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    My ta gd help in lane everytime



      Fox McCloud

        what the fuck's your fucking problem.

        Anyways GJ on the close ET game, although that sudden networth and exp turnaround at midgame in favour of your opponents might be your fault (as the support.) I can't say for sure though, but massive turnarounds like that usually happen because supports start getting lazy on the wards and smokes when they know their team's winning. Could've closed that game a lot sooner.

        Fee Too Pee

          Do not skip me :(


            You carried the game, Huskar + Drow + Enchantress dominates so much early game (though you and Enchantress seem to be doing the dominating while Drow hits towers), plus two crowd controllers because one isn't enough. Heaven's Halberd is a pretty good choice that game, you can just disarm Sven when he ultis and ruin his day again and again.

            All in all, good job on Huskar, which you should be given your 155 Huskar games you filthy spammer.

            But yeah, nice decision ending the game earlier because they do have a better late game line up.


              Looks like you, Sand King and Lion managed to rape them real hard.
              You also managed to make that Lion so fat - i mean Agh, Euls, EB, and blink at 34 minute ? Good luck surviving that.


                win a game with abandoned teammates haha , haven't done that since like dinosaur age

                Fee Too Pee

                  How the fuck.... just how..... you lost in fucking 17 minute. 0 kill as a riki. How...... d e s t r o y e d


                    22 min gg, nice

                    really good pushing lineup, but imo it lacks an actual support instead of ench.


                      Kinda odd laning phase. From partial plus vision, it looks like Omni helps you jungling there.
                      Quite unnecessary knowing that you can just sandstorm the creeps, but i guess the additional burst from him might help a bit.


                        GG wp... support silencer <3... teammate abandon still win ... comeback towards the end... checks everything for a
                        > Good Game

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                        Massive Dynamic

                          Awesome Brewmaster game. Good KDA, great item timings. WP.


                            Morphling PL died so much despite having the most elusive fuckers in the game. You bloodseeker and PA must've had your dailty workout, cuz jesuschrist your two cores had the least farm RIPO


                              Team got trashed.

                              Bad Intentions

                                Very smart SD gaming. Minimal deaths, gud item pickups, sexy lens pick up, overall gud job.

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  Ez axe ez spin offlane punishing all carry team . Kinda die too much in my eyes. Crimson a good choice vs phantm lancer. Aghs a questionable item. Better spend those money on shivas guard for more cc tbh

                                  Btw fuck ur spam as axe dude. Blademail plus call literally cancer and i hate axe in general as huskar player

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                                    Huskar vs 4 Magic dmg heroes (except pudge hook) not much more to say, smart pick


                                      Good performance right there. Looks like you managed to always pick key target such as Jugger and Invoker when or before teamfight started.


                                        Surprising how a drow-medusa lineup cannot destroy even one barracks in a 75 min game. Epic game... LC rapier aghs, BH greaves hex, and your pipe eblade were important x-factors. Well deserved +25 bro :)

                                        Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                                          My dead dog's name is Billy, your name is Billy, which means, you're my new best friend!

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                                            Aww condolences man


                                              @Pawn Star: Mia Khalifa downright fucking stomp. JESUS thats some hardcore rape

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                                                who should i comment lol

                                                ok this is for black billy. Nice tower damage and good gpm youv'e got there. and the mkb finish the problem against PA

                                                Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                                                  @Kage: I actually began the game 0-7 because of constant lags, thankfully I managed to turn shit around with my SF. Back to the thread: Can't really give any insightful comments as I am just a 2.8k scrub, but IMO: game should have ended earlier. I can only say a bit of serious comments so here it is: With Underlord, I would have imagined you to be more involved in team fights and deal more damage as you do have some nice skills for fights, though with their heroes, firestorm wouldn't really be that much, but even then... your presence should have been felt.


                                                    @pawn star and my items are true support life


                                                      Underlord battlefury? NotLikeThis

                                                      plin plin plon

                                                        U good at supporting, even the enemy draft is better, ur team still can win. Nc team nc supp


                                                          Pudge probably didn't play supp so ES experienced hell in that game. Decent game but I wouldn't pick Huskar as offlane with an enemy team like that

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            thats one hell of a highground defense they pulled off, yet you manage to break it. good work

                                                            Of Monsters and Men

                                                              pretty easy game for you
                                                              looks like your team didnt even struggle to win cause 3 of them abandoned

                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                Monster Mirana game. 20-20 performance which is rare. Standard items. Sexy butterfly pickup. Albeit its normal skills but overall great game impact.


                                                                  The moment spec ults, it's pretty much 2v5 already. Good job cleaning up the rest.


                                                                    they have 1 supp and u have 3 semi carries and all of them are initiator. this is how you own the game with low gpm and the core guy did a good job and u are helping to start the team fight w/ ur hero pick

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                                                                      Got your hands on some decent farm probably mainly thanks to being present in fights and getting that sweet assist gold. Id probably prefer skilling your offensive skills more over the aura since the only one truly using your aura is clinkz who can make sure to never run out of it and outlane someone with his arrows(ofc it helps pudge and sf too but both can help themselves via bottle/soul ring). Otherwise gg wp, nicely done man ...also props for steppin up and takin the only real supp in your team xD.

                                                                      Massive Dynamic

                                                                        Could have had a better KDA, but great itemization. Based on the hero damage stats I'm guessing you RP'd quite a bit so that the Kunkka and Luna ults could be as damaging as possible. Good job.

                                                                        Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                          I'm not sure if pipe was a good item choice. I would swap that one with vlad (cheaper) and you guys had 4 DPS heroes. When you play support, you kinda need to look at every heroes in your team as a whole and fill in whatever missing.


                                                                            Roaming hard support Lich. Spent nearly 3k golds for wards. So many dedication you put into this role. I'll surely commend you if i'm in that match. Just a few people that i know willingly to play like you. GGWP
                                                                            Oh, and so many teamfight happen. Maybe it's cuz party match. And dem that wipeout.


                                                                              Stomped quite hard with your team. Not surprised since everyone on the enemy wanted to become carry.
                                                                              Not much i can say beside that, maybe ask your teammates to build better item next time. Bloodstone is kinda useless on Alch except for the deny i guess.

                                                                              let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                                Ez stomp, enemy lanes were so fucking weak, wp


                                                                                  luna 100 lashits 27 min lmao sucks why go glimmer ?
                                                                                  cause its recomended item ?
                                                                                  no..they even alot pure ...
                                                                                  go force if timber catch some one


                                                                                    Perhaps needed a bit more lock down than just lion for morphling?

                                                                                    plin plin plon

                                                                                      Wait... You're smurfing aren't you? Hmm... Btw both of he teams pick just idiot, I mean normal skill player pick bcz he want to use tht hero. But at least ur mirana better Than the other.


                                                                                        ((My last 5 games I only won 2. If I was smurfing I would have more wins. I mostly played against bots during TDYs))

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                                                                                          You did good!


                                                                                            Drow Ranger + 3 other ranged heroes = EZ win


                                                                                              Hmmmmm, you fed, your carry fed by a supportless team 😊


                                                                                                There's nothing insightful to say about your last match. Good job carrying monkeys

                                                                                                plin plin plon

                                                                                                  I dont think that nyx with dagon and ethreal still a thing now. I just dont like ur item build. Maybe I wrong cz I never played tht hero. Just learning from pro games btw


                                                                                                    You contributed more then your carries. Good job!


                                                                                                      with riki you made sniper abandon LOL , also who was the support? XD

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