General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Line-Up

Your Line-Up in General Discussion

    Post what would you like your team to pick and where to lane to ezy pzy win.

    gyro, wd, earth shaker safe
    storm mid
    undying off


      "say ????? if you are owned" :D

      rip changer

      This comment was edited



          YOUR LINE-UP

          rip Sir :smile:


            zeus mid, qop solo safe, viper/undying/lion off


              earth spirit offlane
              a good sf mid
              gyro safelane
              venge + shaker support

              you push at min 11 and ez pz


                Just look at top win-rate heroes.

                Put Spectre with Omni and Abaddon on safelane and you already won the game.

                Dire Wolf

                  Kinda depends on what enemy team has but in a vacuum I want 2-1-2 lanes, mix of carries and supports with a ton of disables. Like centuar and undying off, a good invoker middle, a sniper/medusa/luna/some ranged carry safe with a support like lion/ss/venge.

                  Or stack all the team fight with void's ult. DP middle, witch dr, void, shadow shaman safe lane tri, tidehunter off. That's serious team fight around chrono and four ults go through bkb.

                  I would also like to try a push, heal heavy team, but never have people to run it. Something like luna, witch dr, necro, treant/dazzle, wraith king. Just 5 man push from min 10.



                    look almost you lineup :D


                      Off brood
                      Safelane Leoric + Lina
                      Jungle Chen
                      Mid Zeus/Lesh

                      Has everything you want!


                        Arka do you think sandking or batrider, timbersaw... idk can anyone actually solo against brood this patch at pro level?


                          Lane-ing is fine in my eyes. Batrider in lane is no issue, just that he is a big threat to brood in later stages of the game, same applies to SK and TImber.
                          As far as i remember laning against SK is no issue either if you have the sentries + dust. As he is rather fragile and if he cant kill spiderlings(which he mostly cant) he wont get far.
                          Timber of those is the hardest matchup and he can create a lot of havoc and the matchup can be played in 100 different ways


                            About timbersaw-brood matchup
                            On equal level of farm, brood gets rekt, BUT if timbersaw's success on his lane untill min 10 is mediocre (he gets exp, but his farm close to 0; mb 1-2 accident kills with some1s help), and brood mana pges to win her lane (which is not that weird for brood), timber cant do anything. I remember this feeling of being completely useful and helpless against brood with 12 min orchid, and its hard to come back from that.


                              I like playing juggernaut so I would want a team with me as carry. Haha jugg, magnus, silencer, the other two can change.... Tide?, Zeus, gyro, undying, Ursa, so forth.