General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is with NP stacking null talisman's and blademail?

What is with NP stacking null talisman's and blademail? in General Discussion

    I've seen this build come up lately, why is this build seeing a lot of gametime?


      cause it works? you prefer a 20 min furion woods and lose in 25 min?|


        because it works well, prophet can now tp in ight and not get killed in seconds nul good stats and bladmail helps you o do some m before u die, sometimes lina try o ult u bladmail ez katka u killed lina and did some dmg to others.


          bone7 did it once, then a guy made a thread about it on reddit


            beanao, its not that, there is no such thing as 25 min gg anymore towers are strong games are long meta men


              It's actually quite a while since it got popular.

              Got popular as Skywrath got popular, however it's a very cost efficient build aswell it has an easy build up.
              Blademail gives a bounch of rightclick damage for int heroes, aswell as talismens which nature can take great affect of as he can globally tp and activate blademail.

              Nobody can't really stand him 1v1 in early-midgame.

              Now, instead of teleporting in as a creep dying, he teleports in as a satanist raping.


                We used to do it on dota 1 days
                When i did it on dota 2 ppl flamed me (long time ago)
                the way i used to do it ( talking about q w e r skill set) w q w stats w r w stats stats stats r e e e e r q q q ....
                going mid get 2 null and phase boots then make 3rd null and blade mail and keep tp with u

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  y not trads on hp? attack speed plus u can trad switch to cast spells, and u have more hp to tank with bladmail


                    From stats and nulls i get hp the bonus damage from pb is really amazing with this build maybe ur right about pts but i prefer pb tbh so u can say both r good + the ms and noclip from pb is really needed to run or chase in this build


                      yeah... i used to lose a lot with furion cause i was like a creep tping in the middle of a fight (shit 4k players just letting me fight alone, etc). Like @DD says he's a satanist with the blademail and can just man up.

                      Dire Wolf

                        It's furions fighting build, tp into team fights and ganks. Nothing wrong with it, it's like when drow or sniper build 3 null talismans. It's fine if the np is using it effectively and scoring kills.


                          ^Drow and Sniper would buy 2 wraith bands + an aquila usually.

                          I know you mistyped null with wraith, but whatevers.

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