General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    @Lanto Should've gone for eul imo, not rushing aghs immediately

    @feed Not very insightful critic there, care to elaborate?

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    Stone Cold Steve Austin

      I feel like a Hurricane Pike would have come in handy in many situations, if the enemy went after you harder this game, it could have cost you a painful deal. Also, probably could have finished faster with it.

      Mos Likely

        STOMP the yard. They were never gonna catch you anyway with their lineup. I probably would have skipped linkens altogether.

        ez game


          You did okay carrying your team. The game should have been easier if Meeps doesn't get ganked so often.
          Kinda strange nobody on the enemy team buys Silver Edge to deal with you.

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            Nice kda :)


              You must be having a hard time as Meepo with Lich and SF who get BKB within 20 minutes around but LC and Invoker managed to save the day by ending the game before thing will go bad if SF managed to get his hand on something else besides Desolator and BKB.


                Easy win for you, you've just knocked them out, but I thinks that's because you've got a new acc. Good job, anyway.


                  A super defensive line-up from your enemy with Spectre and LC as their main. Drum isn't that great anymore so i think you should opt for Vlad's instead of it to help your PA. Pipe also would be good pick there since Spec usually build Radiance and the rest of the enemy team has a pretty high magic damage. You should also help your Lion in terms of dewarding seeing nobody on your team ever bought a sentry (you can buy it separately now at 100 gold so it's easier than before). Oh and please ask him to build Blink because Lion without it is kinda useless.

                  young rich

                    You and ls did a good job of shutting down a fed jugg

                    Stone Cold Steve Austin

                      That Mirana must have been having seizures in that match.


                        items on point wonder how u win with BB
                        gg ez outplayed nothing much to say


                          The game was lost from the beginning, but you did well, so good work on there. You didn't give up and that's a good point.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            From the looks of it, your team threw away a won game. The matchups are in your favor, because all of them except Abbadon was a glass cannon (hits hard but is easily killed). Even if a Juggernaut manfights a PA a PA will win. You were having a steady lead but a lost teamfight where Zeus, CM, and Juggernaut pressed R together and got you all killed. I think you overextended to get a skill and this is why CM and Juggernaut were able to land great ults. Or you were on your way to get megas and suddenly enemy killed you, then you and your team buybacks because you thought you could win and they killed you again. 10k networth swing and dead with no buybacks, all in a space of a minute.

                            Your hero damage is relatively awful. You have terrible HD, with only a few thousand HD to be on par with a 14-10 Storm, when you are a 23-8 PA. That might be okay if you spent time farming but Juggernaut had 100 more last hits than you, and had 41.9k hero damage. Yes you might be losing but all the more reason for you to stick to your team and use that Deso + Vlads.

                            This game should have been easy for you. Weaver can't kite you because you have Dagger and Blink Strike. Just hit Abbadon if he tries to fight and when he casts ulti just dagger him and walk next to him because he's slowed. If you see Juggernaut don't stand alone, always close to somebody. Even then you can just Blink out of Bladefury/Omnislash. Only CM and Zeus might pose a problem because of all the magic damage but Zeus was a support, and CM can't kill you without ultimate. Just look out for that.

                            Despite your stats, your team played horribly and didn't play the game to your advantage. You had two hard disables that goes through magic immunity, Call and Dismember. Either you played very bad or your teammates played very bad, but I think it is a little bit of both.


                              @Signor Rapira
                              Thanks a lot for your reply, it seems like you made a detalized analysis of my match. I hope, this will help me in my future matches. The team played well, but with mistakes.
                              I underfarmed a bit, and usually got into fights not from begining, that's because I had not so much HD.
                              The biggest mistake was made by all our team. We rushed to destroy the last enemy's barrack, but we died and had no money for buyback. I personally was missing just 300 gold. And maybe if I had that 300 gold I could have stopped the enemy from crushing our Ancient from the middle. Thanks again for your analysis, I was glad to see and to read that. ^^


                                Signor rapira
                                Very bad item timing even after bf and manta. Just some tips that if you are losing badly you can always splitpush and farm their jungle because they will farm your jungle.

                                back to december

                                  ^ You got a feeder np that accomplish near to nothing and your team has a greedy draft, seems like you are the only one carrying the team haha


                                    Wow, overall a solid works there as Ember with beautiful end game score ;)
                                    Your laning stage must be really smooth there judging by Invoker item, nice job wrecking him and snowball from there.
                                    Because your enemy is fairly squishy, magic damage ember is definitely the way to go.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      I wanna be blunt with you and just say you had 0 impact in the game and your team could have won without you playing.

                                      First of all I don't see what role you tried to take on. Pos 1? PA looks the part. Pos 2? SF has got it covered. Pos 3? I think that would be Weaver. Pos 5? We both agree it was ES. That would leave the 4th position, and by just looking at your stats perhaps that's the most probable. However, if you were indeed a pos 4 roaming CK, equipped with an OoV at minute 0, weren't you supposed to get Arcane Boots and do an Aghanim's rush? Instead you itemized like a 1k CK, still trying to play like a carry but has no relevant items at any given time but have some wards in the inventory.

                                      Seeing as you were always a utility player (hell I even remember you playing Morph with Atos and some other gimmicky shit) I think you tried to fill in that pos 4 role but had no idea how to itemize CK as one. CK, like WK, has very potent roaming abilities. He has a stun and a forced movement mechanic. The only limiting factor is his mana pool, which is why you carry around a bunch of Clarities, a Mango, get that Wand ASAP, then rush Arc boots. After that get Aghanim's or Medallion into Solar Crest.

                                      Echo Sabre, Treads, BKB? Echo Sabre will give you nothing as you don't have enough damage. Treads might be okay to treadswitch but Arc is far superior unless you have like 4 heroes in your team getting Arc. Why would you need magic immunity when you aren't relevant enough to warrant attention over the other 3 cores?

                                      I guess your playstyle was good enough to deserve a win, but the hero you used to apply that playstyle was far from optimal. Check out guides about roaming cores if you want to go down that path some more. If you want to play carry CK better watch some videos by pro players.

                                      Carry on.


                                        woah wtf dude get a smurf


                                          Seems like a lp game, you tried your best at first, but when you lost, you just bought many sentries like trolling or something, heh. Shit happens.


                                            Vang before arcanes?
                                            Pretty sure this was a crimson game i wudve skipped mek, and gone arcanes crimson vlads pipe (if the game wud last any longer then ac)


                                              last match 5 month ago, it is out of patch, i can't say something insightful

                                              Gawr Gura

                                                10 minute Shadow Amulet on a support maiden. Not sure if actually afk farmed, or did it while warding early on. Latter would be more impressive. xD

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Oh shit here we see the man who made this all happen. Thanks for this, it's a really great idea.

                                                  From the looks of it you were put in a very hard lane. Either that or you last hit bad. A 24 minute Radiance is still okayish, ideally it should be taken before 20 minutes with Treads and RoA. However you had map control in the early stages of the game; secured once LC got her first duel win and started the steady snowball.

                                                  I think your late item timings was because you allowed Juggernaut and LC to have farm priority over you in the jungle and lane, and I think you did a good job seeing that a 120 minute game wasn't your aim when you picked Naga Siren (or maybe it was? idk with rat hero players). Good game impact in terms of assist, but building damage could have been better, as is with LH score. After all, after all lanes are pushed to the safety limit, it is your duty to send your illusions with Radiance to do some more pushing.

                                                  Although you had the full capacity to just take control of the map's farm, you didn't take that in favor of allowing your other cores to get farm. Being able to see win conditions is a must for any player, even if you aren't that mechanically talented or have godlike map sense, identifying the optimal times to win and how to do it sets you above all the other players.

                                                  Overall, micro skills aren't showcased this match, but adept decision making is present, which is way more important.


                                                    ^ takes so much time to type

                                                    Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                      You could possibly have won this game, if Weaver opted for support instead of a junky 4th core.

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        SAY SOMETHING INSIGHTFUL

                                                        Just trying to do what I can the best I can.


                                                          Nice typical stomp you got there and Dire really have it coming thanks to their 3+ carry line up.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            Sadly a very tough game for you to win that late, you are the only member of your team with enough damage to chew through their hearts. They simply have too many carries i think

                                                            I personally would've gone bthorn or crit instead of MKB, yes meepo has evasion and minibash cancels rearm, but i think higher dps is needed. my last item wouldve been rapier or bfly although you never got to that point

                                                            It sucks because you almost came back, but sometimes you get these shitty games as sniper


                                                              ez game ez life. It looks like you just fucked them and pushed.


                                                                Looks like a pure stomp to me, excluding the poor jugger on their team. He must have been frustrated. :(


                                                                  Just a typical venge game.


                                                                    Auch, tough lost there. Your chance of winning would be higher if only Doom doesn't disconnected.
                                                                    Anyway, i think in that game you should be the main carry instead of Venge (assuming you can). Venge is okay as a carry but against all those strong single-target brawler (AM and Troll Warlord), she can't do much especially if she get jumped on.


                                                                      ^ great job spamming

                                                                      young rich

                                                                        Shadow feind and slark got fed, and you didn't have a very good lineup against slark so he could get picks and snowball, and sf is just sf.


                                                                          Ok game as Ursa, the Miriana did well and meepo didn't have the impact I would have expected. Really dire loss is on them, with a 25 min cattlefury on that AM, clearly the supports didn't do a good job of protecting him.

                                                                          Of course that could be because you and Meeps blink and shit on AM but anyways, good job.


                                                                            Great job as knowing your role as Veno, doing hero damage, helping with supporting the team since there's no dedicated #5 position, and nice item choice of choosing the force staff over the veil first, since damage doesn't really seem to be a problem for your team, the force staff probably helped in a lot of situations where you/your teammates were caught in one of the enemy's stuns/traps.


                                                                              idk what to say, you did what you have to do, got items at a decent timings, carried the game and did you job well, your supports also did a pretty good job at securing your lane. it seems like your last hits were not that bad either although you can improve it, but it looks like you prefer fighting>farming and for that play style, i think your last hits is enough.


                                                                                I think you did pretty okay
                                                                                but your team kinda sucked, especially that qop.
                                                                                also the lack of pushing power from your team really made that game hard.

                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                  Hahahaha VHS smurf
                                                                                  With DR you did only 0.1k dmg higher then your omni and your dmg is so low on either hero or building dmg as a winning team.
                                                                                  Luck is on your side,typical 'did nothing much and won'


                                                                                    Bought a rapier and still had the 2nd lowest HD on your team. typical carry who just farms all game and claims he carried the game.
                                                                                    Next time gank more as ursa after you get your blink/shadow blade. I tend to go for blink over shadow when playing as ursa unless there are good passives worth disabling.

                                                                                    young rich

                                                                                      I like how you didn't go for the new right click lone Druid build, and I don't think I've ever seen that build before. It's a sort of hybrid bear+Druid build, but grats on your win you did highest HD.

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                                                                                        Complete obliteration of the enemy, really impressive timing of items and KDA! Well played, bud, not sure why it took you so long to finish considering your domination over the enemy.

                                                                                        core or whore

                                                                                          nice well rounded game
                                                                                          good kda did decent amount of damage as cm
                                                                                          commended for picking up force and glimmer instead of getting aghs dag like them midas cm's LOL


                                                                                            gross ember game, nice win but that ABBA damage was insane. Also funny silencer was your primary damage dealer to buildings... gj thou you wrecked them with plays


                                                                                              veil of discord might help much on your damage contribution.

                                                                                              overall your performance is above average.


                                                                                                Very high skill game, so anything coming from me would be trite anyway. Carried on the back of the OD, but as a support, near flawless item and skill build. I guess maybe in stompy games like that build a few more fun items! Rod etc


                                                                                                  nothing insightful in 2k games

                                                                                                  but u did imba hero dmg ( wp with that hero i congratz u)
                                                                                                  anti too pro in 2k game 450 lasthit in 45 min imba i never saw that
                                                                                                  spamm aba will give u 3k fast


                                                                                                    Nice carrying the game as OD while your LD just farmed the whole game.


                                                                                                      Well nothing i can say about your od last games.. Seems enemy rekt you.. The bright sides is that normal match not ranked match, so no minus..