General Discussion

General DiscussionI hate games like these.

I hate games like these. in General Discussion

    Do people actually get good as you get past 5k or is the game forever a trench? 4.8k atm and cant seem to climb the last few 100, I fuck up plenty games with misplays but this one was the easiest win this slark could have had....

    6 slot at around 40 minutes, all the lanes got rekt minus the safe which is where I went. They had a jungling storm and I still lose this shit -.- sigh.

    Sold my S&Y to build a MKB (probably would have been better to have Abyssal but whatever) buy back multiple times, beg my team to push mid and even offer to buy a gem.

    How do I win kek? at one point i had Yasha, midas, HoTD, treads, maelstrom or someshit and my slark has SB, trads, bottle.


      Apprently i had Mjollnir, Satanic, bkb, yasha, treads, midas by the time he has shadowblade and shit... it gets worse.

      Dota is a depressing game.


        you didnt get a single disable item


          Should've went abyssal in hindsight after selling s&y... would have only got the basher anyways.

          Euls and sheep weren't an option.

          [DFG] Whale King

            Yeaaaa desperate for lockdown buddy, bad item choices can lose games


              lol you stupid 4k

              sheap ez win

              This comment was edited



                  cheap :D


                    Be happy you didn't run across a 17 MMR Riki ?


                      storm jungle is op


                        bs is a shit hero for carrying team


                          no, people dont get good.


                            even if you'd run into someone you probably wouldn't realize it anyway

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!