuse ready. The worst partttttttttt is when the other team only has one support, and that one support is out warding, and dewarding our two supports, and our two supports bitch about us bitching about there not being wards. sigh*

            1. not feeding

            2. get some gold for stacking and pulling the pull camp early game lane phase (unless your carry is trying to get those neutral creeps, that's when you just focus on denying the wave)

            3. Buy items THAT MATTER, cost effective items, don't fucking rush ags like a noob. I always tell people this, a Force Staff + stat item, wards >>>> That AGS you build just to lose cause you didn't have any fucking wards for your team and the enemy is already too fed for it to matter

            Maybe force staff + Mek > ags? utility my friend.

            4. farming a wave when the carry isn't there, and the area is generally safe, but like with every hero: don't miss last hits, it's NOT okay to miss last hits, even as a support, i think people over look this

            5. being involved with team fights as much as you can, even 2v2 scuffles, you want that AOE gold.

            6. The tick gold you get for just playing the game

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            Bad Intentions

              Just dont die really and ul get them $$$$


                Play Dazzle or Lich? They're literally the least greedy heroes in the game. The problem when I play Ancient Apparition with no other supports is that I still feel the need to get that Ag Scepter because of that 17 second frostbite being so effective. I never have that problem with Dazzle. I get by with just Arcane Boots and Solar Crest.


                  Assist gold, if you set up kills or survive in teamfights just being near to them will net you lots of 420 cash dollars.

                  Mighty Fungal Cap

                    Don't feed like a retard and slay other players, and occasionally killsteal, but not too often so people won't think you are doing it on purpose.

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                      Pick Shadow Shaman
                      Play the game as usual
                      Swim in gold

                      More seriously though, look my last replay, I can always afford wards and blink with SS ez. You can farm lanes with your Q when you are not needed by your team and you destroy towers alone with your ult (and will usually rice one or two waves of creeps in the process).

                      Also you can check the games of Aui_2000, he is a very good support player who is known for always managing to get good farm in his games.

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                        Support has gold when his team winning, he has't if losing. Simple as that.


                          yeah, surprisingly, not dying goes a long way towards getting items as a support. Stalking and pulling is damn good... taking up empty lanes when there is an empty lane and you can tp to support whatever is going on... .thought that last one requires good presence of mind/ map awareness not to just get straight up ganked.

                          some supps just jungle well too, if I think it's gonna be a hard game to get cash I'll usually go something like a lina/cm for jungle gold, or early push with jaki or pugna for tower gold.

                          plz do

                            midas is legit on lvl greedy and item greedy supports. (someone mentioned aa here e.g.)


                              the patches just make it easier for supports to get gold man, it's not that hard



                                Arcane Boots, Magic wand and lvl 10 after 40 minutes. It's not that hard for sure. =)

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                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Improve your positioning. Dying really takes away a lot of gold, and not in the sense that you lose gold on death, but in the sense that you can't get any gold while you are dead. If you are still dying a lot, just stack bracers. Because you will see if you survive even one teamfight, you will get at least 1k gold.


                                      ^So you say that 4 deaths is "a lot"? I see...

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        I'm not even talking to you. And yes when you have 21 CS on a hero that farms decently fast and you have no kills obviously you won't have any gold.


                                          You just told about "surviving" in teamfights, not a word about "killing" anything. =)

                                          Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                            I'm not exactly a support player, but all you really have to do is not waste the money. Don't spend all stuff to heal yourself or TP to lane. If you can, you can often walk to fountain or to the lane where you're needed. Keep the TP's for emergencies.


                                              ^It's obvious.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Then you are retarded enough to not take part in teamfights IDK. Because there is no excuse to having that low of a GPM.


                                                  ^Look at this match again:

                                                  Look at Dazzle, he definitely took part in teamfights. Good teamfights, because he is on the winning side. His farm after 40 minutes: Arcane Boots, Medallion and Gem.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    I don't look at your items, I look at your gold and GPM.


                                                      Just get value items like stick/urn/cloack etc


                                                        150 GPM is a bit low, but not extraordinary. Usually I have ~200 GPM if losing and ~300 GPM if winning.

                                                        386 is my highest GPM during last week. I had it on support Axe:

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                                                          I'd be able to comment more comfortably if you had db+... but I have a feeling that the money was either spent on pointless shit throughout the game (dewarding rosh constantly rather than avoiding that area or using smokes, to paraphrase a pro "sometimes knowing where they feel like they know what's going on is better than them knowing that they don't know what is going on in a place". the other options are stacking up unreliable gold then dying at literally the most inopertune moments....

                                                          look at this game... I think i was literally high... still better items with a worse gpm, kda, lh, etc etc. as a support nyx of all things

                                                          that dazzle just... I don't even know... fed gems all 4 deaths?.... bought more sents than necisary? I dunno.

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                                                            ^There are no invis heroes in your game except CM with probably late Shadow Blade. You don't need sentries for that, dust is enough (or you can interrupt it with carapace). Anyway 274 GPM is nothing to be proud of.

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                                                              you know nothing you shit^

                                                              support should have around this much, the meta is even made for supports right now.
                                                              i hate stacking and pulling and shit so im always on a lane.

                                                              i sacrifice my farm for ez levels and farm on my cores, STILL i got what i got


                                                                in this patch you just need to stay in assist range for the kill and you will receive bonus gold if you're behind in net worth

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  1. Don't die

                                                                  2. Don't waste money. You don't need to make wards out of stock all the time. Good missing calls and lane awareness, half the time you don't need more than 1 or 2 wards. Wards are more important mid to end game when trying to push into t3s and t2s especially to know where enemy team is gathered. At minute ~5 maybe you need to know if they are roaming to a rune to gank your mid, but if you just pay attention to a missing mid it'll be pretty obvious when he's going to gank a lane for example.

                                                                  3. Kill steal and tower last hit like an asshole. It's easiest way for supports to get gold, screw carries, they can farm up creeps.


                                                                    @Soultrap... so the dazzle overbought sents for mirana ult and kotl glimmer... ? honestly that's the excuse?

                                                                    I know 274 is nothing to be proud of... that was the point... I found a game where I, and my team, were in a similar situation to your dazzle (worse even).... and showed that it's possible to get useful items despite being so far behind... the /whole/ point was that it wasn't anything to be proud of D: ...

                                                                    I wonder how much of my post you read ......

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                                                                      "I can't come back so I'll just try to insult him"


                                                                        seems you still lack a brain. My condolences to your family


                                                                          I had same thoughts when I started to play DOTA, but then I realized: it doesn't matter how many items you farmed on support. Granted, there are core items that you absolutely must have (like Blink Dagger), but everything else is not important at all. So I don't care how much gold I spend on wards.

                                                                          And yes, current meta is very harsh for supports, because you have to buy much more sentry wards than before, but I'm ok with it.


                                                                            @ Nebulous

                                                                            As others have mentioned, limiting your deaths is obviously important.

                                                                            It's all about being efficient. You'll be busy zoning the offlaner, stacking, protecting/ganking mid, pulling, etc. but there are plenty of ways for supports to get some gold.

                                                                            The biggest way to get gold is being involved in kills. If you have map awareness and you get assists for most of your team's kills, you'll get nice gold from each. Do not be afraid to use your abilities (not saying spam them, but using a long cd ability to kill a core can be worth it).

                                                                            Farm lanes when nobody else with higher farm priority is there. Don't miss last hits.

                                                                            While it is *better* for you to die than your cores, don't just sacrifice yourself all the time thinking that's the only way to save your carry.

                                                                            On that note, and this is very important, do NOT run in and try to save people who are obviously dead. All the time people do this. Oh no, Jugg is surrounded by 4 of their heroes, I know I can't save him, I know I'll die too, but I want to TRY!!! Just let him die for being out of position.

                                                                            If you are really close to an important item like your blink dagger, then link how close you are and ask for camps/lane kills until you get it.

                                                                            Take care.

                                                                            Edited for typo.

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                                                                              If it looks like you are gonna be sole support then stick to lich kotl cm venge or lion. Simply because they don't need mana boots.

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                                                                                @M I L N O R
                                                                                IDK what you talking about, I buy mana boots for my team, not for myself.


                                                                                  ur on some shit dude


                                                                                    ^^ If you have a greedy team lineup then you aint gonna be able to buy mana boots early unless you refuse to buy wards / smoke.

                                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                                      i'm not good at supporting but just using the jungle in a not retarded way and not dying stupidly is enough for me to be better than the average SA support in my pubs lel

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        dont waste your money on the blue wards


                                                                                          you kill jungle creeps and camp bounty runes every 2 minutes

                                                                                          the reason ur poor is because u probably just sit in ur carry's lane doing nothing besides denying creeps

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                                                                                            rule 1: do not die
                                                                                            rule 2: get as much assist and ganks


                                                                                              If you jungle as a support then why not to pick adequate jungler and do it properly?